لنتذكر بالماضي مافعله ملك السعوديه الملك فيصل قديما تجاه القضيه الفلسطينيه حين امر بقطع البترول عن أمريكا ونتذكر أيضاً صدام حسين حين ارسل صورايخ ل اسرائيل
To remember what the last King, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia obsolete towards the Palestinian issue When ordered to cut oil from America And also remember Saddam Hussein sent missiles to Israel
Remember what he has done for the past king of Saudi Arabia, King Faisal old toward the Palestinian issue when ordered to cut off oil for America also remember when Saddam Hussein sent missiles to Israel
To remember the past, I, king of Saudi Arabia, King Faisal, to validate the when ordered to cut off oil exports to America and remember too, when Saddam Hussein sent rockets to Israel