الباب الخامس مخرجات هذه الدراسه تمثلت في انشاء العديد من محطات الاساس  ترجمة - الباب الخامس مخرجات هذه الدراسه تمثلت في انشاء العديد من محطات الاساس  الإنجليزية كيف أقول

الباب الخامس مخرجات هذه الدراسه تمث

الباب الخامس
مخرجات هذه الدراسه تمثلت في انشاء العديد من محطات الاساس في منطقة الدراسه وذلك تمهيد لللاستفاده منها كنقاط قياس مرجعيه في المسوحات الجاذبيه للدراسات القادمه . تم انشاء اولي محطات الاساس في معسكر جامعة النيلين الموجود في منطقة السبلوكة وسجلت قيمتها حيث كانت (MGal978314.60 )وايضا تم تحديد احداثياتها. كما تم انشاء محطة اساس ثانية في منطقة العوتيب وكانت قيمتها () واحداثياتها () ايضا انشئت محطة اساس اخري في منطقة المصورات في معسكر الحضارة السودانيه وكانت قيمتها () واحداثياتها ().كانت هذه ابرز محطات الاساس التي تم ربط القراءات الماخوذهفي الدراسة الحاليه بها.
ايضا تم عمل مقارنه مقارنة لبيانات الجاذبية المقاسة بواسطة الاقمار الاصطناعية مع بيانات الجاذبية المقاسة بواسطة جهاز cg3 في الدراسة الحالية ومن المقارنه اتضح امكانية الاعتماد على بيانات الاقمار الاصطناعية في دراسات الاستكشاف في المنطقه.
بعد دمج بيانات الجاذبيه المقاسة مع معلومات الدراسات الجيولوجيه السطحية ومعلومات الابار المحفوره مسبقا والمتمثله في بيانات بئر (kandaka) وبعد معالجه بيانات الجاذبيه عن طريق البرامج الحاسوبيه غالبيه المعالجه لهذه البيانات استخدم فيها برنامج (Arc gis 9.3) حيث اجريت عمليات المعالجه علي البرنامج علي عدة مراحل حيث امكن تعيين حواف وحدود الحوض والتي اتضح منها ان الحوض يحده ......من ناحية..... () و من خلال خرائط المشتقتين الاولي الراسية و الثانية الراسية حددت التراكيب الرئيسية في الحوض والتي بدورها اكددت علي حدود الحوض سابقة الذكر. هذه النتائج تم التحصل عليها بعد تفسير نتاج المعالجه السابقة.
كما تم تحديد سمك الرسوبيات في الحوض من المجسم الذي تم عملة للحوض بواسطة بيانات البروفايلات . حيث وصل الي اكبر سمك للرسوبيات الي حوالي (5Km) ووجد ان اعمق نقطه في الحوض تقريبا بالقرب من منطقة تقاطع البروفايلات الثلاثة وبعد اسقاط احداثيات وتحديد موقع بئر كنداكه علي خريطة الجاذبية المتبقية بواسطة برنامج (Arc gis 9.3) وجد ان اعمق نقطة في الحوض تبعد حوالي (13 Km) جنوب البئر ؛ ومن ذلك اتضح ان البئر حفرت في الناحية الشماليه علي حواف الحوض.
اجراء المزيد من الدراسات الجيولوجيه والجيوفيزيائيه بصوره اكثر تفصيلا لمنطقة الدراسه.
حفر المزيد من الابار الاستكشافيه في منطقه الدراسه في اماكن السمك العالي للرسوبيات واجراء المسوحات الجيولوجيه والجيوفيزيائيه وتحليلات الابار والدراسات الجيوكيميائية لتحديد احتمالية وجود الهيدروكربونات ونسبتها لتحديد احتمالية وجود البترول في الحوض للاستفاده منه والشروع في مراحل التنقيب.
عمل دراسات استكشافية جيولوجيه وجيوكيميائيه لاستكشاف المعادن .
عمل دراسات استكشافيه هيدروجيولوجيه عن المياه الجوفيه في المنطقة.

