التربية والديمقراطية الأربعاء ٢٥ آذار (مارس) ٢٠٠٩، بقلم جميل حمداوي ١إ ترجمة - التربية والديمقراطية الأربعاء ٢٥ آذار (مارس) ٢٠٠٩، بقلم جميل حمداوي ١إ الإنجليزية كيف أقول

التربية والديمقراطية الأربعاء ٢٥ آذ

التربية والديمقراطية
الأربعاء ٢٥ آذار (مارس) ٢٠٠٩، بقلم جميل حمداوي
إن علاقة التربية بالديمقراطية علاقة جدلية ووثيقة، إذ لايمكن الحديث عن التربية والتعليم في غياب الحريات الخاصة والعامة وانعدام الديمقراطية الحقيقية القائمة على المساواة وتكافؤ الفرص والمبنية أيضا على العدالة الاجتماعية و الإيمان بالاختلاف وشرعية التعدد.
ولايمكن الحديث كذلك عن الديمقراطية في غياب تربية حقيقية وتعليم بناء وهادف يتسم بالجودة والإبداع والابتكار وتكوين الكفاءات المنتجة، ويحترم المواهب ويقدر الفاعلين التربويين والمتعلمين المتفانين في البحث والاستكشاف والتنقيب العلمي والمعرفي.
ومن هنا، فالتربية والديمقراطية متلازمان كالعملة النقدية فلا تربية بلا ديمقراطية ولا ديمقراطية بلا تربية.
وما أحوجنا اليوم إلى تربية ديمقراطية- في وطننا الذي انعدمت فيه المواطنة الحقيقية وتقلصت فيه حقوق الإنسان وتضاءلت فيه العدالة حتى كادت أن تنعدم- من أجل تأهيل ناشئتنا تأهيلا أخلاقيا وديمقراطيا لإدارة دفة البلاد وقيادة دواليبها على ضوء رؤية إبداعية ديمقراطية قائمة على أسس النظام والمسؤولية والانضباط والمواطنة الحقة، والتوق إلى الحرية والتغيير وبناء الدولة والأمة على معايير الإبداع والإنتاج والابتكار قصد الوصول إلى مصاف الدول المتقدمة والأمم المزدهرة حضاريا وعلميا وتكنولوجيا!
إذا، ماهي التربية؟ وما مفهوم الديمقراطية؟ وماهي علاقة التربية بالديمقراطية؟ وماهي آليات تفعيل الديمقراطية في نظامنا التربوي؟ وماهي الصعوبات التي تواجه تطبيق الديمقراطية وتفعيلها في الواقع التربوي؟ وما هي الحلول المقترحة لتثبيت الديمقراطية التربوية؟ تلكم هي الأسئلة التي سوف نحاول الإجابة عنها في هذه الدراسة المتواضعة.
1- مفهوم التربيـــة:
التربية فعل تربوي وتهذيبي وأخلاقي يهدف إلى تنشئة المتعلم تنشئة اجتماعية صحيحة وسليمة. و تساهم التربية أيضا في الحفاظ على قيم المجتمع وعاداته وتقاليده، وتسعى جادة لتكوين المواطن الصالح، و تهدف كذلك إلى تغيير المجتمع والدفع به نحو طريق التقدم والازدهار عبر تحقيق الديمقراطية والعدالة الاجتماعية والمساواة المثلى.
زد على ذلك، فالتربية هي التي تصيغ المجتمع صياغة أخلاقية وترفع من مكانته وتوصله إلى مصاف الدول المتقدمة والمزدهرة.
وتسعى التربية جادة إلى إدماج الفرد في المجتمع تكيفا وتأقلما وتصالحا وتغييرا، كما تسعى إلى:" الإنماء الكامل لشخصية الإنسان وتعزيز حقوق الإنسان والحريات الأساسية. يعني تكوين أفراد قادرين على الاستقلال الفكري والأخلاقي ويحترمون هذا الاستقلال لدى الآخرين، وذلك طبقا لقاعدة التعامل بالمثل التي تجعل هذا الاستقلال مشروعا بالنسبة إليهم."
