انا متاخر قليلا في هذه الانشطة لانني لا اعلم ماساكتب لكون عملي يختص في مساعدة موظفي وكالة الخليج لحل مشاكلهم وليس مجالي في البيع والخدمات ماذا تنصحيني ان اكتب ؟
I'm a little late in these activities because I dont know my masaktb that specializes in helping Gulf Agency officials to resolve their problems and not the areas in sale and services what you advise me to write?
I'm a bit late in these activities because I do not know Masaketb practical to the fact that specializes in helping Gulf Agency staff to solve their problems and not in the areas of sales and services Tnsahana what to write?
I'm pretty late in this activity because I don't know Masaktb as practical to help employees of the Gulf, to solve their problems and what advice to sales and service write?