نشرت صحيفة المدينة في عددها الصادر يوم أمس مطالبة بعض المبتعثين والأطب ترجمة - نشرت صحيفة المدينة في عددها الصادر يوم أمس مطالبة بعض المبتعثين والأطب الإنجليزية كيف أقول

نشرت صحيفة المدينة في عددها الصادر

نشرت صحيفة المدينة في عددها الصادر يوم أمس مطالبة بعض المبتعثين والأطباء ببرنامج يهتم بتأهيل المبتعثين للدراسة في الخارج من الناحية النفسية والاجتماعية للتأقلم مع ظروف الدراسة في بلد الإبتعاث ولتخفيف الضغوط النفسية التي قد تساهم في إخفاق الطالب المبتعث دراسياً ، كما طالبوا بتوفير التأمين الصحي إضافة إلى تدريبهم على جوانب أخرى مثل إدارة الوقت والتوفيق بين مسؤوليات المنزل والدراسة إضافة إلى آلية التحكم في المصروف الشهري. مما ذكر في أهمية التأهيل النفسي للتغلب على ما أصبح يعرف بإسم الصدمة الحضارية إضافة إلى صعوبة البعد عن الأهل والأصدقاء ووجود ثقافات مختلفة وعادات جديدة وأسلوب حياة مغاير لما تعود عليه الطالب وخصوصاً أن بعض المبتعثين يكون الإبتعاث بالنسبة لهم هو أول رحلة سفر خارج أرض الوطن فهو لم يسبق له أن غادر الوطن أو تعرف على حضارات أو ثقافات أخرى .إن التأقلم والتعود بالنسبة للمبتعث من الأسس التي يجب أن يستوعبها المبتعث لكي يستطيع أن يعيش خارج إطار المجتمع الذي نشأ فيه وهذا لايعني أن يتجاوز المبتعث من أجل هذا التأقلم الأطر الشرعية بل عليه أن يسعى لمعرفة ماهي حقوقه في هذا المجتمع الجديد وماهي واجباته كما إن عليه الإلتزام بالأنظمة بحذافيرها وعدم التهاون في تطبيقها أو التساهل في هذا الأمر لوجود أنظمة صارمة للمحاسبة والعقوبات خصوصا مايتعلق بأنظمة السير أو غيرها من الأنظمة الأخرى .يتعامل المبتعثون مع الصدمة الحضارية على ثلاثة نماذج فبعضهم لايستطيع مجاراة هذه الصدمة فيعود إلى وطنه ، وبعضهم يرفض الواقع وينزوي في مجتمع يقوم بصناعته لنفسه محصوراً في بعض أصدقاء وطنه ، والبعض الآخر ينسلخ من حضارته وعاداته وهويته وينخرط في المجتمع الجديد،وجميع تلك الآثار سلبية فالمبتعث يجب عليه أن يسعى لأن يكون محافظاً على هويته وثقافته وفي نفس الوقت أن يكون منفتحاً على الآخرين مختلطاً مع المجتمع الآخر بحيث يتعلم منه ماينفع ويتجنب مايتعارض مع دينه وثقافته ومبادئه وهذا كله يحتاج إلى تأهيل وتدريب قبل الابتعاث .إنني أتمنى أن تعود الدورات التأهيلية للمبتعثين وأن تصبح شرطاً أساسياً للابتعاث وأن نعمل على دراسة أسباب إخفاق وعودة بعض المبتعثين أو إخفاق أولئك الذين لازالوا في الإبتعاث لنوجد الحلول اللازمة لخفض نسبتهم وذلك لمواصلة هذا البرنامج الطموح والذي سيساهم في تطوير وتأهيل العديد من القيادات لهذا الوطن .
