افضل وقت لزيارة ايطاليا تكون بين ابريل و يونيو عندما تكون درجات الحرارة معتدله في كل مكان ، مثل الشتاء في مدينة جدة يكون معتدل ويمكننا الاستمتاع بالطقس
The best time to visit Italy between April and June, when temperatures are moderate everywhere, like winter in Jeddah is mild and we can enjoy the weather
The best time to visit Italy be between April and June, when temperatures are mild all over the place, like winter in the city of Jeddah is moderate and we can enjoy the weather
Is the best time to visit Italy between May and June when temperatures moderate everywhere, such as in Jeddah and a mild winter, and we can enjoy the weather.