1- بناء الخطة المالية التقديرية بناء على التكاليف المالية للسنوات السا ترجمة - 1- بناء الخطة المالية التقديرية بناء على التكاليف المالية للسنوات السا الإنجليزية كيف أقول

1- بناء الخطة المالية التقديرية بنا

1- بناء الخطة المالية التقديرية بناء على التكاليف المالية للسنوات السابقة
2- يجب تحديث معلومات المشتركين من قسم المياة من اجل حسابها بدقة اعلى .
3- الوصل الى تكلفة تقديرية يتطلب المتابعة التامة لاهم مشاكل القسم وكيفية حلها

والمجموعة الثاني (وسيم عنبتاوي وسام سودح وعدي دعيبس وانهار )
وتم مناقشة مع عدي دعيبس :-
1- اجراء دراسة كاملة حول الموضوع من خلال استبيان لجمع الملعومات وتحديثها
2- وضع خطة توسيع شبكة المياه حسب العدد المتوقع زيادته للمشتركين
3- الخدمات المقدمة وما هي ايراداتها على البلدية وكيف يمكن تطويرها وتحديثا حسب الاموال العائده من السنوات السابقة .

والمجموعة الثالثة (محمد حماد وثائر عابد وبراء شرقاوي وحسان كميل ونضال )
وتم مناقشة مع محمد حماد
1- يجب النظر قبل البدء بعمل الموازنة على الموازنات السابقة .
2- تحديث كامل البيانات لقسم المياة من اجل اعتمادها في الموازنة ( من عدد المشاركين الفعلين والمتوقع زيادتهم السنة القادمة ).
3- الاهتمام بزيادة عدد الكفاءة من طاقم العمل .
4- العمل على توسعة الشبكة وتطوير القديم من خلال تحديث مواسير المياه لكي نتجنب مشاكل تلوث المياه والتسريبات .
من: -
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
1. building a financial plan based on the estimated financial costs of previous years 2. updated participant information section to calculate more accurate.3. to estimate cost requires the complete follow-up major problems section and how to solve them And group II (handsome Anabtawi medal sodh and ADI daibes and rivers)It was a debate with ADI Dabis:1. a full study on the issue through a questionnaire to collect and update information2. development of a plan to expand the water network by the expected number of subscribers increase3. Services and what are the revenues to the municipality and how they can be developed and an update by funds from previous years. And the third group (Mohammed Hammad and Thaer Abed, Bara Mandy and Hassan Kamil and struggle) Were discussed with Mohammad Hammad1. you must consider before starting work on the budget in previous budgets.2. full update data of water section for adoption of the budget (the number of participants as expected increase next year).3. interest in increasing the number of staff efficiency.4. network expansion and development through the modernization of old water pipes in order to avoid water pollution problems and leaks.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
1. At the estimated financial plan based on financial costs for previous years
2. You must update subscriber information from the Water Division for computed at higher resolutions.
3. The link to the estimated cost requires a full follow-up to the most important section problems and how to solve them and Group II (handsome Anabtawi and Sam Sudh and Uday Daibes and collapsed) were discussed with Uday Daibes: - 1. a full study on the subject through a questionnaire to collect query and update 2. Develop a plan to expand the water network by the expected number increased to subscribers 3. The services provided and what are the revenues to the municipality and how it can be developed and an update by money belonging from previous years. The third group (Mohammed Hammad and Thaer Abed and experts Sharqawi and Hassan Kamil and struggle) was discussing with Mohammed Hammad 1. must be considered before starting the work of the budget on the previous budgets. 2. fully update the data of the Department of Water for adoption in the budget (the number of participants Either Xiaodthm and is expected next year). 3. interest in increasing the number of efficiency of the staff. 4. Work on the old network expansion and development through the modernization of the water pipes in order to avoid leaks and water pollution problems.

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
1. The estimates based on the financial costs for the earlier years
2 - update subscriber information from the Department of water for its higher accuracy.
3. The link to the estimated cost of follow-up requires full section and how to solve the most important problems

second (anabtawi, handsome decoration Swdh promissory daibes and the Wtm discuss with the ADI daibes.
1. A full study on the issue through the questionnaire to collect data and update
2. A plan to expand the water system as the expected number of participants increased
3. Municipal services and revenue and how it can be developed and updated as Alaydh money from previous years.

third (Name: thaer abed Wbra Cherkaoui and Hassan kamel, Muhammad Hammad

and discuss with1. Consideration must be given before starting to work on the budget of the previous budgets.
2. The update data of the full order adopted in the water balance (the number of two participants is expected to be increased next year. "3. The increase in efficiency of the interest.
4. Work on the expansion of the network development during the modernization of old water pipes, to avoid the problems of pollution. Water leaks.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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