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
--The city of today claim some scholars and physicians interested in the rehabilitation program, scholarships to study abroad in terms of psychological and social adaptation to conditions in the country of study scholarship to alleviate psychological pressure that may contribute to the failure of the Student Scholar curriculum, they also provide health insurance in addition to training on other aspects such as time management and reconciliation of the House and study in addition to the control mechanism in the monthly expenses. It said the importance of psychological rehabilitation to overcome what became known as the cultural shock in addition to the difficulty of distance from family, friends and the presence of different cultures and new habits and life style different from what are the student and especially that some students have Scholarships for them is the first travel outside the home he never left home, or learn about other civilizations or cultures. the adaptation and habituation to the scholarship of the FoundationMust be absorbed by the scholar to be able to live outside the community, and this does not mean that the scholar to this legitimate frameworks acclimatise but seek to learn what their rights in this new society and what the duties of the it compliance and zero tolerance in their application or leniency in the strict accounting regulations and sanctions, particularly with regard to regulations or other regulations aFor other deals with cultural shock for students three models could not keep up with some of this shock, returns to his homeland, some reject the reality and procurers in the Community industry itself confined to some friends home, others of civilization me, customs and identity and enrolls in the new community, and all those negative effects, the scholar must seek to be preserving its identity and culture and at the same time to be open to theOthers mixed with the other community to learn but be useful and avoids against safety with his religion and culture and its principles and all this needs to train before the scholarship. I hope that training courses for students and become a prerequisite for scholarship and study the causes of the failure and the return of some scholarships or failure of those who are still on scholarship to find solutions to reduce the ratio to continue this ambitious programme, which will contribute to the development and rehabilitation of many of the leaders of this nation.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
City newspaper published in its edition of yesterday claim some scholarships and doctors program is interested in the rehabilitation of scholarships to study abroad from the psychological and social terms to cope with the study conditions in the country of emission and to ease the psychological pressure that may contribute to the scholarship semester student failure, also called for the provision of health insurance in addition to training on other aspects such as time management and reconcile the responsibilities of home and study in addition to the control mechanism in the monthly expense. Which stated in the importance of psychological rehabilitation to overcome what has become known as culture shock in addition to the difficulty away from friends and family and the existence of different cultures and customs of a new style different life to what has in the student and especially that some scholarships have scholarship for them is the first travel trip outside the home is not never be left home or Learn civilizations or other cultures. The cope and get a feel for the scholarship from the foundation that must be absorbed by the scholarship in order to be able to live outside the community where he was raised and this does not mean that exceed the scholarship for this adaptation legitimate frameworks, but he has to seek To find out what are their rights in this new society and what his duties as if it Compliance entirety and not to relent in their application or leniency in this matter to the presence of strict regulations for accounting and sanctions especially Maitalq walk or other systems systems .ataaml Scholarship holders with culture shock on the three models, some of them can not keep up This shock goes back to his homeland, and some of them refuse to reality and retire in a society based Besnaath for himself confined to some friends of his homeland, and others sloughing of civilization and customs and identity and engage in the new society, and all those effects negative Valambtos he must seek to be maintaining its identity and culture and at the same time to be open to others mixed with the other community, so learn from Mainf avoids Maitard with religion and culture, principles and all of this needs to rehabilitation and training before scholarship .anna I wish I could go back qualifying sessions for students on scholarships and become an essential condition of the scholarship and work on the study of the causes of the failure and the return of some scholarships or the failure of those who are still in the scholarship to create necessary to reduce the proportion of solutions in order to continue this ambitious program, which will contribute to the development and rehabilitation of many of the leaders of this country.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
City newspaper published in yesterday's edition of the claim of some scholars and doctors concerned with rehabilitation programme of scholarships for study abroad of psychological, social, and to cope with the conditions of this study. A country of this scholarship to relieve stress.May contribute to the failure of the student scholarship, also called the curriculum provision of health insurance as well as training to other aspects, such as time management and compromise between the responsibilities of the home and add a mechanism to control the monthly pocket money.Which mentioned the importance of psychological rehabilitation to overcome what became known as the cultural shock in addition to the difficulty of being away from family and friends and a new way of life and different culture and customs that student especially due to some scholarsThis scholarship is for them to travel outside the home is the first he has never left the home and learn other cultures or cultures.To get a feel for the Llmbtth principles that must be accommodated by the reflector in order to be able to live outside of the community from which it doesn't mean that exceed the resurrected for this adaptation frameworks legitimacy but that seeks to find out what it is.In this new society and the duty and the obligation of strict regulation and fault tolerance in the application or leniency in this matter because of severe penalties, especially regarding the accounting systems traffic regulations and other regulations.Scholarship holders to deal with the shock of civilization on the three models, some of them can't keep up with the shock and goes back to his homeland, and refuses to retreat in a manufactured himself confined in the some of his friends, others to dissociate himself from his or her ownIdentity, becoming involved in the new society, all these negative effects Falmbtth must strive to have maintained its identity and culture and at the same time, to be open to the others were mixed with other community to learn from Maynf avoidsWith the religion and culture of all of this needs to be qualified and trained by the scholarship.I wish that the qualifying courses Llmbtthyn and becomes a prerequisite for the scholarship and work to study the causes of failure and the return of some scholars, those who failed this scholarship. To create solutions to reduce the proportion, in order to maintainThe ambitious program, which will contribute to the development and rehabilitation of many of the leaders of this country.The presence of Dr. khawla talks about Saudi women was of great importance because they are known in the medical and scientific community through its research demonstrated that Saudi women have managed to compete in international forums, as well as being a member of the
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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