انتم لم ترسلو لي الباروكات اليس كذلك لاني دفعت نصف المال تعتقدون اني لن ادفع الباقي لماذا دايم ترسلونها لي بالوقت المحدد والان لايوجد معلومات لانها لم ترسل الى الان
You have not terslo me wigs aren't I paid half the money you think I would pay the rest. Why DIME you send me time and now there's no information Because it was never sent to now
Ye have not Terslo me wigs is not it , because I paid half the money I think I would not pay the remainder Why Daem you send me on time and now does not have information because they did not send so far
You didn"t I"m wigs.I paid a half money, you think I would pay the rest.WhyDime you send me in time, and now no informationBecause she has not sent out.