في بلادي الوضع سيّء بس الحكومه لان البلد غني بالخيرات والثروات لأكن الحكومه تسرف الشعب لانها مجموعه من الاحزاب ومتقسمه الثروات بينهم هذا محزن جدآ لانوجد حقوق للمواطن البسيط
My situation is bad government, because the avatar country rich in goodness and wealth but government people overboard for a group of parties and wealth be divided among them this very sad lanogd the rights of ordinary citizens
In my bad situation Bs government because the country is rich in blessings and riches of the government I did go overboard to the people as a group of parties and Mottagsmh wealth, including this very sad Anojd simple citizen rights
In my country, but the situation is bad because it is rich and wealth, the people here because it is a party Wmtqsmh wealth among them is very sad Lanwjd citizen's rights simple