وفي البداية رغم ان الرياضة هي وسيلة طبيعية للتخلص من الكرش والوزن الزا ترجمة - وفي البداية رغم ان الرياضة هي وسيلة طبيعية للتخلص من الكرش والوزن الزا الإنجليزية كيف أقول

وفي البداية رغم ان الرياضة هي وسيلة

وفي البداية رغم ان الرياضة هي وسيلة طبيعية للتخلص من الكرش والوزن الزائد
الا ان للاسف البعض منا غير متفرغ حقاً لقضاء ساعة من الرياضة يومياً بسبب ضغوط الشغل والحياة العامة , ولكن هناك طريقة اخرجها لنا الدكتور (مايكل) من ابحاثة الشهيرة عن التخسيس , اليكم الان هذة الطريقة الفعالة

1- عن طريق تقسيم الوجبات الي 5 وجبات يومية صغيرة بدلا من 3 , ةتقسيم طعامك الي قطع اصغر فأصغر , وقطع الخبز الي اصغر ايضاً وذلك لتساعدي في عملية الايض وسرعة الهضم

2- تناول الافطار بشكل جيدا من الطرق المهمة حيث ان تخطي هذة الوجبة يجعلك جائع اكثر وذلك يجعلك تأكل بشراهة في وجبة الغداء , فيتوجب عليك/ي الحفاظ عليها وعدم تخطيها

3- وهذة هي اهم طريق (السعرات الحرارية) يجب تناول وجبات تقوم بحرق 500 سعرة حرارية , لذا يجب تجنب الوجبات السريعة , ويجب تناول الوجبات الغنية بالالياف والتي تظل في معدتك مدة اطول

4- السوائل قبل كل وجبة يتوجب عليك/ي شرب كوب ماء كبير حتي يجعل بطنك عائمة ومملؤة بالماء فلاتجعلك تأكلين بكثرة
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Initially, although the sport is a natural way to get rid of the rumen and excess weight But unfortunately some of us are part-time really spend hours of sport per day because of the pressures of work and life in General, but there is a way out for us Dr. (Michael) of his famous slimming, you now have this effective way 1. by dividing the meals to 5 small meals daily instead of 3, htkosim your food into smaller chunks smaller, cut bread into smaller also for help in metabolism and digestion speed 2. the breakfast is very important way as skip this meal makes you more hungry and it makes you eat greedily at lunch, you have to keep at it and not skipped 3. This is the most important route (calorie) meals you burn 500 calories, so you should avoid fast food, and meals rich in fiber and that remain in your stomach longer 4. the fluid before each meal you have to drink a glass of water so makes your belly floating wemmlo'h with water flatgalk eating frequently
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
At first, despite the fact that the sport is a natural way to get rid of the rumen and
overweight, but, unfortunately, some of us have a part-time really to spend an hour of sport per day due to the labor and public pressures of life, but there is a way brought forth us Dr. (Michael) famous for slimming research, you Now this effective way 1- by splitting meals to 5 small meals daily instead of three, Htksam your food into smaller pieces and smaller, cut the bread into smaller and also to help your metabolism process and speed digestion 2. Breakfast is a good intake of important ways as the skip this meal makes you hungry more and it makes you eat greedily at lunch, YOU MUST / d preserved and not skipped 3. These are the main road (calories) should be eating a diet is to burn 500 calories, so you should avoid junk food and must eat meals rich in fiber, which remain in your stomach for a longer period 4. fluids before each meal you should / d drink a glass of water makes up a large floating and your belly filled with water Vlatjalk eat frequently

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
At first, though the sport is a natural way to get rid of the rumen and overweight
, but unfortunately some of us really free for an hour of sports every day because of the pressures of the job and life,But there is a way out for us by Dr. (Michael) of the famous Abhatht for slimming, to you right now, this method is effective

1. By splitting the meals 5 small meals a day instead of 3, Ttqsym your food into smaller pieces and smaller,Cut the bread into smaller, too, help in the process of the metabolism speed of digestion

2 - good breakfast in important ways since the skip this meal make you more hungry, you eat greedily at lunchMake sure you have a maintenance and overcome

3. This is the most important way (calorie) intake of meals you burn 500 calories. So you should avoid junk food, and eat diets rich in fiber, which remains in the stomach for longer!4 fluid prior to each meal I have to drink a large glass of water, so make your belly floating water Wmmlt Flatjlk eat frequently
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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