أم كلثوم هو الاسم الفني لـ

أم كلثوم هو الاسم الفني لـ "فاطمة إ

أم كلثوم هو الاسم الفني لـ "فاطمة إبراهيم البلتاجي" وهي مطربة مصرية، إشتهرت في مصر وفي عموم العالم العربي والعالمي في القرن العشرين، ولقبت بـ "كوكب الشرق" و"سيدة الغناء العربي". توفيت عن عمر يناهز 71 عاما (حسب التاريخ الرسمي لميلادها)

. ميلادها ونشأتها

تاريخ الميلاد المعتمد لأم كلثوم هو 4 مايو 1904، بالرغم من أن البعض يرجح ان تكون من مواليد 20 ديسمبر 1898. ولدت في محافظة الدقهلية لإبراهيم البلتاجي مؤذن قرية طماي الزهايرة، مركز السنبلاوين ، كانت تحفظ وتغني القصائد والتواشيح هي وأخاها خالد إبراهيم البلتاجي. وفي حدود سن العاشرة كانت قد أصبحت تغني أمام الجمهور في بيت شيخ البلد في قريتها.


كوكب الشرق أم كلثـــوم ، هكذا عرفها الملايين فى العالم العربى على مدى نصف قرن من العطاء المتواصل والنجاح الباهر بصوتها الجميل وأدائها الرائع وتعبيرها الأخاذ وبأحب ما تغنى به الناس من كلمات وألحان. من فلاحة بسيطة فى إحدى القرى إلى كوكب الشرق ، رحلة مليئة بالكفاح والإصرار على التفوق حتى آخر العمر، وفى وسط الحروب والصراعات والملوك والبسطاء غنت أم كلثوم لمجد الجميع ولرفعتهم وأنشدت ما اهتزت له مشاعر العرب شرقا وغربا على مدى عشرات السنين. قيل فى أم كلثوم أنه لم يجتمع العرب على شيء مثلما اجتمعوا فى صوت أم كلثوم ,أضحى الغناء بصوتها رمزا للعروبة إذ أنها كانت تتأنى كثيرا فى اختيار ما تغنيه ، ولم تكن تقبل إلا شعر كبار الشعراء قديمهم وحديثهم ، وقد غذت أم كلثوم بأغنياتها فرعا هاما من فروع القومية العربية باستطاعتها توحيد الوجدان العربى وتعبيرها عن المشاعر العربية الأصيلة كلاما ونغما وأداء. وقد عرف عن أم كلثوم شخصيتها القوية واحترامها لنفسها ولفنها فاحترمها الملوك والزعماء كما احترمها عامة الشعب وأحبها الناس فى كل مكان ، وتفردت بمكانة عالية فى الفن والمجتمع لم تصل إليها أية مطربة فى الشرق. ولا شك أن النموذج الذى قدمته أم كلثوم يصب فى خدمة الفن من عدة أوجه: اختيارها للراقى من الكلمات وتفضيلها لشعر العربية الفصحى اختيارها لأبرع الملحنين: وأهمهم محمد القصبجى وزكريا أحمد ورياض السنباطى ومحمد عبد الوهاب حفاظها على الصورة المحترمة للفن تطويعها للفن فى خدمة قضايا أمتها العامة إخلاصها لجمهورها بتقديم الجيد والجديد ومن أهم قصائدها ولد الهدى ، سلوا قلبى ، نهج البردة لأحمد شوقى ، رباعيات الخيام ترجمة أحمد رامى ، أراك عصى الدمع لأبى فراس الحمدانى و الأطلال لإبراهيم ناجى

