نبدأ بالأنشطة التي لا تحتاج إلى قوانين مثل أقلام الفلومستر – العجين –  ترجمة - نبدأ بالأنشطة التي لا تحتاج إلى قوانين مثل أقلام الفلومستر – العجين –  الإنجليزية كيف أقول

نبدأ بالأنشطة التي لا تحتاج إلى قوا

نبدأ بالأنشطة التي لا تحتاج إلى قوانين مثل أقلام الفلومستر – العجين – ثم الكولاج وبقية الأنشطة التي تحتاج إلى قوانين مثل فرشة واحدة + لون واحد .
تتدرج المعلمة في تقديم الرسم الحر بأقلام الفلومستر ففي بداية العام يكون الورق عريضاً وتُقدم للطفل أقلام عريضة وألوان أساسية خاصة للمستوى الأول ثم تزيد الألوان بالتدريج .
العجين : يلجأ الطفل إلى العجن في البداية باستخدام يديه تقدم بعد ذلك فرادة للعجين ثم قطاعات مع فرادة العجين ليستخدمها الطفل في تشكيل العجين ، يمكن للمعلمة بعد ذلك أن تضيف كولاج مع العجين .
الدهان بأنواعه المختلفة : تتدرج المعلمة في استخدام الألوان ، تبدأ بلون ثم بعد فترة تضيف لون ثاني وثالث حتى تقدم للطفل أكثر من لون ، أيضاً تتدرج المعلمة في تقديم الفرش الخاصة بالدهان كأن تكون في البداية عريضة ثم يقل مقاسها تدريجياً وكذلك بالنسبة لمقاس الأوراق .
الطباشير : ويقدم للطفل بالتدريج بالألوان كما سبق ذكره .
نشاط الكولاج : يُقدم في البداية نوع واحد متجانس ومختلف الأشكال مثل: الورق فقط بجميع ألوانه وأشكاله بعد ذلك يقدم للطفل كولاج متنوع مختلف الخامات .
الأعمال الفنية اليدوية مثل صنع دمية وغير ذلك حسب ما يراه الطفل ويتم ذلك عن طريق توفير مواد ومخلفات البيئة في عمل أشياء ذات قيمة للأطفال .
أنشطة جماعية تكون بعد مضي فترة على الطفل في الروضة وذلك لتعويده على المشاركة والتواصل مع الآخرين .
الطباعة : تستخدم المعلمة قوالب إسفنجية وممكن أن يطبع الطفل يده أو قدمه على الورق أو طباعة بعض مخلفات البيئة
القص : وهو نشاط محبب للأطفال ويتدرج القص ففي بداية العام نقدم للطفل قص عشوائي ثم نقدم لهم المقص ليقص صور من المجلات ، ثم يقدم • ترشد للعمل بوضوح .
• تقلل المشاكل السلوكية داخل الركن .
• تعلم الطفل الاعتماد على النفس .
• توفر الوقت والجهد على المعلمة .
• تعلم الطفل احترام حق الآخرين فهي بالتالي تنمي الضبط الداخلي .
دور المعلمة في النشاط الفني :
أولاً : قبل النشاط :
1. توفير المواد والأدوات الخاصة بالنشاط مع إضافة مواد وأدوات كتغذية للنشاط .
2. تجريب المواد للتأكد من صلاحيتها للعمل .
3. توفير المساحة المناسبة للنشاط .
4. وضع الإشارة المناسبة بطريقة جذابة وواضحة للأطفال .
ثانياً : أثناء عرض النشاط :
1. توفير الحرية ، فعليها ترك الطفل يعمل لوحده بحرية وبالطريقة التي يريد .
2. أُظهري اهتمامك بما يعمل ،و اطلبي منه الإذن إذا أردتِ الاحتفاظ بعمله .
3. قدمي المساعدة له عندما يفقد السيطرة على المواد .
4. الوصف الإيجابي : أي على المعلمة وصف عمل الطفل مثال: لاحظت أنك رسمت شكلاً دائرياً – مفتوحاً . تعجبني الطريقة التي تُعيد بها الفرشاة لنفس الوعاء ....... إلخ .
5. تغذية الركن باستمرار وإعادة الإشارة .
6. تدريب الطفل على أن ينظف مكانه في حدود قدراته .
7. الاهتمام بكل طفل وملاحظة أن كل طفل أنجز عمله وعلق عمله .ثالثاً : بعد الانتهاء من النشاط :
1. تسجيل تعليقات الطفل المصاحبة للرسم إذا رغب في ذلك .
2. الاحتفاظ ببعض رسوماته التي تمثل تطوره ووضعها في ملفه .
3. متابعة التطور الفني لدى كل طفل .
4. عرض أعمال الأطفال في فترة اللقاء الأخير.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
We begin with activities that do not need laws like pens alflomstr-dough – and then collage and other activities requiring laws such as the mattress one + one color.The parameter range in providing free drawing by alflomstr at the beginning of the year have a broad offering of paper baby pens and primary colors for the first level and then add color gradually.Dough: kneading is used to initially using his hands then provides the uniqueness of the dough and then with the uniqueness of the dough to use children in shaping the dough, then parameter can add collage with dough.Different types of paint: range parameter in the use of color, start with color and then after the second and third color adds up to more than the color, also ranging parameter in making brushes for painting was initially broad and then gradually larger and less than the size of the leaves.Chalk: offers the child gradually colors as previously mentioned. Collage activity: the first one homogeneous type and various formats such as: paper in all colors and forms, then offers a varied collage of various materials.Handmade artworks like making doll and others as deemed child through provision of materials and environmental work of things of value to children. Group activities after a child in kindergarten and to accustom the child to participate and communicate with others.Printing: using the parameter templates spongy and possible to type the child's hand or foot on the paper or print some of the environmental Storytelling: a great activity for children and ranging cut in the beginning of the year we offer the child cut random then give them scissors to cut pictures from magazines, then provides guidance for action – clearly.• Reduce behavioural problems into the corner.• Child learning self-reliance.• Save time and effort on the parameter.• Learn respect for the rights of others is therefore the development of internal control.The role parameter in artistic activity:First: by activity:1. provision of materials and tools for the activity with the addition of materials and tools such as feed for the activity.2. testing of materials to ensure fitness for work.3. provide adequate space for the activity.4. develop appropriate reference in a clear and attractive to children.Second: while viewing the activity:1. provide freedom, they left the child worked for the naval unit the way you want.2. show your interest in the work, and ask him for permission if you want to keep working.3. my feet help him when he loses control of the material.4. positive: the description parameter description of child labor is an example: I noticed that you painted a circularly – open. I like the way the brush back to the same container....... Etc.5. feed the corner down and out.6. train the child to clean his place within the limits of its capabilities.7. attention to each child and note that each child has completed his work commented. III: after the completion of the activity:1. registration of comments the child accompanying graphic if desired.2. keep some paintings that represent development and put it in his file.3. follow-up to the technical development of each child.4. presentation of the work of children in a recent meeting.__________________
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]

