تبدأ هذه القصة بجنازة كبير للانسة ايميلي, التي لم يدخل بيتها طوال ثلاث ترجمة - تبدأ هذه القصة بجنازة كبير للانسة ايميلي, التي لم يدخل بيتها طوال ثلاث الإنجليزية كيف أقول

تبدأ هذه القصة بجنازة كبير للانسة ا

تبدأ هذه القصة بجنازة كبير للانسة ايميلي, التي لم يدخل بيتها طوال ثلاثين عام سوى خادم زنجي (توبي), بالرغم من أن بيتها قديم الا انه كان في مضى من افخم البيوت في البلدة, علاقة الناس مع ايميلي علاقة فريدة من نوعها منذ رفضها لدفع الضرائب المترتبة عليها, لكن مع مرور الزمن لم يوافق الجيل الجديد على رفض الانسة ايميلي لدفع الضرائب وفتوجهوا إليها لمطالبتها بدفع الضرائب لكنها انكرت ما عليها فوبختهم وطردتهم من المنزل.قبل ثلاثين عام شعر جامعوا الضرائب برائحة كريهة بعد موت والد ايميلي بسنتين، ويذكر ان والد ايميلي رفض جميع الشبان الذي تقدموا لخطبتها بحجة ان لا أحد منهم ضمن مستواها, وبعد اختفاء حبيبها(هومر بارون) بسنتين ازدادت تلك الرائحة الكريهة, وازدادت شكاوى الجيران لكن السلطات لم تجرؤا على مراجعة الانسة ايميلي نظرا لظروفها, وللذلك قاموا بنشر مادة الجير في حديقتها حتى اختفت الرائحة نهائيا.
شعر الناس بالاسف على ايميلي لان والدها مات وترك لها البيت ولكن بدون مال. وعندما مات أبوها رفضت ايميلي الاعتراف بان والدها مات الا بعد مرور ثلاثة ايام على موته. لكن اهل البلدة لم يظنوا انها جنت, بل اعتقدوا انها شعرت بالصدمة لموت والدها. ويعود الراوي إلى الخلف وذلك بعد وفاة والدها كانت اميلي قد بدأت بمواعد هومر بارون, الذي كان يعمل في مشروع بناء في البلدة, انزعج اهل البلدة من تلك العلاقة حتى انهم قاموا باستدعاء اقاربها من الخارح الإيقاف هذه العلاقة.
وفي أحد الايام قامت ايميلي بشراء بعض السموم من محل الادوية.وقد بدأ الناس بالظن ان هومر بارون قام بهجرها وانها تخطط للانتحار. وحين تقوم اميلي بشراء بعض ملابس وأغراض الرجال فيظن الناس انهم يريدون الزواج, وبعدها يقوم هومر بارون بالاختفاء, وبعد اختفاءه، يقوم اقاربها بمغادرة القرية، ولكن هومر بارون يعود مرة أخرى ليشاهد لأخر مرة يدخل منزل ايميلي.وخلال سنوات كثيرة لم تغادر ايميلي منزلها الا لمرات نادرة جدا حيث كانت تقوم بتعليم الرسم, بعدها تتقدم ايميلي بالعمر ويتحول لون شعرها للرمادي ويزداد وزنها, وأخيرا تموت في الطابق السفلي من بيتها والذي لم يدخله ضوء الشمس منذ سنوات. وتعود الاحداث من حيت بدأت اي إلى جنازتها. حيث يغادر خادمها الزنجي من الباب الخلفي للأبد. وبعد أن قام الناس بدفنها قام اهل البلدة بدخول بيتها إلى الطابق العلوي الذي كان مغلق منذ ثلاثين عام. حيث قام اهل البلدة بالعثور على جثة هومر بارون متعفنة وملتصقة بالسرير وبعض الشعر الطويل بجانبه.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Begin this story with a large funeral for Miss Emily, which had entered her home for thirty year only server nigger (Toby), although her old but it was in the past the plush homes in town, the relationship of people with Emily's relationship is unique since refusing to pay taxes, but with the passage of time did not agree with the new generation to reject Miss Emily for tax weftoghwa to its claim for the payment of taxes but denied it, she scolded them and expelled them from home. thirty years ago felt they have sexual intercourse with the scent taxation Foul after the death of the father of Emily with two, Emily's father reportedly refused all young people who have applied to her, arguing that none of them within the level, and after the disappearance of her beloved (Homer Barron) two years increased their Funk, and increased complaints of neighbors but not dared authorities to review Miss Emily because of circumstances, wellzelk spread lime material in her garden until the smell disappeared.People felt sorry for Emily because her father died and left her house without money. When her father died, Emily refused to acknowledge that her father died only three days after his death. But they did not think the town folks Gent, but thought she felt the shock of her father's death. The Narrator returns back after her father's death she was Emily started calendar Homer Barron, who was working on a construction project in the town, the town folks annoyed of that relationship even they call relatives of alkharh off this relationship.One day Emily had purchased some toxins from drugs and people began to think that Homer Barron who abandoned her and she plans to commit suicide. And while Emily bought some clothes and purposes of men, people think they want to marry, and after the Homer Barron in the disappearance, and after his disappearance, the relatives to leave the village, but Homer Barron back again to watch for the last time enters the home Emily. during many years did not leave her home only to times of Emily very rare where you teach, then apply Emily age and gray hair turns increasingly weighing , And finally die in the basement of her home, which did not admit sunlight for years. The event dates back from where I started to her funeral. So that leaves its servant Negro back door forever. After people buried the town folks to enter her house upstairs which was closed since 30 years. The town folks to find the body of Homer Barron rotting and attached to the bed and some long hair beside it.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