وعلى العموم، فالتربية هي وسيلة لتحقيق الإبداع والابتكار و طريقة في الاستكشاف والتأويل والبحث ودمقرطة المجتمع، وترتكز على الحرية والمبادرة الفردية وسيادة النقاش الهادف والنقد البناء والحوار السليم من أجل بناء مجتمع متقدم واع يساهم في الحداثة ويثري العولمة بما لديه من طاقات منتجة واختراعات ومكتشفات ومستجدات نظرية وتقنية وعلمية ومعلوماتية.
ويقول الدكتور محمد لبيب النجيحي:" ولما كان هدف التربية الأساسي هو تنمية التفكير واستغلال الذكاء، فمعنى هذا أن التربية تعمل من أجل الحرية الإنسانية. فالتأكيد على نمو الطفل إنما هو تأكيد على تحرير قدراته العقلية من قيودها، وإتاحة الفرصة لها للانطلاق حتى تستطيع أن تستخدم بطريقة فعالة إمكانيات البيئة التي يعيش فيها. ويصبح المجتمع الحر هو المجتمع الذي يشترك أفراده أيضا في تطويره وتوجيه التغيير الاجتماعي الحادث له.
وعندما يتمتع أفراد المجتمع بالحرية فإن التربية تكون بذلك قد أسهمت في بناء مجتمع مفتوح. ونعني بالمجتمع المفتوح المجتمع الذي يسعى عن قصد وتصميم في سبيل تطوره، ولا يعمل فقط على المحافظة على الوضع الراهن. وهذا المجتمع هو مجتمع قد نظم تنظيما يدخل في اعتباره حقيقة التغيير في الأمور الإنسانية. وهو مجتمع يقبل التغير على أنه وسيلة للقضاء على الفساد والانحلال، وأن الذكاء الإنساني والمجهود التعاوني من جميع أفراد المجتمع تؤدي جميعا إلى نمو الإنسانية وتقدمها."
زد على ذلك أن التربية تحقق مجموعة من الوظائف الجوهرية كالتعليم والتثقيف والتطهير والتهذيب والتنوير وتحرير الفكر من قيود الأسطورة والخرافة والشعوذة والسمو بالإنسان نحو آفاق إيجابية ومثالية.
2- مفهوم الديمقراطية:
من المعروف أن الديمقراطية في دلالاتها الاشتقاقية تعني حكم الشعب نفسه بنفسه أو قد تعني حكم الأغلبية بعد عملية الانتخاب والتصويت والفرز والانتقاء.
وتقابل كلمة الديمقراطية الديكتاتورية والأوتوقراطية اللتين تحيلان على الحكم الفردي وهيمنة الاستبداد المطلق. كما تقترب الديمقراطية من كلمة الشورى الإسلامية وإن كانت الشورى أكثر عدالة واتساعا وانفتاحا من الديمقراطية.
وترتكز الديمقراطية على القانون والحق والحرية والعدالة والكرامة الإنسانية والاحتكام إلى مبادئ حقوق الإنسان وإرساء المساواة الحقيقية بين الأجناس في الحقوق والواجبات.
ومن أهم أسس الديمقراطية الالتزام بالمسؤولية واحترام النظام وترجيح كفة المعرفة على القوة والعنف.
وتتأسس الديمقراطية الفعالة والحقيقية:" من بين ما تتأسس عليه احترام الحقوق وأداء الواجبات التي يحميها ويضبطها القانون والمؤسسات في إطار دولة الحق والقانون. ومن المؤكد أن احترام الحقوق وأداء الواجبات لايتأتيان إلا بنسبة إلى شخص حر. الديمقراطية لم تعد أمورا شكلية أو قطاعية، بل أصبحت ثقافة ومعاملات تتجذر بمفاهيم النسبية والاختلاف وقبول الرأي الآخر والمساواة والعدالة والإنصاف والمشاركة السياسية وتقرير الفرد لمصيره واختياراته، ورفض أي نزوع سلطوي في جميع مجالات الحياة. ديمقراطية اليوم والغد تتمثل أكثر فأكثر في احترام الشخص وقدرته على تكوين نفسه بوصفه إنسانا... إنها سياسة الشخص كإنسان حر ومبدع.
من المتعذر الحديث عن الديمقراطية والسلوك الديمقراطي باعتبارهما حالة تكون عليها المؤسسات أو باعتبارهما ثوابت سياسية، بل يجب أن ينظر إليهما كمقتضى أخلاقي تكون مبادئه مشتركة ينبني البشر وماهم مختلفون فيه على أساس الإقرار بالاختلاف مما يمكن الشخص من السيطرة على الانفعالات وتجنب الأحكام المسبقة."
