النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 1:
Research on peace The concept of peace:It put its security and stability prevail wallah Lord, and feel safe and secure human property.-In other words is reassurance and stability resulting from the ability to maintain the country's borders from foreign threats and imposing order at home and its consolidation. World peace Peace is a vital necessity for all peoples and States. Therefore, the United Nations peace-keeping and international security is one of the first objectives. How can peace be achieved?A. at the international level:The international effort must be based on the following:-Activating the role of the United Nations to deploy peace and security.-To make the five continents demilitarized zones-Prevention of nuclear testing on the ground and in the air, seas and oceans.-Destruction and destroy weapons of mass destruction.-Close or use nuclear reactors for peaceful purposes.-Establish a new world economic order based on equality, justice and development. As the Almighty said:And that latter option for peace, suites and trust in God that he is the hearer, the Knower B. at the national level:This is achieved by achieving good citizens and peace culture education of avoiding violence, and respect for cultural diversity, democracy promotion, والعدل٬والحريه, ٬والحوار, tolerance and development. The importance of peace:Peace has many advantages including:-To impose stability, order and tranquillity.-Provide a life of dignity, creativity and development and prosperity.-Guarantee of rights and freedoms.-Being able to exercise democracy.-Harmony, harmony, love and fraternity between Nations and peoples. United Nations efforts in the dissemination of world peace:-The maintenance of international peace and security.-Settlement of disputes between States by peaceful means.-To limit the arms race and disarmament.-Promotion of human rights.-Promoting economic and social development, culture and education in the world.-Study issues and complaints.-Liquidation of colonialism in many countries of the world.- ساهمت في القضاء على الميزالعنصري .أيها السلام رمز الغبطة السماوية ومفتاح النور سلم الحق وحديث الصمت٬ إني اسمع نداءك إني اسعي إليك٬ إني في توق لملاقاتك في ذاتي ٬أيها السلام الأكبر ٬خذ بيدي لأصل سلامك.فالسلام الحق... منبعه الذات العليا يتدفق إلى النفس ليضفي عليها صفاء" ونقاء"، هو حكمة قول وتصرف مفعم بالمحبة الإنسانية التي لا تفرق بين دين وآخر ولا بين عرق ولون .همه الوحيد جعل الإنسان يحيا بوئام وطمأنينة ..من خلال تواصله مع بقية الشعوب لتعود البشرية إلى أصلها النوراني حيث كانت أخوية جامعة لا مجال للتحارب والتصارع ضمنها، بل معاناة من أجل بلوغ السلام الحق، السلام الذي ينبع من الخالق ويشع أنوارا" تحيي خلائق الوجود
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..