انا ليس سئ وانا لم اكذب عليك انا بالفعل ليس متزوج وانا لو متزوج سوف اقول لك لكن انت لديك فكرة سيئة عنى وسوف تتأكد بنفسك أنى ليس كذاب انا اسف لك واشكرك ع الاسائة
I'm not bad and I didn't lie to you I'm actually not married, if I married I will tell you but you have a bad idea about me and you will ensure yourself that I not liar I'm sorry to you and thank you ar alasaeh
I'm not bad and I did not lie to you I am not already married and if I am married will tell you but you have a bad idea about me and that I will make sure of yourself is not a liar and I'm sorry, I thank you p abuse
I'm not bad and I did not lie to you. I am not married, and if I would tell you, but you are a bad idea for me. I will make sure of yourself not a I'm sorry Thank you as an insult