الشيخ عبد الحميد بن باديسرائد النهضة العلمية والإصلاحية في الجزائر 189 ترجمة - الشيخ عبد الحميد بن باديسرائد النهضة العلمية والإصلاحية في الجزائر 189 الإنجليزية كيف أقول

الشيخ عبد الحميد بن باديسرائد النهض

الشيخ عبد الحميد بن باديس

رائد النهضة العلمية والإصلاحية في الجزائر 189-1940

اسمه ونسبه :

هو عبد الحميد بن محمّد المصطفى بن المكّيّ بن محمّد كحول بن علي سليل الجدّ الأعلى "مناد بن منقوش" كبير قبيلة تَلْكَاتَة (أو تُلُكّاتة أو تْلَكّاتة) وهي فرع من أمجاد صنهاجة أشهر القبائل البربرية في الجزائر والمغرب الإسلامي.

ونسب أُسْرَتِهِ عريق في الشرف والمكانة، مشهور بالعلم والثراء والجاه، عرفت منه شخصيات تاريخية كبيرة من أبرزها "المعزّ لدين الله بن باديس" أشهر حكام الدّولة الصّنهاجيّة التي عرفت باسم دولة "بني زيري" نسبة إلى الأمير "بلكّين بن زيري بن مناد الصّنهاجيّ".

كما عُرفت شخصيات أخرى من نسبه العريق، حتى أن "شيخ الإسلام عبد الكريم الفكون" (988-1073 هـ/1580-1662 م) ذكر أنه اجتمع أربعون عمامة من أسرة "بن باديس" في وقت واحد في التّدريس والإفتاء والوظائف الدينية، وتكاد تكون وظيفة القضاء في قسنطينة قاصرة على علماء هذه الأسرة زمنا طويلا; من أشهرهم القاضيان "أبو العبّاس حميدة بن باديس"، وجده لأبيه "المكّيّ بن باديس".

وَالِدُهُ "محمّد المصطفى بن باديس" صاحب مكانة مرموقة بين جماعة الأشراف، تبوأ منصب النائب المالي والعمالي لقسنطينة، وعضوا في المجلس الجزائري الأعلى وباش آغـا شرفيا، ومستشارا بلديا بمدينة قسنطينة. وشحت فرنسا صدره "بوسام الاحترام" من رتبة "أوفيسي". ويعود إليه الفضل في إنقاذ سّكّان منطقة واد الزناتي من الإبادة الجماعية عام 1945 م على إثر حوادث 8 ماي المشهورة. وقد اشتغل كذلك بالفلاحة والتجارة، وأثرى فيهما.

وَالِدَتُهُ "زهيرة بنت علي"; كريمة من كرام عائلة "ابن جلول" المعروفة بالعلم والصلاح والثراء في مدينة قسنطينة، وهي من قبيلة "بني معاف" المشهورة في جبال الأوراس.

مولده :

وُلِدَ الشّيخ عبد الحميد بن باديس يوم الأربعاء الحادي عشر من ربيع الثاني سنة 1307 ﻫ الموافق للرابع من ديسمبر سنة 1889 م بمدينة "قسنطينة"،وهو الولد البِكر لأبويه.

نشأته وتعليمه :

نشأ الشّيخ ابن باديس في أحضان أسرة متمسكة بالدين والمحافظة على القيام بشعائره، وحرصا على تنشئة أبنائها على أساس تربية إسلامية وتقاليد أصيلة; عهد به والده وهو في الخامسة من عمره إلى الشّيخ "محمّد بن المدَّاسي" أشهر مُقرئي بقسنطينة، فحفظ القرآن وتجويده وعمره لم يتجاوز الثالثة عشرة سنة.. ولما أبدى نجابة في الحفظ وحسن الخلق، قدّمه ليؤم المصلين في صلاة التراويح لمدّة ثلاثة سنوات متوالية في الجامع الكبير. ثم تلقى منذ عام 1903 م مبادئ العلوم العربيّة والشّرعيّة بجامع "سيدي محمّد النجار" من العالم الجليل الشّيخ "حمدان الونيسي" وهو من أوائل الشيوخ الذين لهم أثر طيب في حياته.

