صاروخ توتشكاالذي تم اطلاقه قبل قليل حصد اكثر من 100جندي من جنود ال سعود ومرتزقاتهم بينهم 10قياداة كبيره بالاصافه الى تدمير منظومة باتريوت وطائرتي اباتشي
Tochkaalzei missile was launched shortly before the harvesting of more than 100 soldiers of the Sa'ud wemrtzkathm soldiers including 10 his leaderships is great addition to the Patriot system and Apache helicopters
Tockaalve rocket was launched shortly before the harvest of more than 100 soldiers of the soldiers Saud and Mrtzqathm including 10 Kiedah large in addition to the destruction of the Patriot system and two Apache
Twtshkaaldhy missile was launched shortly before harvest, more than 100 soldiers of the Al Saud Wmrtzqathm including 10 big Qyadat Balasafh to destroy the Patriot system and Apache