This story starts with a funeral for Miss Emily, that her house did not go over thirty years only Negro server (Toby), despite the fact that her old, but he was in the past of the most luxurious houses in the town, people's relationship with Emily unique relationship since the refusal to pay taxes arising from it, but with the passage of time the new generation did not agree to reject Miss Emily to pay taxes and they headed to the claim to pay taxes, but they denied what it Vobchthm and expelled from Almenzl.qubl thirty years hair collectors taxes foul smell after the death of the father of Emily, two years, and states that the father of Emily refused All young people who have applied to her on the grounds that not one of them within their level, and after the disappearance of her boyfriend (Homer Barron) two years increased that stench, and increased complaints from neighbors, but authorities have not dared to review Miss Emily due to the circumstances, and that have published lime substance in her garden even disappeared odor final.
People felt sorry for Emily because her father died and left her home, but without money. When her father died, Emily refused to recognize that her father died only three days after the anniversary of his death. But the people of the town have not reaped might think it, but they thought she was shocked by the death of her father. And back-Rawi back after her father's death was Emily had begun Bmed Homer Barron, who was working in the project of building in the town, annoyed people of the town from that relationship so they had to call her relatives from Aforh stop this relationship.
One day, Emily has purchased some toxins of people began to replace Aladoah.oukd into thinking that Homer Barron has Bahjrha and it plans to commit suicide. When the Emily bought some clothes for men, people will think they want to get married, and then the Homer Barron's disappearance, and after his disappearance, the relatives to leave the village, but Homer Barron back again to watch for the last time enters Imiola.okhlal home many years Emily did not leave her house except for the times very rare where she teaches drawing, then advancing age and Emily turns her hair color to gray and increasing weight, and finally die in the basement of her home, which did not enter the sunlight for years. And the return of events began saluting any to her funeral. Where his valet Negro leave from the back door forever. After that the people buried by the people of the town to enter her house to the upper floor which was closed since thirty years. Where the people of the town to find the body of Homer Barron moldy and stuck to the bed and some long hair next to him.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
This story begins at a large Llanst Emily's funeral, which was her home for thirty years, only a server (Toby), despite the fact that her old home, but he was once of the most luxurious houses in town.The relationship between people with Emily, a unique relationship for their refusal to pay taxesBut with the passage of time, did not approve a new generation refused to Miss Emily to tax Wftwjhwa to ask them to pay taxes but denied that it Fwbkhthm expelled from home.Thirty years ago Jamwa hair smell unpleasant tax two years after the death of Emily's father, the father of Emily refused to all the young people who had proposed to her on the grounds that no one on a level.After the death of her lover, Baron). Two more such bad smell, the neighbor's complaints, but the authorities have not dared to check Miss Emily, because of their own, Wlldhlk they published articles in her garden lime smell and even disappeared completely. "People felt sorry for me, because her father died, leaving her home but without money. When her father died, Emily refused to admit that her father died only three days after his death. But the people of the town did not think it's nuts.They thought it felt the shock over the death of her father. The narrator is back, after the death of her father, Emily was started Bmwad Homer Barron, who was working at the building in the townHe was troubled by the people of the town of that relationship until they've summoned her relatives from abroad for this relationship. "In one day, Emily has purchased some toxins from the shop the drugs. The people started to believe that Homer Barron had left her as she plans to commit suicide.When Emily buys clothes and the men clean, people want to marry, and then Homer Barron went into hiding. After his disappearance, her relatives to leave the village. But Homer Barron returns back to the last time. Entering the house, Emily.During many years, did not leave her house but very rare occasions where she taught drawing, then Emily extends life and turns her hair color to grey and weight.Finally, die in the bottom floor of her house which did not enter the sunlight for years. The event is started from any to her. Since leaving the Khadmha nigga back door forever.After a people the people buried had entered her home town to the upper floor, which had been closed for thirty years. The people of the town, find the body of Homer Barron rotten Wmltsqt in bed and long hair.
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لغات أخرى
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