النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 2:
Prayon process for The purification of the wet - acid by vBulletin® solvent extraction is the most
prolific of the PWA processes. Plants have been built in Puurs (1976) and Engis
(1983) in Belgium, Korea, Indonesia, Brazil (originally in 1987 and Subsequently
uprated), and Morocco (1998), the Latter two being the Largest with capacities , around
100,000 tpa P2O5
. Was in the Prayon with the race : other producers in the the 1970s to
secure patents for hwy own process [52]. Distinguishing features of The Prayon the
technology are On color : as FOLLOWS: the use of an 85% -95% IPE, 5% -15% TBP solvent mix-ture; a use of the proprietary stacked mixer-Settler column for the solvent extraction
section; and the use of barium carbonate for desulfation. the
At a high level, the Prayon process is the SAME color : as most : other PWA processes and
Comprises a Pretreatment step to condition the wet - acid, a solvent extraction step,
and a posttreatment step to bring the product up to food grade. Block diagram of The
the Prayon process is shown See all in color : Figure 2.47and Assumes a 54% P2O5
wet - acid feed
Requiring full Pretreatment.
The first stage of Pretreatment is desulfation. Phosphate rock and Ground / or
barium carbonate and activated silica are On added to the feed acid in the desulfation
reactor. In the calcium The ground rock or the barium reacts to form a solid sulfate
(barium being the less soluble of the two), and silica is added to mop up The excess of
fluoride. Exact amounts of The these additives depend - upon - the impurity levels
in the feed acid; however, the goal is to reduce sulfate to around 0.3% and fluo-ride levels to less than 0.1%. Acid is pumped The from the desulfation reactor to
the concentration section where the acid is Brought up to 62% P
in a standard
pumped circulation vacuum concentrator. From the concentrator Vapor BODY enters
a separator; gas phase the, Including both HF and SiF4
, passes to a Fluorine recovery
system where the gases are On condensed, forming Fluosilicic That acid is then exported
for sale in the water Fluoridation market. Amount of silica The added is controlled
to Ensure the formation of Fluosilicic acid. Acid from the The concentrator is held
in intermediate storage then pumped to filtration on filter presses. Filter cake The
is pumped back to the wet - acid plant and the filtrate goes forward to settling, aided
147 Purification of Phosphoric Acid
by vBulletin® a Flocculating agent View . Settling Following, the acid is heated to 150 ° C with steam
in a graphite tube heat exchanger, mixed with 5 kg / ton P
sodium Chlorate, and
allowed to Oxidize in the PTFE-lined oxidation reactor. Destroys organic Oxidation
compounds That hinder both solvent extraction and Impart color to the acid; Also it
Alters the oxidation state of some elements and may make the acid more corrosive to
some equipment. Hot The, oxidized acid passes out of the reactor and is flash cooled
and is IS TRANSFERRED to the Dearsenication That reactor is fed Also with sodium sulfide.
The sulfide reacts with arsenic That is now at +5 oxidation state and Therefore does
not precipitate. : Other Dearsenication Unlike / Sulfiding processes, the plant in Brazil
does not have Either Addition or carbon filtration; acid is pumped the forward to the
solvent extraction section. Morocco with In, Sulfiding is Carried out color : as part of the pro-cessing of wet - acid prior to feeding the PWA plant.