وفي سنة 1910 م سُجل بجامع الزّيتونة حيث أكمل تعليمه ووسع معارفه، فتتلمذ على صفوة علماء الزّيتونة ومشاهير الأعلام أمثال الشّيوخ : "محمّد النّخليّ القيروانيّ"، و"محمّد الطّاهر بن عاشور"، و"محمّد الخضر بن الحسين"، و"محمّد الصادق النيفر".. لينال عام 1911 م شهادة التّطويع (العَالِمِيَّة) وكان ترتيبه الأوّل بين جميع الطّلبة الناجحين، وهو الطالب الجزائريّ الوحيد الذي تخرّج في تلك الدّورة ثّم بقي بتونس عاماً بعد تخرّجه يُدَرّس ويَدرس على عادة المتخرجين في ذلك العهد.

رحلته إلى الحجاز :

لم يكن للشّيخ ابن باديس من غرض بعد عودته من تونس إلا الانتصاب للتّعليم في مسقط رأسه "قسنطينة"، فباشر إلقاء الدّروس من كتاب "الشّفا" للقاضي عياض في الجامع الكبير، لكنّه سرعان ما منع من الإدارة الفرنسيّة بسعي المفتى في ذلك العهد; بعدها عزم على أداء فريضة الحجّ عام 1913 م.

وبعد أداء مناسك الحجّ زار المدينة المنوّرة ومكث بها ثلاثة أشهر، تعرّف فيها على الشّيخ "محمّد البشير الإبراهيميّ" وقضا معه ليالي تلك الأشهر الثلاثة كلها في وَضْع البرامج والوسائل التي تنْهَضُ بها الجزائر. كما أتيح له أن يتّصل بشّيخه "حمدان الونيسي" والتقى بمجموعة من كبار العلماء منهم الشّيخ "حسين أحمد الفيض أبادي الهنديّ"، وألقى بحضورهم على مشهد كثير من المسلمين درساً في الحرم النّبويّ.

وفي تلك الفترة وجد الشّيخ ابن باديس نفسه بين خيارين، إما أن يلبي دعوة شيخه "الونيسي" في الإقامة الدائمة بالمدينة وقطع كل علاقة له بالوطن، وإما أن يأخذ بنصيحة الشّيخ "حسين أحمد الهندي" بضرورة العودة إلى وطنه وخدمة الإسلام فيه والعربية بقدر الجهد.. فاقتنع برأي الشّيخ الثاني، وقرر الرجوع إلى الوطن بقصد خدمته.

وعند رجوعه، عرج على مصر، زار جامع الأزهر الشريف بالقاهرة ووقف على نظام الدراسة والتّعليم فيه، ثم زار مفتي الدّيار المصريّة الشّيخ "محمّد بخيث المطيعيّ" في داره بحلوان رفقة صديقه "إسماعيل جغر" المدرس بالأزهر، قدم له كتاب من شيخه "الونيسي" فأحسن استقباله وكتب له إجازة في دفتر إجازاته بخط يده.

نشاطه الإصلاحي :

· التربية والتّعليم :

أولى الشّيخ ابن باديس التربية والتّعليم اهتماماً بالغاً ضمن برنامج الحركة الإصلاحية التي قادها ووجهها، فالتربية عنده هي حجر الأساس في كل عمل بنائي، لذلك أعطاها كل جهده ووقته، فبدأ نشاطه التّربوي والتّعليمي بالجامع الأخضر أوائل جمادى الأول 1332 ﻫ / 1914 م، يدرّس الطلبة كامل النّهار وفق برنامج مسطر لكل مستوى، ويلقي دروساً في تفسير القرآن، والحديث النبوي الشريف من الموطأ بالإضافة إلى الوعظ والإرشاد لعامة الناس في المساء، ويخص صغار الكتاتيب القرآنية بعد خروجهم منها بجملة من دروسه. ثم وسع نشاطه بإلقاء دروس في مسجد سيدي قموش ومسجد سيدي عبد المؤمن، وقام في أيام الراحة الأسبوعية وأيام الإجازة الصيفية بجولات لمختلف مناطق القطر.