We start activities that do not need laws like Filomstr Pens - dough - then collage and the rest of the activities that need to be laws, such as a mattress and one + one color.
ranging parameter in providing free drawing pens Filomstr In the beginning of the year is the paper a broad offering of a child pens broad private and basic colors for the level of I then increase the color gradually.
Dough: Child resort to kneading initially using his hands thereafter uniqueness of the dough and then the sectors with the uniqueness of the dough to be used by the child in the formation of the dough, can a teacher then add Collage with dough.
Paint different forms: ranging parameter in use colors, starting with color and then after a period adds a second color and a third even make the child more than one color, also ranging parameter in providing brushes with paint as if they are initially broad and then gradually least WVGA as well as for the size of the leaves.
Chalk: provides for the child gradually color as already mentioned.
Activity collage: Presented at the beginning and one type homogeneous and various forms such as: paper only in all colors and forms then submit the child's collage medley of various raw materials.
Handmade artwork such as making doll and is, according to what he sees as the child is done by providing materials and residues of the environment in the work of things valuable for children.
group activities be after a period of a child in kindergarten, to accustom him to participate and communicate with others.
Printing: using templates parameter spongy and possible that the baby hand prints or foot on the paper or print some environmental waste
storytelling: a grainy activity for kids and graded shear In the beginning of the year we offer the child a random cut and then provide them with scissors to cut pictures from magazines, then submit • guide the work clearly.
• reduce behavioral problems inside corner.
• child learn self-reliance.
• saves time and effort on the parameter.
• the child learn to respect the right of others They therefore develop internal control.
parameter in the role of artistic activity:
First, before activity:
1. The provision of materials and tools for the activity with the addition of materials and tools Kngveh activity.
2. Experimenting with materials to ensure suitability for the work.
3. Provide appropriate space for the activity.
4. Develop appropriate reference attractive and clear way for children.
Secondly, during the presentation of activity:
1. Provide freedom, it must leave the child alone works freely and the way he wants.
2. Azari including interest works, and ask him permission if you want to keep his job.
3. My feet to help him when he loses control of the material.
4. Positive Description: any parameter on child labor Description Example: I noticed that you painted circular shape - open. I like the way you brush them back to the same bowl ....... etc.
5. Continuously feeding the corner and re-pointing.
6. Train the child to clean his place within the limits of his abilities.
7. Attention to every child and note that each child completed its work and suspended his work. Third: After the completion of the activity:
1. Registration comments accompanying the child to draw if he so wishes.
2. Retain some of his drawings, which represents its development and put it in Public.
3. Follow-up to the technical development of each child.
4. Showing children work in the last meeting.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]