رحلة أم كلثــوم البدايـــات الأولى

عام 1904 ولدت فاطمة ابراهيم البلتاجى التى عرفت فيما بعد باسم أم كلثوم فى قرية صغيرة قرب مدينة المنصورة تسمى طماي الزهايرة ، لم يكن أحد يتوقع مستقبلا يذكر لطفلة أسرة فقيرة تقطن بقرية صغيرة ليس بها مدرسة واحدة ، لكن القدر خبأ لأم كلثوم مواعيد كثيرة. كان والد أم كلثوم الشيخ ابراهيم البلتاجى إمام مسجد القرية ، وإضافة لقراءته القرآن الكريم كان يحفظ الكثير من القصائد العربية والتواشيح الدينية التى كان أهل القرية والقرى المجاورة يدعونه لإنشادها فى المناسبات الدينية والاجتماعية ، حفظت أم كلثوم عن والدها بعض القرآن وألحقها الشيخ بكتاب القرية ثم بمدرسة بمركز السنبلاوين القريب لتكمل حفظ أجزاء من القرآن ولتتعلم اللغة العربية، وكان يصطحبها وأخيها لليالى التى يحييها فحفظت عنه الكثير من التواشيح والقصائد. عام 1917 بدأت أم كلثوم الغناء وهى فى الثالثة عشرة من عمرها مع فرقة أبيها متجولة فى القرى والأرياف ، غالبا سيرا على الأقدام ، كمنشدة للتواشيح الدينية و القصائد ، وكانت ترتدى الزى العربى متشحة بعقال على رأسها ، وسرعان ما ظهرت موهبة أم كلثوم فأصبحت منشد الفرقة الأساسى ، وتقول أم كلثوم أن الأسرة بدت وكـأنها قد طافت بكل مكان فى دلتا النيل قبل أن تضع قدما لها فى القاهرة التى نصحها الكثيرون بالذهاب إليها. ما بين 1916 و1919 التقت أم كلثوم باثنين من كبار الفنانين هما الشيخ أبو العلا محمد والشيخ زكريا أحمد ، وقد استمع كلاهما إلى صوتها وامتدحا أداءها لكنها لم تتعامل معهما فنيا إلا عندما استقرت بالقاهرة. عام 1920 غنت أم كلثوم فى القاهرة لأول مرة ثم عادت إلى قريتها مبهورة بأضواء العاصمة وأملت فى العودة إليها مرة أخرى

. الحياة فى العاصمة

عام 1921 عادت أم كلثوم فعلا إلى لقاهرة لتغنى مع فرقة والدها وواتتها الفرصة لكى يسمع صوتها جمهور العاصمة وفنانوها مثل الشيخ على محمود والشيخ على القصبجى والد محمد القصبجى والشيخ ايو العلا محمد ، وقد أعجب بصوتها وأصبح معلمها الأول ثم غنت له بعض القصائد وشجعها على ارتياد مجالات جديدة فى الغناء غير التواشيح. عام 1923 بدأت أم كلثوم فى إحياء حفلات لبعض أعيان القاهرة التى تم ترتيبها بواسطة متعهدى الحفلات فى العاصمة ، وبدأ نجمها يسطع ودخلت فى منافسة مع أشهر مطربات ذلك الوقت مثل نعيمة المصرية ، منيرة المهدية ، فاطمة سرى و فتحية أحمد. عام 1924 قدم الشيخ أبو العلا أم كلثوم إلى الشاعر أحمد رامى الذى تولى تعليمها أصول اللغة والشعر ، وأظهرت استعدادا كبيرا للتعلم فتحسن مستواها وأضافت مهارات جديدة إلى مهاراتها الغنائية ، ومع استعدادها الشخصى للتطور أتيحت لها فرصة اكتساب أسلوب حياة المدينة باختلاطها بسيدات الطبقة الراقية من خلال حفلاتها فى العاصمة فغيرت من مظهرها وأسلوبها وأصبح لها كيان جديد

. البدايات الكبرى

عام 1924 كان عام البدايات الكبرى لأم كلثوم ، وفى ذلك العام تعرفت على نخبة من صفوة الفنانين والشعراء كانوا لها أفضل معين على ارتياد الصحيح والجيد من آفاق الفن ، ولم يكن هؤلاء مجرد معلمين لها بل ساهموا بشكل كبير فى تشكيل شخصية أم كلثوم والانتقال بها من فتاة ريفية بسيطة إلى شخصية عامة ، ومن هؤلاء من الملحنين الشيخ ابو العلا محمد والأستاذ محمد القصبجى ومن الشعراء أحمد رامى وأحمد شوقى.