وبعد بضع سنوات من التّعليم المسجدي رأى جماعة من الفضلاء المتصلين به تأسيس مكتب يكون أساساً للتّعليم الابتدائي العربي سنة 1926 م، انبثقت عنه سنة 1930 م مدرسة جمعيّة التربية والتّعليم الإسلامية. ودعا الجزائريّين إلى تأسيس فروع لها في أنحاء الجزائر.

وحرصا منه على رعاية الطلبة كوّن لجنة للعناية بهم ومراقبة سيرهم والإشراف على الصندوق المالي المخصص لإعانتهم، وأرسل المتفوقين والقادرين منهم على مواصلة الدارسة العليا إلى جامع الزّيتونة والأزهر. وحثّ على تعليم المرأة، وأولى تعليمها اهتماماً كبيراً، فألقى دروس وعظ خاصة للنساء بالجامع الأخضر، وخص البنات بدروس في مدرسة جمعيّة التربية والتّعليم، وأقر لهن مجانية التّعليم، وسعى لتمكينهن من مواصلة التّعليم الثانوي والعالي في المشرق العربي.

وفي سبيل إصلاح التّعليم وترشيد المناهج التّربوية في الجزائر دعا رجال التربية والتّعليم إلى مؤتمر عقد عام 1937 م بنادي الترقّي لتبادل الآراء فيما يهم التّعليم العربي الحر ومدارسه ومساجده ونظمه وأساليبه. كما شار
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Sheikh Abdelhamid Ben Badis

leading scientific renaissance and reform in Algeria 189-1940

name and lineage:

Abdul Hamid bin Mohammed bin Mustafa al-Makki bin Mohammed bin Ali alcohol descendant of ancestor "caller Ben engraved" large tribe Tlkath (or Tlkath or Tlkath), a branch of the glories of Sanhaja months Berber tribes in Algeria and the Islamic Maghreb.

The ratios in the family tradition of honor and prestige, a famous science and wealth and prestige, I knew him from the great historical figures, most notably "Moez Ledin Allah Ben Badis" Alsnhadjiyh months rulers of the state known as the state "built Ministers" relative to the PrinceBin Bin caller Senhadji ministers. "

Known as other characters from the ancient lineage, so that the "Abdul-Karim al-Islam Alvkon" (988-1073 AH / 1580-1662 AD) stated that he met Forty turban of a family, "Ben Badis" at one time in teaching and Fatwa and religious functions, and are almost The function of the judiciary inLimited to the scholars of this family for a long time;Judges of the most famous "Abu Abbas benign Ben Badis," to his father and grandfather, "al-Makki Ben Badis."

His father, "Mohammed Mustafa Ben Badis" His prestige among a group supervision, he became the deputy financial and labor to Constantine, a member of the Supreme Council of the Algerian and Bash Agha ceremonial, and municipal counselors in Constantine.France and tight chest "Order of respect" from the rank of "Ovece." And is credited with saving the residents of the valley Zinati of genocide in 1945, following incidents May 8 famous. Has worked well Bafilahh and trade, and enriched them.

His mother "girl Zahira Ali"; patronage of Crum family "son Jalul" known to science and goodness and richness in the city of Constantine, a tribe of "Bani Exempted" famous in the Aures Mountains. Birthday


Born Sheikh Abdelhamid Ben Badis Wednesday atheist th of April in 1307, corresponding to December 4 1889 in "Constantine," a virgin boy to his parents.

Upbringing and education:

Sheikh Ibn Badis grew up in the arms of a family committed to religion and the preservation of Bashaaúrh do, and in order to bring up their children on the basis of Islamic education and the authentic traditions;The reign of his father, a five-year old to the Sheikh, "Mohammed bin Madasa" Constantine Mqrii months, keeping the Koran and recite the age of no more than thirteen years ..As shown confront the conservation and good manners, to lead his congregation in Taraweeh prayers for three consecutive years in the Grand Mosque.Then received since 1903, the principles of the Arab Science and legitimacy Mosque "Sidi Mohamed Najjar," of the world Galilee Sheikh "Hamdan Lounici" It is one of the first senators who have a good effect in his life.

