النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 2:
Swine Flu
Swine flu is a respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses belong to a family that Oortomeksovariday ( in English: Orthomyxoviridae) that often affects pigs. This type of virus causes outbreaks of influenza in pigs on a regular basis in a number of countries , including the United States, Mexico, Canada , South America, Europe and East Asia. [1] [2] Swine flu viruses cause infections and high levels of the disease, but they are characterized by low rates of death due to disease among pigs [3]. Even in 2009 it has been identified six viruses of swine flu , a virus influenza A virus and influenza A H1N1 virus and influenza A H1N2 virus and influenza A H3N1 virus and influenza A H3N2 virus and influenza A H2N3. These viruses remain scattered among swine throughout the year, but most outbreaks of epidemic among pigs occur during the late fall and winter as it is in humans.
The transmission of swine flu to humans virus is relatively rare, especially to cook pork before consumption leads to disabling the virus. The virus does not cause symptoms of the flu to humans in most cases is to know a person 's infection is only analyzed the concentration of antibody in the blood. However , the likelihood of pigs from the swine flu virus transmission to humans has increased recently as a result of genetic mutations that have occurred in the DNA of the virus, and the infection usually infect people working in the field of pig breeding only where there is constant communication which increases the likelihood of transmission of the virus. Since the mid - twentieth century was recorded fifty human cases of swine influenza virus, usually the symptoms of the infection are similar to the symptoms of the common flu Kaanqan the throat and high fever, fatigue and muscle aches, cough, headache be.
viruses known to cause flu symptoms in pigs are virus influenza A virus and influenza C, and a virus is common among pigs. Despite the ability of each of the virus A and C on human injury but serological species that infect humans are different from those that infect the pig. The virus usually does not move between different living species unless there reconfiguration of the virus, then the virus can move between human and avian and swine.
Virus influenza A
virus infects a both humans and pigs and birds, has now been identified on four sub - types of influenza virus A have been isolated in pigs:
H3N2 and
H3N1 was
found that most of the influenza viruses that have been isolated in 2009 -khalal infection from pigs have been H1N1 viruses. Was isolated classical swine flu virus (influenza type virus H1N1) for the first time from a pig in 1930 [6].
Influenza virus c
affects influenza virus c both humans and pigs , all but a rare move for humans and that the lack of genetic diversity and host organisms for the virus. The cause of the virus outbreak in Japan in 1996 and 1998 , and California.
Some scientists assumed that the first swine flu spread among humans happened in 1918, where he proved to pigs infected with infect humans, but has not been proven conclusively from receiving the infection first. [8] And it was the first to identify the causative agent of the influenza virus flu in pigs in 1930, [9] During the sixty years since this discovery was a virus influenza A H1N1 virus is the only virus known as swine flu. Between 1997 and 2002 , it has been identified three new Nmttiyat of swine flu viruses in North America. Between 1997 and 1998 , the virus has spread the flu virus A H3N2 output from the reassortment of the virus , a process that affects humans and other birds, pigs, and since then the virus H3N2 is one of the main causes of influenza in pigs in North America. Then it resulted from the restructuring of the H1N1 and H3N2 is a new virus influenza A H1N2 virus. In 1999 , a new type of virus appeared It is H4N6, which resulted from a cross between varieties of birds to pigs, small and why fascism was neutralized on a farm in Canada.
More virus that causes swine flu prevalent is the H1N1 virus, which is a virus that descended from a flu pandemic, but the transmission of the virus from pigs to humans N'drlhdot were registered 12 cases in the United States since 2005. [11] Ability of the virus to spread among pigs without humans led to the survival of the virus disappeared with HIV against it in humans, which may be the reason for easy spread of the virus among people at the moment.
Spread of the virus among pigs common occurrence and cause financial losses to trade pork. For example , the cause of disease losses estimated at about 65 million pounds per year. [13]
infection 1918
Spanish flu virus H1N1 , which caused the deaths of nearly 51 million people are also hit by the pigs in the same period. But the research has not been able main source of the virus confirmed; however, some historians had swung to the main source of the virus is to be the state of Kansas in the United States [14], did not prove studies or deny the transition of the virus from pigs to humans , or vice versa could.
1976 infection
President Ford receives a vaccine against the virus
wounded 14 soldiers from Fort Dix ( in English: Fort Dix) in the United States in February of 1976 , infected with swine flu. This incident led to the death of one of the soldiers, while the remaining 13 needed hospital admission for treatment. Fears of the spread of the epidemic to President Gerald Ford asked the judge to vaccinate the entire population of the United States against the H1N1 virus. But delayed immunization program application and received only 24% of the population on the appropriate vaccination. [17] [18]
In 1988 infection
in September 1988 led to the swine flu infection and death of a woman
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