إذا، فالديمقراطية الحقيقية هي التي تحقق سعادة الإنسان، وتؤمن عيشه الكريم، وتوفر له فرص الشغل، وتشبع رغباته الغريزية من مأكل وشرب، وتروي غليله المعرفي والفني والثقافي، وتخرجه من براثن الفقر والفاقة والتخلف إلى عالم أكثر استقرارا وأمنا يسمح بالعيش الكريم والمساهمة في الإبداع وا
من: العربية
إلى: الإنجليزية
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Education and democracy Wednesday 25 March 2009 by Jamil hamdawi 1The relationship of education to democracy a dialectic instrument, cannot talk about education in the absence of public and private freedoms and the lack of true democracy based on equality and equal opportunities, also based on social justice and faith and the legitimacy of pluralism.And also talk about democracy in the absence of a genuine education and teaching building and purposeful quality, creativity, innovation and capacity building, and respects and appreciates talent actors educators and learners and dedicated in the research and exploration of scientific exploration and knowledge.Hence, education and democracy go hand in hand as a currency not raising no democracy and no democracy without education.And we today keep democracy-in our home that there where real citizenship and curtailed human rights and Justice has diminished until almost no-for tasmiya: naming your newborn qualified morally and democratically to steer the country and lead its own ranks to light innovative democratic vision based system, responsibility and discipline, true citizenship, and yearning for freedom and change and building the State and the nation on the criteria of creativity, innovation and production order to reach the ranks of developed and prosperous Nations cultural, scientific and technology!So, what is education? And the concept of democracy? What is the relationship of education to democracy? What are the mechanisms of democratization in our education? What are the difficulties encountered in the application of democracy and activated in the educational reality? And what are the solutions proposed to install democracy education? These are the questions we will try to answer in this modest study.1. concept of education:Education Act reforming moral educational aims to nurture the learner valid and proper socialization. Education also contribute to maintain the values of society and its customs and traditions, and to configure a good citizen, and also aims to change society and towards progress and prosperity through democratization, social justice and equality.Moreover, education is shaping society formulate ethical and raise his profile and connect it to the ranks of developed and prosperous.Serious education seeks to integrate individual in society adapted and well adapted and reconciled and change, it also seeks to: "the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Mean configuration of individuals capable of intellectual and moral independence and respect this independence to others, according to the rule of reciprocity that makes this independence project to them. " In General, education is a means of achieving creativity and innovation and exploration and interpretation research and the democratisation of society, based on freedom and individual initiative and the rule meaningful debate and constructive criticism and dialogue to build advanced community types contribute to modernity and globalization enriches its productive potential and inventions and discoveries and developments of theory and scientific and technical information.Dr Mohamed Labib alngihai: "since the goal of basic education is to develop thinking and exploitation of intelligence, this means that the educational work for human liberty. The emphasis on child development is the emphasis on mental abilities of editing restrictions, and allow her to go so you can effectively use the possibilities of the environment in which they live. And become a free society is a society whose members also participate in development and social change routing incident.When community members enjoy free education had contributed to the building of an open society. Open Society refers to a society that seeks deliberately design for development, not only to maintain the status quo. This society is a society structured systems may enter into as a fact change in humanitarian matters. A society that accepts change as a way to eliminate corruption and dissolution, and that human intelligence and collaborative effort by all members of the community lead to the growth and advancement of humanity. "Moreover, the education group of core functions as education and refinement and enlightenment and Liberation of thought from the constraints of legend and myth, sorcery and human prospects for positive and perfect.2. the concept of democracy:It is known that democracy means the rule of the people implications derivative itself or may mean majority rule after the election process and the voting and sorting and picking.And the word democracy dictatorship and autocracy, which transmit the autocracy and tyranny of absolute dominance. As approaching democracy of the word Islamic Shura-Shura was fairer and broader and open democracy.Democracy is based on the law and the right to liberty, justice, human dignity and human rights principles and establishing real equality between the sexes in rights and duties.One of the most important foundations of democracy and the commitment to respect the system and optimizing the knowledge of force and violence.And built effective democracy and true: "of what it established rights and duties constitutionally protected and regulated by law and institutions within the framework of the rule of law. Be sure to respect the rights and duties lightatian only to someone free. Democracy is no longer a formal or sectoral matters, but culture, rooted in the concepts of comparative differences