In the year 1910 record Zaytuna Mosque where he completed his education and expanded knowledge, Vttelmz on Zaytuna elite scientists and celebrities such as flags Senate:"Mohammed Alnkhali of Cyrene," and "Mohamed Tahar Ben Achour," and "vegetable bin Mohammed Hussein," and "Muhammad Sadiq Ennifar" ..To obtain a certificate in 1911 localization (WHO) and was ranked first among all the successful students, which is the only Algerian student who graduated in that session and then remained in Tunis years after graduating taught and taught usually graduates in that

Journey to the Hijaz:

Not by Shaykh Ibn Badis of purpose after returning from Tunisia, but the erection of education in his hometown, "Constantine," Fbeshr take lessons from the book "Shifa" the judge Ayaz in the Great Mosque, but he soon banned from the French administration in this endeavor MuftiThen a determination to perform the Hajj in 1913.

After performing Hajj visited Medina and he stayed three months, you know where the Sheikh "Mohammed Bashir Ibrahimi," and with him Qdha s all three of those months in the development of programs and methods undertaken by Algeria.It also has been made available to him to communicate Bashikhh "Hamdan Lounici" and met with a group of senior scholars, including Sheikh "Ahmed Hussein flux Abadi Indian," and threw their presence on the scene of many Muslims a lesson in the Holy Mosque.

In that period, Sheikh Ibn Badis found himself between two options, either to meet the call sheikh "Lounici" permanent residence in the city and cut off all ties with his homeland, and either take the advice of Sheikh "Ahmed Hussein Indian" need to return to their homeland and the service of IslamAnd Arabic as much effort.. COM Sheikh second opinion, and decided to return to his home with a view.

And when he returned, he stopped to Egypt, visited the Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo and stop the study and education system, and then visited the Grand Mufti of Egypt, Sheikh "Mohammed Boukat Motaey" in the company of his friend, his home in Helwan, "Ismail Jagger" Al-Azhar teacher, gave him a bookSheikha "Lounici" so well greeted and wrote his book vacations leave in his handwriting.

Reformist activity:

· Education:

First Shaykh Ibn Badis of Education attaches great importance within the program of the reform movement led by her face, she has Education is the cornerstone of all structural work, so I gave her all the effort and time, he began his education and teaching MosqueEarly Akhir 1332 AH / 1914, students study full-day program underlined according to each level, and cast lessons in interpretation of the Koran, and the hadith of Muwatta addition to preaching and guidance to the general public in the evening, and for small Koranic schoolsAfter the exit of a set of lessons.Then expanded his throwing lessons in Qmosh Mosque and the Mosque of Sidi Sidi Abdel insured, and in the weekly rest days and days of summer vacation trips to various regions of the country.

After a few years of education Almsadjada saw a group of virtuous callers by establishing the Office of the basis for the primary education of the Arab year 1926, it emerged in 1930 School Education Association and the Islamic Education.He called on Algerians to establish branches in parts of Algeria.

Keen to take care of the fact that students of a committee to take care of them and control their curricula and supervision of the financial fund dedicated to helping them, and sent them excelling and who are able to continue to study the upper and the Al-Azhar Mosque Zaytuna.He urged the education of women, and the first great attention to education, threw lessons preached especially for women green mosque, singled out the girls lessons in the School Education Association, acknowledged them with free education, and sought to enable them to continue their educationAnd higher education in the Arab Mashreq.

In the matter of education reform and rationalization of educational curricula in Algeria called on educators and education to a conference held in 1937 the club to promotion to exchange views on matters of Arab education and free schools and mosques and systems and methods. The char
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Sheikh Abdelhamid Ben Badis

pioneer scientific Renaissance and reform in Algeria 189-1940

name and ratio:

Is Abdul Hamid bin Mohammed Al-Mustafa bin Makki Mohammed Ben Ali a descendant of ancestor spirit "Menad Ben embossed" big tribe of telkath (or telkath or telkath) is a branch of the glories of the sanhaja Berber tribes in months, Algeria and Morocco.

