اريد ان اتعلم اللغة الانجليزيه من اجل مستقبلي لاستخدمه بالعمل و السفر والتخاطب مع اي شخص غير عربي واللغة الانجليزيه تفيدني في التخاطب و السفر لدوله اجنبيه
I want to learn English for my future because I use it at work and travel and communicate with anyone other than Arabic and English help me communicate and travel to a foreign country
I want to learn the English language in order to use it for my future work and travel and communicate with anyone other than Arabic and English help me in communication and travel to a foreign country
I want to learn English for my future Lastkhdmh work, travel and communicate with anyone other than Arabic and English travel state of foreign language.