أم كلثوم تغنى للقصبجى

في نفس العام - أي 1924 - سجلت أم كلثوم بصوتها لإحدى شركات الاسطوانات أحد ألحان الموسيقار محمد القصبجى قبل أن تتعرف إليه هو طقطوقة قال إيه حلف ما يكلمنيش مقام راست من كلمات أحمد رامى ، وكمن عثر على كنز قرر صاحب الشركة تعريفها بالموسيقار صاحب اللحن فقدمها إليه ثم قام القصبحى يتدريبها بعد ذلك كما تولى تعليمها المقامات الموسيقية والعود كما بدأ يلحن لها أغنيات خاصة بها وحتى عام 1928 كان قد لحن لها 17 أغنية ما بين الطقطوقة والمونولوج منها ينوبك ايه من تعذيبى ، قلبك غدر بى ، تراعى غيرى ، أحبك وانت مش دارى ونشأت بينهما صداقة فنية استمرت حتى وفاة القصبجى عام 1966. وقد يجدر بنا التوقف لحظة عند هذا الحدث قبل متابعة رحلة أم كلثوم ، فإنه يظهر من متابعة أسلوب التعامل مع شركات الإنتاج فى ذلك الو
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Umm kulthum is "technical name Fatma Ibrahim Beltagy" Egyptian singer, known in Egypt and across the Arab world and the world in the twentieth century, nicknamed "planet" and "the singing Lady." She died at the age of 71 years old (according to the official date of birth). Birth and originDate adopted kalthom is May 4, 1904, although some are likely to be born in 20 December 1898. Born in dakahlia governorate to Ibrahim Beltagy Muazzen tamai alzohaira, village centre as sinbillawain, the reservation and sings poems incantations are Khalid Ibrahim Beltagy and brother. And within 10 years had become sings in front of the public at the House of Sheik country in her village.Her lifePlanet East or kills, thus known to millions in the Arab world over half a century of giving continued success with her beautiful voice and wonderful performance and incredible expression and love what people sing lyrics and melodies. From a simple farming village to the East, a journey full of fight and determination to outdo even last a lifetime, and in the midst of wars and conflicts and Kings and gullible sang Om Kalthoum for glory and raise them offspring and sang what has shaken Arab East and West sensibilities over the decades. It was stated in the Umm kulthum that did not meet the Arabs on something as they met in Kalthoum, singing voice has become a symbol of Arabism as they were often carefully choose what rich, and not accept only senior poets old and speaking, and may Umm kulthum, fed her an important branch of Arabic nationalism can unite the Arab conscience and expression of feelings of genuine Arabic words and a tune that performance. And may Umm kulthum is known for her strong personality and respect for herself and her art so revered Kings and leaders as general respect people and love people everywhere, and featured a high prestige in art and society did not reach any singer in the East. There is no doubt that the form submitted by Oum Kalthoum pours in the service of art in many ways: their selection of fine words and a preference for classical Arabic poetry chosen for the most brilliant composers: primarily Muhamad Zakaria Ahmad Husni and Mohammed Abdel Wahab maintaining respectable art image adapted for art in the service of public devotion to nation issues their constituents by providing good quality new and most of her poems born Huda, salow Alby, Burda Ahmed shawky, Ahmed Rami Khayyam Rubaiyat, Arak Kelvin Abu Firas al-Hamdani and Ruins of Ibrahim NajiTrip or day beginning at first klth1904 was born Fatma Ibrahim Beltagy, known as Oum Kalthoum in small village near Mansoura city called tamai alzohaira, no one expected the future to child a poor family living in a small village not one school, but pot stash kalthom many dates. Umm kulthum's father was Sheikh Ibrahim Beltagy Imam village, in addition to reading the Quran was memorized many poems in Arabic and religious incantations were villagers and neighboring villages call to performed in religious and social events, conserved Umm kulthum on her father some Quran and caused Sheikh book village and then school status as sinbillawain to complement the conservation portions of the Qur'an and learn Arabic language, and was accompaniedAnd brother of nights prepared, preserved many incantations and poems. 