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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Section v The output of this study was to create as many base stations in the study area and preliminary profit by or from him as benchmarks in gravity surveys for the next studies. The first base stations were established at Camp neelain University is located in the alsblokh area where the value of registered (MGal978314.60) and also determine their coordinates. The station was built again in aloutib area basis were worth () and their coordinates () also established another base station in the area photographers in camp Sudanese civilization and value () and their coordinates (). This was highlighted by the base stations were linked to the current study almakhozahvi readings. Also been compared compared to the gravity data measured by satellites with gravity data measured by a device in the present study, cg3 and comparison demonstrated the reliability of satellite data in studies of exploration in the region. After integrating the gravity data measured with surface geological studies information and information already dug wells in borehole data (kandaka) after processing of gravity through the majority of software processing these data using the program (Arc gis 9.3) where processing operations were conducted on the program in several stages where possible set the edges and boundaries of the basin and found that the basin is bordered by ... ... On the one hand. () And through the derived maps first and second vertical vertical main compositions in the basin have been identified which in turn akeddt to the aforementioned basin boundaries. The results obtained after interpreting the result of the previous processing. Sediment thickness were also identified in the basin of the round which has been done to the pelvis by albrovaylat data. Reaching the largest sediment thickness to about (5Km) and found that the deepest point in the basin, approximately near the intersection of three albrovaylat after dropping the coordinates and locate a well kendakh on the map of the residual gravity by program (Arc gis 9.3) found that the deepest point in the basin is about (13 Km) South of the well; it turned out to be well dug in on the Northern edges of the tub.RecommendationsFurther geological and geophysical studies with a more detailed picture of the study area.Dig more wells in the study area expedition in places of high sediment thickness and geological and geophysical surveys, geochemical analyses and studies to assess the likelihood of the presence of hydrocarbons and to assess the likelihood of the presence of oil in the basin to take advantage of it and proceed in stages.Exploratory studies geology and geochemical mineral exploration.Exploratory studies on the Hydrogeology of groundwater in the region.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Part V
outputs of this study was to establish the foundation of many stations in the study area and so pave the Lastvadh them as reference points to measure in surveys attractiveness of studies to come. First foundation was set up stations in Niles University Alsblukh camp located in the area where the recorded value was (MGal978314.60) and its coordinates also been identified. It was created as the basis of a second station in Alauteb area and was worth () and its coordinates () also set up another base station in the photographers area in the Sudanese civilization camp and was worth () and its coordinates () .kant this prominent foundation plants that have been linked readings Almajozhvi present study it.
also compare A comparison of the data of gravity measured by satellite with gravity measured data by cg3 device in the current study and comparison turns out the possibility of relying on satellite data in exploration studies in the region.
After merging gravity data measured with studies of surface geological and Information wells Information excavated in advance and of a well (kandaka data) and after processing gravity data through software programs the majority of treatment of this data which use a program (Arc gis 9.3) where he underwent treatment over WFP operations in several stages where possible, set the edges and the limits of the basin, which turned out to them that the basin is bounded .. On the one hand ..... .... () and through Almstqtin first and second maps anchored anchored identified the main structures in the pelvis, which in turn limits the Cddt aforesaid basin. These results were obtained after the interpretation of the result of previous treatment.
have been identified sediment thickness in the basin of the stereo, which has been done by the profiles of the basin data. Where he arrived to a greater thickness of the sediments to about (5Km) and found that the deepest point in the sink almost near the intersection area three the profiles and after dropping the coordinates and locate well Kndake on map residual gravity by program (Arc gis 9.3) found that the deepest point in the basin, about (13 Km) south of the well; and it turns out that the well drilled in the North on the edges of the basin.
further geological studies and geophysical more detailed study area.
drill more exploratory wells in the study area in places of higher thickness of the sediments and conduct geological surveys and geophysical and analyzes of wells and studies geochemical to determine the probability of the presence of hydrocarbons and increase to determine the likelihood of oil presence in the basin to take advantage of it and proceed to the stages of exploration.
Action exploratory studies Geology and Geochemistry of mineral exploration.
Action exploratory studies hydrogeological groundwater in the region.

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Section fifth
outputs of this study was to create several base stations in the study area, paving the Lllastfadh as measuring reference points in gravity survey studies..Was the creation of the first base station at Camp al neelain University, located in the Alsblwkt value was recorded (MGal978314.60) and also Ahdathyatha were identified.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
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