His family has a long pedigree in the honor and prestige, celebrity science, wealth and fame, known from great historical figures, notably the "Al-mu'izz Li-din Allah ibn Badis" months Governors State alsenhaget known as "Brown" by Prince Ibn Ziri Ibn Menad senhadji ".

As it known other figures from ancient history, even the "Sheikh of Islam Abdel Karim alfkon" (988-1073/1580-1662 CE) he met forty turban family "Ben Badis" at one time in teaching and issuing fatwas and religious posts, almost judicial function in Limited to the scientists for a long time; Of the best known judges Abbas "benign", Ben Badis and his grandfather to his father "Makki bin Badis."

His father, Muhammad al-Mustafa ibn Badis "his reputation among the community supervision, financial and labour Deputy of Constantine, a member of the Algerian Supreme Council and bash AG a municipal Adviser Emeritus, in the city of Constantine. And she be or become stingy France chest "Medal" rank "ofisi". And is credited with saving the Valley zanaty of genocide in 1945 following the incidents of 8 May. Has also worked with agriculture and trade, enriched by.

His mother "Zahira girl"; Of the Crum family son djelloul known as science and goodness and richness in Constantine, the tribe built the famous "MAAF Aures.


Cheikh Abdelhamid Ben Badis Wednesday 11 March 1307
for fourth of July 1889 in the city of "Constantine," a Virgin boy to his parents and his childhood


Sheikh ibn Badis grew up in the arms of a family committed to religion and to practise their own religion, and to bring up their children on the basis of authentic Islamic traditions; Entrusted his father's five-year-old boy to Sheikh Mohammed bin almadasi "month by reciters of Constantine, Quran, tajweed, aged only thirteen years old. As we showed in the conservation and good manners, to lead the Congregation in prayers for three consecutive years in the great mosque. Then received since 1903 m Arabic Sciences, legality principles, "Mr. Mohammed Alnajjar" spectabile Sheikh Hamdan lounici "and is one of the first senators who have a good effect on his life.

In 1910, record the Zitouna mosque, where he completed his education and expand their knowledge, schooled elite scientists and media celebrities like the olive tree: "Muhammad alnkhali Al-qayrawani," Mohammad Taher Ibn Ashour, Mohamed Khader Hussein, Mohammed Sadiq, Ennifar. ". To obtain in 1911 CE certificate of localization (International) and was ranked first among all students and is the only Algerian student who graduated in that session and then remained in Tunisia after graduating studied and taught in the graduate

Journey to Hijaz:

If not for the Sheikh ibn Badis of purpose after returning from Tunisia, but erection of education in his hometown, "Constantine", proceeded to take lessons from the book "Al-Shifa" cadi Ayyad in the great mosque, but was soon banned from the French administration with the Mufti's in it After the intention to perform the Hajj in 1913 m.

After pilgrimage visited Madinah and stayed three months, where Sheikh Mohammed Al-Bashir "and spend the nights with him all three months in programme development and the means of Algeria. It also made available the elder "Hamdan lounici" and met with a group of leading scientists including Sheikh Hussein Ahmed abaadi flux ", and their presence on the scene of many Muslims a lesson in Haram.

In that period he found Sheikh ibn Badis himself between two options, either invited elder "lounici in permanent residence in the city and cut all links with home, either to take the advice of Sheikh Hussein Ahmed" to return to his homeland and Islam And Arabic as much effort.. Com to view Sheikh II, and decided to return home to serve.

When he returned, he stopped in Egypt, Al-Azhar mosque in Cairo, a system of study and education, and then visited the Grand Mufti of Egypt, Sheikh Mohamed bkhith almotie "in the circuit in Helwan friend" Ismail gghar Al-Azhar teacher, gave him a book Elder "lounici" best receiving his Bachelor wrote the book vacations in manuscript.