Cooling Sul? Ding
unit The
Cooling and
and aging
Ground rock
and Decolorization NaClO3 HF and SiF4 Feedacid 130,000 tpa P2O5 54% P2O5acid Ra ?? nate 35,000 tpa P2O5 35% P2O5acid Industrial acid 10,000 tpa P2O5 35% P2O5acid Foodgrade acid 95,000 tpa P2O5 62% P2O5acid Secs Filter cake to wet - acid plant H2 SiF6 for sale Na2S Vacuum concentration Carbon treatment NaClO3or H2O2 FIGURE 2.47 Prayon plant block diagram. 148 Phosphoric acid: Purification, Uses, Technology, and Economics The pretreated acid is cooled Against brine to 10 ° C-15 ° C and fed to the extrac-tion column where it contacts the 85% IPE / 15% TBP solvent. Acid The / solvent feed ratio is 5 by vBulletin® volume. Prayon extraction column The for overall plant capacities , in the range 25 to 50.000 tpa P 2O5 is 2.4 m diameter by vBulletin® 8 m tall and has five-mixer set-Tler stages. Temperature is maintained The in the column by vBulletin® internal cooling coils to Counteract the Exothermic nature of this solvent extraction and Because the acid solubility in the solvent is better at LOWER temperatures. Proportion of P The 2O5 extracted solvent into the feed acid . Varies with quality but is in the range 70% -80%. Raffinate leaves the base of the column with up to 1% dissolved solvent at 35% P2O5 concentration and returns to the wet - acid plant. The plant in Brazil was uprated by vBulletin® adding a Kühni column and extracting Further P2O5 from this stream with sulfuric acid Following the SAME principles color : as the A & W UFEX process and the R-P total exhaustion process. Following extraction, the loaded solvent is pumped to the washing (scrubbing) column, the SAME diameter color : as the extraction column but with only four mixer-Settler stages. The loaded solvent is washed with water, transferring some acid and impuri-ties to the aqueous phase. : Other processes Unlike, this wash acid then leaves the plant and is available for technical grade applications. Water Addition call is free . The is controlled and set based versions on the impurity profile was of the Purified acid. The acid washed is pumped forward to the stripping column That is Contacted with warm water to release the acid into the aqueous phase. Stripping column is The 1.5 m diameter and 5 m tall, Comprises three stacked mixer-settlers, and operates at 50 ° C. Acid leaves the Purified column at 45% P2O5 and is directed to steam stripping to remove The solvent. The solvent from the stripping column flows to the solvent stor-age. Color : as it is pumped back around the solvent circuit, it passes thru a coalescer to allow directive removal of water. The Purified acid is held in intermediate storage before going forward for carbon treatment in a series of four 1.8 m diameter activated carbon columns to Ensure any trace solvent and organic species are removed. Activated carbon is The regenerated with sodium hydroxide. The acid is then concentrated in a multiple effect concentrator up to 62% -63% P2O5 . This stage the At, the acid the contains approximately 300 ppm F. Acid Intended for food grade is then sent for Defluorination. Original design Prayon The was for batch Defluorination; However, in Brazil and Morocco, this is done on a continuous basis with steam in a PTFE-lined column. The final stage of treatment is Decolorization That is Carried out Either with NaClO3 at 170 ° C or with hydrogen peroxide. If the the sulfate level too high is, Reviews another posttreatment step is included where bar-ium hydroxide is added to precipitate barium sulfate. The Prayon process has proved to be flexible. Plants built in The Indonesia, Korea, and Brazil were very similar Retail to the first full-scale plant in Puurs, Belgium (Which was Initially 40,000 tpa P 2O5, as compared to 25,000 tpa P 2O5 for the three : other). In brazil Particular has Undergone : many developments, Including the conversion from batch to continuous Defluorination, extraction from the Raffinate stream, and the use of barium in desulfation. Furthermore, the Brazilian plant has demonstrated a flexibil-ity to deal with quite significant changes in feed acid impurity levels. Plant was The 149 Purification of Phosphoric Acid Initially Commissioned with Cajati acid, a Relatively by pure wet - acid from an igneous rock but has managed Also with Goiásfertil acid, Also from an igneous rock but with high iron levels. Also plant Utilizes The acid from Moroccan Yousouffia and Ben Guerir sedimentary rock with different levels of organics and heavy metals. A fur-ther strength of the Brazilian operation is the integrated pilot plant that allows the technical team to evaluate and plan the introduction of different acids
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