and accept the opinions of others, equality, justice and equity and political participation and report individual self-determination and choices, and reject any authoritarian tendency in all spheres of life. Democracy today and tomorrow is more and more respect for the person and his ability to configure itself as a human being. It is the policy of the person as a person free and creative.It is impossible to talk about democracy and democratic conduct as a situation or institutions as political constants, but must be seen as ethical principles are under common people and what they where different builds based on recognition of difference, enabling the person to control emotions and avoid prejudices. "If, true democracy is investigating human happiness, Aisha Karim, provide jobs, and saturation of the instinctive desires of food and drink, and Troy Glèlè cognitive, artistic and cultural, and graduating from the clutches of poverty and underdevelopment to a more stable and secure world allows for a decent life and contribute to the creative WA
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Education and Democracy
Wednesday 25 March, 2009, by Jamil Hamdaoui
The relationship of education to democracy dialectic and close relationship, with talk of education can not be in the absence of freedoms of private and public real lack of democracy based on equality and equal opportunities are also based on social justice and faith difference and legitimacy pluralism.
and can not speak well for democracy in the absence of a real upbringing and education constructive and purposeful characterized by quality, creativity and innovation and capacity building productive and respected talent estimated actors, educators and learners dedicated in the research, exploration and scientific knowledge and exploration.
Hence, Education is and democracy go hand in hand cash as the currency is not education without democracy nor democracy without education.
and much need today to breeding Damqratih- in our country where there is a lack real citizenship and shrunk in which human rights and diminished the Justice until almost Tnadm- for the rehabilitation Nacitna qualified morally and democratically to manage the helm of the country and the leadership of tires in the light of creative vision democracy is based on the foundations of the system and responsibility, discipline and true citizenship, and the yearning for freedom and change and building the state and the nation on creativity, production and innovation in order to reach the ranks of developed countries and nations thriving culturally, scientifically and technology! standards
if, what education? The concept of democracy? What is the relationship of education and democracy? And what are the mechanisms of functioning of a democracy in our educational system? What are the difficulties facing the implementation of democracy and activated in the educational reality? What are the solutions proposed to install educational democracy? These are the questions that will try to answer it in this modest study.
1. ​​The concept of education:
education and disciplining doing educational and moral upbringing of the learner aims to correct and sound social upbringing. And education also contribute to the preservation of society's values ​​and customs and traditions, and seeking serious to create a good citizen, and also aims to change society and pushing it towards the path of progress and prosperity through the achievement of democracy, social justice and equality optimal.
Moreover, education focuses is to write up a society ethical formulation and lifts of his status and his conception of the ranks of developed and prosperous countries.
seeking serious education to the integration of the individual in society adapted and adapted and conciliatory and change, also seeks to "the full development of the human personality and the promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms. means the composition capable of intellectual and moral independence members and respect the independence of others , according to the rule of reciprocity that make this independence project for them.
"On the whole, Education is the way to achieve creativity and innovation, and the way in exploration and interpretation, research and the democratization of society, based on freedom and individual initiative and the rule of debate meaningful and constructive criticism sound and dialogue in order to build an advanced society conscious contributes to the modernity and enrich globalization with his energies productive and inventions and discoveries and developments in the theory and technical and scientific information.
According to Dr. Mohamed Labib Naghristi: "Since the primary goal of education is to think and exploitation of the development of intelligence, it means that the education work for human liberty. The emphasis on the child's growth but it is a confirmation of the liberation of mental abilities of its restrictions, and allow them to go so that they can be used in an effective manner the possibilities of the environment in which they live. A free society is a society that becomes its members also participate in the development and guidance of social change incident to him.
When members of the community enjoys the freedom of education had thus contributed to the construction of an open society. And open society we mean a society that seeks intentionally and design for the sake of development, not only works to maintain the status quo. This community is a community organization enters into account the fact that the change in the humanitarian things have systems. A society that accepts the change as a way to eliminate corruption and decay, and human intelligence and collaborative effort of all members of society are all lead to humanity's growth and progress.