Corrective activity:

· Education:

The first Sheikh ibn Badis education attention within the reform movement led by and by, when education is the cornerstone of every business builders, so given all the effort and time, began his education in the University Early April 1332 e/1914, students study the whole day programme underlined for each level, and lessons on interpretation of the Koran and the Hadith of Al-muwatta in addition to preaching and guidance to the public in the evenings, young Koranic schools After the exit of his lessons. And then expanded his business to take classes at the mosque of Sidi kmosh mosque and Sidi abdelmoumen, weekly rest days and days of summer tours to different regions of the country.

After a few years of education the mosque saw a group of virtuous callers by establishing the Office as a basis for Arab education in 1926, led to the year 1930 school Islamic Education Association. He called on Algerians to establish branches throughout Algeria.

And to students that a Committee to take care of them and their control and supervision of the financial Fund for helping them, and sent students and able to continue high school to the Zitouna mosque and Al-Azhar. He urged the education of women, and first taught, he was preaching lessons for women in the mosque, and in particular girls lessons in school education association, endorsed them free education, to enable them to continue education And higher in the Arab Mashreq.

For education reform and rationalization of the educational curriculum in Algeria called on educators and education conference held in 1937 the Club promotion to the exchange of views on the matter of education free and its schools and his mosques and systems and methods. As char
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Sheikh Abdul Hamid bin in Addis

Renaissance leading scientific and correctional in Algeria 189-1940

name and parentage :

It was not of Sheikh Ibn in Addis of purpose after his return from Tunisia, but erectile dysfunction (ED) for education in his hometown of "Constantine", فباشر the lessons from the book "Shifa" to the judge, Eiad at the Grand Mosque, but he was quickly to prevent the French administration's pursuit in the Mufti,

The Abdul Hamid bin Mohammad Al-Mustafa bin al-Makki bin Mohammad bin the scion of alcohol seriously Supreme "Proponents Bin engraved" large تلكاتة tribe (or تلكاتة or تلكاتة) a branch of the glories of ad brought with it the Sanhaja Berbers months Berber tribes in Algeria and Morocco.Bin ZERI ibn Mansur bin proponents".He attributed his family had a long tradition of honor and prestige, popular science and wealth's family and superiority, and I knew him, the most prominent of great historical figures "Al-Moez religion Allah Ben Badis" months rulers of the State, which was commonly known as the state of "Bani ZERI" ratio of the Prince

Limited to the scholars of the family for a long time;It also defined other figures of ancient descent, so that "Sheikh of Islam Abdul Karim الفكون" (988-1073 e/1580-1662 M) said that he had met forty turban of a family "Ben Badis" at one time in teaching religious functions and fatwas, almost judicial function inThe most famous of judges "Abu Al-Abbas Hamida Ben Badis", he found his father "Mecca Ben Badis" .

His father "Mohammad Al-Mustafa Ben Badis" the author of the prominent place among a group of supervision, he assumed the post of Deputy challenger financial لقسنطينة, a member of the Algerian-Supreme Agha Honorary adviser, municipal city of Constantine.France have diminished considerably medal chest "respect" from the rank of "Uffici". is due to him to save the inhabitants of the area of Al Zinati OF GENOCIDE OF 1945 M on the following incidents 8 Mai famous. The worked also cultivator, trade, and enriched them.

His mother "Zahira Bint"; decent Crame family of "Son of Jaloul" known as science Redemption and wealth in the city of Constantine, a tribe of "healthy" famous built in Aures mountains.

birth :

Ould Sheikh Abdul Hamid bin in Addis on Wednesday the 11th of Rabi II, 1307 Hijri year fourth of December 1889 M in "Constantine", the eldest child parents.

its inception and Education :

Sheikh ibn arose in Addis in the embrace of the Family sticks to religion and to بشعائره, in order to bring up their children on the basis of Islamic education authentic traditions;The era of his father, a five-year-old boy to Sheikh Mohamed Bin المداسى" months مقرئى NRM would, the Qur'an was third age did not exceed ten years.Since the نجابة in conservation and good character, submitted to lead prayers in tarawih prayers for three consecutive years at the Grand Mosque.Then received since the year 1903, the principles of science and legitimacy in Um Al-Qora Arab "Sidi Mohamed al-Najjar" from the world of Galilee, Sheikh "Hamdan Lounici" from early Senate who have good effect in his life.