1917 began to sing Oum Kalthoum, and is 13-year-old with her father's itinerant squad in villages and rural areas, often on foot, as his singer of incantations and religious poems, she wears an outfit with a headband on Arab dressed her head, quickly popping talent Om Kalthoum became chanter basic party says Oum kalsoum, the family seemed ideal as it has toured everywhere in the Nile Delta before it put forward in Cairo that advised by many to go. Between 1916 and 1919 she met OM kolthom, two artists are Sheikh Abu ELA Mohamed and Sheikh zakariyya Ahmad, both listened to her voice and praised their performance but did not deal with substantive but when settled in Cairo. In 1920 she sang of Umm kulthum in Cairo for the first time and then returned to her village lights fascinated the capital and hoped to return again. Life in the capitalعام 1921 عادت أم كلثوم فعلا إلى لقاهرة لتغنى مع فرقة والدها وواتتها الفرصة لكى يسمع صوتها جمهور العاصمة وفنانوها مثل الشيخ على محمود والشيخ على القصبجى والد محمد القصبجى والشيخ ايو العلا محمد ، وقد أعجب بصوتها وأصبح معلمها الأول ثم غنت له بعض القصائد وشجعها على ارتياد مجالات جديدة فى الغناء غير التواشيح. عام 1923 بدأت أم كلثوم فى إحياء حفلات لبعض أعيان القاهرة التى تم ترتيبها بواسطة متعهدى الحفلات فى العاصمة ، وبدأ نجمها يسطع ودخلت فى منافسة مع أشهر مطربات ذلك الوقت مثل نعيمة المصرية ، منيرة المهدية ، فاطمة سرى و فتحية أحمد. عام 1924 قدم الشيخ أبو العلا أم كلثوم إلى الشاعر أحمد رامى الذى تولى تعليمها أصول اللغة والشعر ، وأظهرت استعدادا كبيرا للتعلم فتحسن مستواها وأضافت مهارات جديدة إلى مهاراتها الغنائية ، ومع استعدادها الشخصى للتطور أتيحت لها فرصة اكتساب أسلوب حياة المدينة باختلاطها بسيدات الطبقة الراقية من خلال حفلاتها فى العاصمة فغيرت من مظهرها وأسلوبها وأصبح لها كيان جديد. Great beginningsIn 1924 he was in great beginnings kalthom, and in that year I was introduced to a selection of elite artists and poets were her best to go right and good prospects of art, these were not just teachers but contributed greatly to shaping the personality of Umm kulthum and move from simple rural girl to a public figure, and those of Sheikh Abu Al-ELA Mohammed composers and Prof. Muhamad Ahmad Rami of poets, Ahmed Shawqi.Umm kulthum sings llksabgiIn the same year — the 1924 Umm kulthum recorded the voice for one of the cylinders one composed by musician Muhamad before learn is what NATO said no ash trays yklmanish Maqam Rast lyrics Ahmad Rami, as of found treasure decided his company identified the musician his tune, by the then alksabhi ytedribha then also taught Maqam music and Oud also began her own songs celebrate completing until 1928 was tune it 17 song between the gay song and monologue Them ynobek any of the torturing, heart betrayed me, altruistic, I love you and you sinin originated artistic friendship lasted until death during 1966. And may we pause a moment when this event before continuing the journey of Om Kalthoum, it appears from the follow-up handling production companies including ALU
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]