"Moreover, the education check a set of core such as education, education and cleansing and civility and enlightenment and liberation of thought from myth and superstition restrictions jobs and sorcery and Highnesses human beings towards a positive and ideal prospects.
2. The concept of democracy:
It is known that democracy in the implications derivative means rule of the people itself or may mean majority rule after the election process, voting, counting and selection.
correspond to the word democratic dictatorship and autocracy, which transmit the autocracy and the dominance of the absolute despotism . as approaching democracy of the word Islamic Shura although the Shura fairer and more extensive and open democracy.
and based democracy on the law and the right and freedom, justice, human dignity and resorting to the principles of human rights and the establishment of true equality between the sexes in rights and duties.
It is the most important foundations of the democratic commitment of responsibility and respect for the system and weighting the balance of knowledge on force and violence.
and founded effective and real democracy, "among other things is based upon respect for the rights and the performance of the duties laid down by law and protected by institutions within the framework of the rule of law. To be sure, respect for the rights and perform the duties of Aatotaan by only a free person. Democracy no longer matters or formal sector, it has become a culture rooted and transactions relative concepts and differences and to accept the opinions of others, equality, justice and equity, political participation and self-determination and individual choices, and to reject any authoritarian tendency in all areas of life. Democracy of today and tomorrow is more and more respect for the person and his ability to configure itself as a human being ... It's the person as a human being free and creative policy.
Impossible to talk about democracy and democratic behavior as the case be it institutions or as political constants, but must be seen Kmguetdy moral be common principles based humans and Mahm different where on the basis of the recognition of difference, which can be a person of impulse control and avoid prejudices.
"If, true democracy is investigating human happiness, and believes in living decent, and provide him with job opportunities, and saturation wishes instinctive food, drink, and Troy Glèlè cognitive, artistic and cultural, and graduating from the clutches of poverty and underdevelopment and poverty to a more stable and secure allowed to live decently and to contribute to the world of creativity wa
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Education, democracy,
[XXV), March (March) by jamilhamdaoui
The relationship of democracy is a dialectical relationship, close, it can not talk about education in the absence of private and public freedoms and lack of true democracy based on equity and equality of opportunity based on justiceAnd the faith of difference and diversity.
And you don't talk about democracy in the absence of real education and build quality and creativity, innovation and productive efficiencies, and admire the talent of the players, educators and the educated and dedicated to the research and explorationThe scientific knowledge."Here it is, education, democracy went hand in hand as a cash not penny. Breeding without democracy, no democracy, no education."The Ahwjna today to the democratic education. In our country, there is no real citizenship and human rights and justice up to almost zero. "Our younger generation's rehabilitation morally qualified democratically and to guide the country's leadershipIn the light of the creative vision of democracy on the basis of the responsibility and discipline of true citizenship, the desire for freedom and change and state building and nation for access by the standards of creativity and innovation to the level of developed countries.A prosperous, culturally, scientifically and technologically.
So, what is education? And the concept of democracy? And what is the relationship between education and democracy? And what are the mechanisms of functioning of democracy in our educational system? And what are the difficulties encountered in the implementation of democracy activated in the educational situation and what are the solutions?To install democracy education? These are the questions which we will try to answer in this study is.1. The concept of Altrbyt:

do Wthdhyby educational, moral education aims at raising the learner sound and healthy social development.Education also contributes to the maintenance of community values and the customs, traditions, and tries hard to build good citizens, and further aims to change society and push it towards the road peace and prosperity through the realization of democracy and social justiceOptimal.
z a community structure of pedagogy is a morality, and raise the profile of its ranks of the developed countries and prosperous.