In 1910, a record at Zeitouna University where he completed his education and expanded its knowledge, the elite فتتلمذ Zaytuna scholars and celebrities media such as Senate:"Mohammad النخلى Simon of Cyrene", and "Mohammad Taher Ben Ashour", and "Mohammad Bin Al-Hussein Green", and "Mohammad Sadiq النيفر"..

his trip to Hejaz :

To Legalize 1911 M certificate of adaptation (global) and was ranked first among all the students who are successful, student only Algerian, who graduated in that session and then remained in Tunisia Years After graduating from studies and examines the usually graduates in thatBeyond the determination on the performance of the Hajj pilgrimage in 1913 M.

It was not of Sheikh Ibn in Addis of purpose after his return from Tunisia, but erectile dysfunction (ED) for education in his hometown of "Constantine", فباشر the lessons from the book "Shifa" to the judge, Eiad at the Grand Mosque, but he was quickly to prevent the French administration's pursuit in the Mufti,After the performance of the Hajj visited Medina and stayed for three months, you know where the Sheikh Mohamed al-Bashir Brahimi" and spending nearly three months with him nights that all in the programs and means of Algeria.It also allowed the related بشيخه "Hamdan Lounici" and met with a group of senior scientists, including Sheikh "Hussein Ahmad al-Faid Ebadi Indian", and their presence on the scene of many Muslims a lesson in Prophet's Mosque.

and Arabic as much effort.In that period the sheikh's son found in Addis itself between two options, either to meet the Sihe call "Lounici" in permanent residence in the city and cut all ties with him at home, or take the advice of Sheikh "Hussein Ahmad Indian" need to return to their homeland and Islam. MOJ Sheikh second opinion, and decided to revert to the home with a view to his service.

Confining "Lounici" uncovering wrote his book a vacation in his handwriting.

reformist activity :

. Of Education :

When he returned, he stopped to Egypt, he visited a mosque Al-Azhar in Cairo, and stood on the study, education, and then visited the Mufti of Egypt, Sheikh Mohamed rooms have been المطيعى" in his home in Helwan which together with his friend "Ismail جغر" teacher in Al-Azhar, presented to him a bookFirst, Sheikh ibn in Addis OF EDUCATION great attention within the program of reform movement led by directed, parenting is where is the cornerstone in all the work of the builders, therefore, given by every effort and time, started its activity education mosqueAfter their exit from, inter alia, from its lessons.Early jamaadi-ul-awwal 1332H (1914 M, students full day, according to a program written for each level, and give lessons in the interpretation of the Koran, the Prophet's Sharif of الموطا in addition to preaching and guidance to the public in the evening, in particular young Koranic schoolsThen extended its activity lessons in a mosque Sir قموش mosque and Mr. Abdul Momen, the weekly rest days in summer vacation days tours to various areas of the country.

After a few years of education المسجدى View Caller Fudalaa group from the establishment of the Office be mainly Arab primary education in 1926, emerged from the 1930 M school education, Islamic Association.He called on Algerians to establish branches in parts of Algeria.

In order to care for the students the fact that the Commission on their care and control their curricula vitae and supervise the fund ad hoc financial them with their child-rearing, and sent students and capable of them to continue to study the supreme Zaytouna Mosque and Al-Azhar.He urged the women's education, education was given considerable attention, and lessons preached for women Green Mosque, in particular girls lessons in School Education Association, he admitted to them free education, and sought to enable them to continue educationHigher education in the Arab Mashreq.

in educational reform and rationalize educational curricula in Algeria called for men of education to a conference held in 1937, the club promotion to exchange views with concern education free Arab schools mosques and systems and methods. As Char
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