Umm Kulthum is the technical name for "Fatima Ibrahim Beltagy" It is an Egyptian singer, famous in Egypt and across the Arab world and the world in the twentieth century, and nicknamed the "Star of the East" and "Lady of the Arab singing." She died at the age of 71 years (according to the official date of her birthday). Her birthday and origins Birthday adopted Umm Kulthum is May 4, 1904, although some are likely to be born in December 20 1898. She was born in Dakahlia Governorate Ibrahim Beltagy muezzin village Tmaa Zhaerp Alsnellowin Center, the reservation and sing poems and usually grab is her brother Khalid Ibrahim Beltagy. And within the age of ten had become sings in front of the public in the house of Sheikh country in her village. Her Star of the East Umm Kulthum, so defined by the millions in the Arab world over the past half a century of continuous tender and the resounding success with her ​​voice and beautiful performance and wonderful expression breathtaking but I love what sung by the people of words and music. From a simple peasant in a village to the Star of the East, a journey full of struggle and determination to excel even last a lifetime, in the midst of wars and conflicts, kings and ordinary people sang Umm Kulthum, to the glory of all and lifted them and sang what shook his feelings of Arabs east and west for decades. Was said in Umm Kulthum that the Arabs did not meet on something as they met in the voice of Umm Kulthum, has become a singing voice symbol of Arabism as it was go easy a lot to choose what is spared, and not only accept hair senior poets Kadimanm and talk, have fueled Umm Kulthum charts with her ​​an important branch of the Arab nationalism branches able unite the Arab conscience and expression of genuine feelings Arabic words and melody and performance. It has been known for Umm Kulthum strong and respected her for herself and her art Vahtermha kings and leaders as General respected the people and I love people everywhere, and unique to high prestige in art and society did not reach to any singer in the east. There is no doubt that the model presented by Umm Kulthum was hurt in the art service in several ways: their choice of fine words and a preference for hair classical Arabic selected for the most brilliant composers: and most notably Mohamed El Qasabgi and Zakaria Ahmed and Riad Sonbaty and Mohamed Abdel Wahab maintaining the image respectable art adapted for art in public issues of its nation Service dedication to her fans and good new offering is the most important of her poems was born Huda, amused my heart, Burda approach to Ahmed Shawki, quartets tents translation Ahmed Rami, Arak sticks tears to my father Firas Hamdani and ruins of Ibrahim Naji trip Umm Kulthum the very beginning in 1904 and was born Fatima Ibrahim Beltagy which was later on behalf of Umm Kulthum, in a small village near the city of Mansoura it called Tmaa Zhaerp, no one expected little future for a child poor family inhabiting a small village not have a single school, but just stash Umm Kulthum many dates. The father of Umm Kulthum, Sheikh Ibrahim El Beltagy the imam of the village mosque, and add to read the Koran it was saves a lot of Arabic poems and religious usually grab by the people of the village and neighboring villages they call for Anchadha in religious and social events, preserved Umm Kulthum from her father some of the Koran and inflicted Sheikh book of the village and school center Alsnellowin near to complement keeping parts of the Koran and learn Arabic, it was take her and her brother nights Vhfezt celebrated by him and usually grab a lot of poems. 1917 began Umm Kulthum singing a thirteen-year-old with her ​​father roving band in villages and rural areas, often on foot, Kmenhdh religious Touachih and poems, and was wearing Arab headdress, dressed Bakal on her head, and quickly emerged talent Umm Kulthum became vocalist band basic , says Umm Kulthum that the family seemed to have walked around everywhere in the Nile Delta before he put forward in Cairo, which advised her to go to many. Between 1916 and 1919 she met Umm Kulthum, two of the leading artists are Sheikh Abul Ela Mohammed and Sheikh Zakaria Ahmed, listened to both voice and complimented the performance but did not deal with them only when technically settled in Cairo. In 1920 she sang Umm Kulthum in Cairo for the first time and then returned to her village lights fascinated the capital and hoped to return to it again. Life in the capital in 1921 returned Umm Kulthum actually to Cairo to sing with the band and her father and Oataatha opportunity to be heard her voice public capital and Vnanoha such as Sheikh Ali Mahmoud and Sheikh Ali Algosbjy father Mohammed Algosbjy and Sheikh Iwo Ela Mohammed, he was impressed with her ​​voice and became the first mentor then sang him some poems and encouraged to go to new areas in the singing is usually grab. 1923 Umm Kulthum began to perform concerts for some dignitaries Cairo, which was arranged by operators concerts in the capital, and began their star shine and entered in the competition with the most famous singers that time such as the Egyptian Naima, Munira Mahdia, Fatima Ahmed secret and Fethiye. 1924 feet Sheikh Abul Ela Umm Kulthum to the poet Ahmed Rami, who took teach language and roots of the hair, and showed great willingness to learn Improved level and added new skills to her skills singing, and with the willingness personal development had the opportunity to acquire the lifestyle of the city Pachtlatha Bsadat upper class through her ​​concerts in the capital and changed its appearance, style and has become a new entity. Great beginnings in 1924 was in the Great Beginnings Umm Kulthum, and in that year I got to know a group of elite artists and poets were her best given on the right and the good prospects for art clubbing, did these not just teachers have even contributed greatly to the formation of personal Umm Kulthum and moving them from a simple peasant girl to a public figure, and those of composers Sheikh Abou El Ela Mohamed and Mr. Mohamed El Qasabgi and poets Ahmed Rami, Ahmed Shawky. Umm Kulthum singing of Qsbjy in the same year - the 1924 - Umm Kulthum recorded voice of one of the cylinders companies one composed by the musician Mohamed El Qasabgi before to know him is Tqtoukh said er Pact what Akelmenah shrine Rust lyrics Ahmed Rami, and as one who found the treasure decided owner of the company defined musician His melody was presented to him and then he Alqsubhy Atdrebha then also took teach musical shrines and lute also began to be composed her own and even songs in 1928 he had tune her 17 song between Tqtoukh monologue of them get nothing verse of torturing me, your heart betrayed Pei, take into account the others, I love you And you do not toddle and raised their artistic friendship lasted until the death of Algosbjy in 1966. It may be us stop for a moment at this event before the follow-up Umm Kulthum trip, it appears to follow the way of dealing with production companies at that Alo