we activities that do not require legislation, such as pens, Alflwmstr – and then the dough; and other activities requiring such laws as one single color brush
.The range of parameter in free drawing pens of Alflwmstr at the beginning of the paper is wide, the children's broad pen colors and background colors for level first and then increase gradually.
the dough:Children's turn to start using the hands, then provide the uniqueness of the dough kneading and cutting with the uniqueness of the dough for use by children in the formation of the dough, can the teacher after that. To add a collage with dough.
different kinds: paintThe range of parameter in the use of colors and color and then add color after the second one and to make the child more than color, also the scale parameter in making brushes for painting, such as large at first and then decreases gradually in size as well as forThe papers.
the chalk: it gives the child gradually in color as described above.
the collage activity: first, is one kind heterogeneous and various shapes such as: paper in all of its forms then baby College offers a variety of different raw materials.
Handmade works of art, such as by what he sees as the child doll making, etc. This is done by providing materials and the environment in the work of the valuable things to children.
Group activities after the child is in kindergarten in order to participate and communicate with others. Ltwydh
printing parameter, used sponge and templates to print. The child's hand or foot print on paper some of the remnants of the environment
shearing.A pleasant activity for children and cut at the beginning of the year offer children and provide them with scissors cut randomly Lyqs pictures from magazines, and instructs the work clearly. Element.
- reduce behavioural problems in the child learn self-reliance. "Save time and effort on parameter.
- teach children to respect the right of others are, therefore, develops the control procedure. The role of the teacher in the artistic activity

first, before the business:
1.Provide the materials and tools for the activity with the addition of materials and tools Ktghdhyt activity. "2. Testing of materials for their work. "3. Provide adequate space for activity. "4. A reference event in a clear and attractive to children.
B:During the presentation of the activity:
1. Freedom, it should leave the child alone freely as he wants. "2. Auzhry serves your interest, and ask him to leave. If you keep doing
3. My feet helping him when he loses control. "4.Positive description: a teacher's job description is an example: you painted the open circular form. I like the way brush returned to the container. Etc.
5. The feeding element is continuously and reference.
6.Train the child to clean the place within its capability. "7. Attention all the children and each child completed his work and his work. After the completion of activity:
1. Record comments in children associated with drawing, if he so wishes. "2.Keep some of his drawings representing its development and put them in his. "3. Follow the technical development of each child.
4. The children's show in the last meeting.

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
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