انا احب الرسم كثيرا منذ أن كنت صغيرة كنت ارسم في أوقات فراغي أحب رسم الظل والضوء لأنه أصدق أنواع الرسم ومليء الأحساس ويعتبر حقيقي بالنسبة لي لذلك أحبه...
I like drawing a lot since I was small I was drawing in my spare time I love to draw shadow and light because he believe the types of drawing and full sensation is real for me so I love it.
I love drawing so much since I was small I was drawing in my spare time I like to draw a shadow and light to believe that the types of graphic and full of feeling is real for me because I love it so ...
I like painting very much since I was a child, I draw in my spare time I like drawing the shadow and types of painting because he believe and feel the real to me. I love him...