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
"Umm kulthum Fatima Ibrahim beltagy" is the technical name for "an Egyptian singer, is renowned in Egypt and across the Arab world in the twentieth century, Wlqbt" Eastern Star "and" Lady of Arabic music ".She died at the age of 71 years (according to the official date of its existence)

. Her origins

born, adopted, umm kulthum was may 4, 1904, although some are more likely to be born in December 20, 1898.Born in dakahlia governorate to Abraham beltagui village muezzin tmai zhaerp, sanblawin center, she kept singing poems usually grab is her brother Khalid Ibrahim beltagy.At the age of tenth she had become singing in public in the Sheikh of the town house in the village. Her

Star of the east or Klthwm is known to millions in the Arab world in the a half century of continued work and success in her beautiful and wonderful reflection of fascinating Wbahb people have sung lyrics and music.From the simple peasant in a village of Eastern Star, the journey is full of struggle and insistence on the supremacy until the end of life, in the midst of wars and conflicts, kings and ordinary people sang.: for the glory of all Wlrfthm Wanshdt shook his feelings of Arabs in East and WestOver the decades.Umm said he did not meet the Arabs to nothing as the sound gathered, umm kulthumSinging is her symbol of Arabism since they were very careful in choosing what verse and did not accept only felt the great poets of old have fueled or Whdythhm Tags: Baghnyatha is an important branch of Arab nationalism can unify the conscienceThe expression of feelings, and Arab countries Wnghma words and perform.Umm kulthum was known for her strong personality and self-esteem Wlfnha Fahtrmha kings and leaders and respected people and I love people everywhere, Wtfrdt high prestige in the arts. And the society has not received any female singer in the middle.There is no doubt that the model offered by umm kulthum was in the service of art from several aspects: the choice of words Llraqy preference for classical Arabic Labr selected Composers:Primarily, Mohamed ezzat El gaheli Zakaria Ahmad Riad El sonbati, Mohamed Abdel Wahab, maintaining respectable image of public faithful adaptation of art in the service of their constituents by providing good quality and new and most of her poems born Huda, ask my heart,Al Ahmed shawki Ahmed rami, the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam translated, see disobeyed tears to Abu firas al Ibrahim Nagy

trip or Klthwm Albdayat first

1904 born Fatima Ibrahim beltagy, which came to be known as umm kulthum's in a small village near the city of Mansoura called tmai zhaerp, no one expected a little a poor family living in a small village of one school, but not by muchUmm kulthum, many dates.He was the father of umm kulthum, Sheikh Ibrahim beltagy Imam of the mosque of the village, in addition to read Quran Arabic poems usually grab it saves lots of religion, which was the village, villages next they call Lanshadha in religious eventsOum Kalthoum, kept her father some Walhqha Koran Sheikh in the village and school near sanblawin center to save parts of the Qur'an was accompanied by Wlttlm Arabic her brother's Llyaly that I memorized many usually grab.1917 I umm kulthum singing when she was thirteenth years old with her father's itinerant band in villages and rural areas, often on foot, Kmnshdt Lltwashyh religious poems the Arab dressed in uniform Bqal on her head, and quicklyThe talent of umm kulthum Oum Kalthoum became the singer's main band, the family appears to be Wkanha has toured all over the Nile Delta to bring forward her... That many people advised to go to it.Between 1916 and 1919 she met umm kulthum two top artists, namely Sheikh Mohammed Sheikh Zakaria Ahmed Abu El ELA, and both have heard her voice Wamtdha performance but they did not deal with substantive, but when they settled in Cairo.
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