أنا أحب كرة القدم كثيرا وفريقي المفضل الأهلي الإماراتي وأتباع كل مباريات الفريق ..كما أمارس لعبة كرة القدم يوم الجمعة من كل أسبوع وأتمنى أن أصبح لاعبا مشهورا .
I love football so much and my favorite team Alahli and follow all the matches. As I practice soccer game on Friday of every week and I hope to become a famous actor.
I love football so much and my favorite team Al Ahli and the followers of all team games ..kma I play football on Friday of each week and I hope to become a player Gladiator.
I love football very much and the favourite of Al Ahli team matches and all. I also play football on Friday of each week and wish to become a player famous.