في حال تم تطوير فكرة مشروعي سيأخذ منحنى اخر وسيتم التوسع الى افرع اخرى ومجالات عمل اوسع من الممكن ان تتحول الى مصنع للاجهزة الخلوية واكسسوارات التلفون .
If the development of the idea of the draft will take another curve and will be expanded to other branches and wider areas of work could turn into a factory for cellular phone accessories.
If the idea was to develop draft will take the last curve and will be expanded to other branches and broader areas of work could turn into a factory for devices and cellular phone accessories.
If the idea is developed, the draft would take another curve will be extended to other branches of larger areas can be transformed into devices, cellular phone accessories manufacturer.