الايمان بالله شئ مهم في حياتنا والناس الغير مؤمنين يعانون دائما لفقدان ترجمة - الايمان بالله شئ مهم في حياتنا والناس الغير مؤمنين يعانون دائما لفقدان الإنجليزية كيف أقول

الايمان بالله شئ مهم في حياتنا والن

الايمان بالله شئ مهم في حياتنا والناس الغير مؤمنين يعانون دائما لفقدانهم ذالك السر من أسرار الوجود الذى به يواجهون المصاعب والمحن والمصائب عندما تؤمن بأن كل الخير يأتي من الله أما كل شر يأتي من غيره . تدعوه للإنقاذك وحمايتك . وترضى بقدره المكتوب عليك لأنه أولا وأخير هو خالقك و يعرف مصلحتك . شرط أن الا تعزي كل شئ للقدر فأنت تشارك في صنع حياتك فلقد خلقك الله حرا تصنع ما تشاء فربما تصنع من نفسك مجرما أو تصنع منها سويا . الايمان هو الشئ الذي إذا إقتنع به الفرد لن يخسره ابدا ولن يخسر بسببه اي شئ . فلما لا نؤمن . ‏
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Theism something important in our lives and unbelieving people always suffer the loss Malk secret of the secrets of its existence, which are facing difficulties and misfortunes and calamities when you believe that all good comes from God while all evil comes from the other.Invites him to save you and protect you. Satisfied with the ability of you because it is written first and last resort is the Creator and knows your benefit. The condition that only strengthen everything as much as you participate in the making of your life God has created you free to make whatever you want might make of yourself or make them criminals together.Faith is the thing that if it is satisfied by an individual will never lose and will not lose because of anything. When he does not believe.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Faith in God is something important in our life and unbelieving people suffer always for the loss that the secret of the mysteries of existence which are facing difficulties and tribulations and calamities when believes that all good comes from God as all evil comes from the other. Call llankazek and protect you. And accept written you because it's the first and last is your Creator and knows your business. If only everything were attributable to the extent you are involved in making your life, your creation of God free make whatever you want you may make yourself a criminal or making together. Faith is a thing that if satisfied by the individual will lose and lose because of anything. Why not believe.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
faith in God is important in our lives and people uninsured always suffer loss, the secret of the secrets of the presence of the trials and tribulations facing difficulties when believes that all good comes from God, all the evil that comes from others.Calling للانقاذك online scams. Nicely written you give sufficient because, first, and finally is the Creator and know your own interests. The requirement that only attributed everything fate you participate in decision-making your life has created thee, free make what you want, it may make of yourself a criminal or make them together.Faith is the thing, if it is satisfied by the individual will not lose and will not lose any thing because of it. But when he did not believe. ‏
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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