meaningful education seeks to integrate the individual in society to adjust Wtaqlma Wtsalha and change. It seeks to:"The full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of human rights and fundamental freedoms.The mean composition of personnel able to intellectual and moral independence of this independence, respect for others, according to deal equally why this independence projects for them. "
Generally speaking, education is the way to creativity, innovation and exploration, interpretation method research and democratize society based on freedom, individual initiative and the rule of meaningful debate and constructive criticism. And in order to build a soundIna participates in modernity and globalization, its productive capacity Wmktshfat inventions and developments of theory, technology and informatics.Dr. Mohamed Labib Alnjyhy
says: "as the goal of basic education is the development of thinking and intelligence, in the sense that this works for freedom of humanity.The emphasis on child development is the emphasis on the editing of the mental faculties of restrictions, and allow them to go up can be used effectively to potential living environment in.The free society is a society whose members are also involved in its development, guide social change incident. "When social members enjoy free education had contributed to the construction of an open society.Our open society a society that seeks to design, for its development, not only to maintain the status quo. The society is a society structured systems to take into account the reality of change in human affairs.A society that accepts the change as a way to eliminate corruption and decay, and human intelligence, cooperative effort of all members of society, all lead to the growth and progress of the humanity. "
Moreover, the breeding range of the core functions such as education and education, and enlightenment, emancipation of thought of myth and superstition and witchcraft, and limitations of humans towards the positive outlook and perfect. The concept of Democracy:
2It is known that the Democratic meaning of derivative means rule by the people themselves or may mean the majority rule voting after the sorting and selection. "The word democracy dictatorship Walawtwqratyt which refer to individual judgment and absolute tyranny. As it approaches the word democracy of Islamic Shura Shura but fairer and more open and democratic. "Democracy is based on the law and liberty, justice and human dignity and the human rights principles and establish real equality between the sexes in rights and duties. "One of the most important democracy, commitment, responsibility, respect for the knowledge is likely to force and violence. "Genuine and effective democracy are based."Inter are based upon respect for the rights and duties that are protected and regulated by law and the rule of law. It is certain that the respect for the rights and obligations Laytatyan by only to free person.Democracy was not considered to be formal or sector, it has become a culture and root relative concepts and differences and accept the opinions of others, equality, justice and equity, political participation and the choices of the individual fate and the tendency of an authoritarianAll walks of life.Democracy today, and tomorrow is becoming more and more in the respect of one's own composition as a human being. She is a person's free and creative. "Difficult to talk about democracy and democratic behaviour as the institution, as the principles of the political situation, but must be seen to be Kmqtdy ethically be principles based human beings Wmahm are different from theThe difference which enables the person to control emotions and prejudices."
So, real democracy is that human happiness is living and glorious, and the employment of desires and instincts of a food and drink, and tell the GL cognitive and artistic, cultural, and get it out of poverty and backwardness to the worldA stable, secure and allow the life of dignity and creativity.
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دعم الترجمة أداة: الآيسلندية, الأذرية, الأردية, الأفريقانية, الألبانية, الألمانية, الأمهرية, الأوديا (الأوريا), الأوزبكية, الأوكرانية, الأويغورية, الأيرلندية, الإسبانية, الإستونية, الإنجليزية, الإندونيسية, الإيطالية, الإيغبو, الارمنية, الاسبرانتو, الاسكتلندية الغالية, الباسكية, الباشتوية, البرتغالية, البلغارية, البنجابية, البنغالية, البورمية, البوسنية, البولندية, البيلاروسية, التاميلية, التايلاندية, التتارية, التركمانية, التركية, التشيكية, التعرّف التلقائي على اللغة, التيلوجو, الجاليكية, الجاوية, الجورجية, الخؤوصا, الخميرية, الدانماركية, الروسية, الرومانية, الزولوية, الساموانية, الساندينيزية, السلوفاكية, السلوفينية, السندية, السنهالية, السواحيلية, السويدية, السيبيوانية, السيسوتو, الشونا, الصربية, الصومالية, الصينية, الطاجيكي, العبرية, العربية, الغوجراتية, الفارسية, الفرنسية, الفريزية, الفلبينية, الفنلندية, الفيتنامية, القطلونية, القيرغيزية, الكازاكي, الكانادا, الكردية, الكرواتية, الكشف التلقائي, الكورسيكي, الكورية, الكينيارواندية, اللاتفية, اللاتينية, اللاوو, اللغة الكريولية الهايتية, اللوكسمبورغية, الليتوانية, المالايالامية, المالطيّة, الماورية, المدغشقرية, المقدونية, الملايو, المنغولية, المهراتية, النرويجية, النيبالية, الهمونجية, الهندية, الهنغارية, الهوسا, الهولندية, الويلزية, اليورباية, اليونانية, الييدية, تشيتشوا, كلينجون, لغة هاواي, ياباني, لغة الترجمة.

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