زار ضيوف بيت مون و قد قامت بتقديم لهم الكيك و قد اعجبهم مذاقه فقال لها ترجمة - زار ضيوف بيت مون و قد قامت بتقديم لهم الكيك و قد اعجبهم مذاقه فقال لها الإنجليزية كيف أقول

زار ضيوف بيت مون و قد قامت بتقديم ل

زار ضيوف بيت مون و قد قامت بتقديم لهم الكيك و قد اعجبهم مذاقه فقال لها احدهم هل هو من السوق ؟ فردت قائلة لا هذا من صنعي فتعجبوا و اقترح عليها احدهم ان تأخذ دورات تدريبية لتطوير صناعة الكيك . في اليوم التالي كانت قمر تبحث عن عملا في الانترنت لكن لم تتقبل طلبها ، كانت قمر حزينة جدا لانها لم تجد عملا لها . في اليوم الثالث ذهبت مون لتشتري مقادير للكيك بينما كانت تمشي في الطريق شاهدت لائحة مكتوب فيها افكار جديدة لصناعة الكيك ودورة لمدة اسبوعان ، بعد ذلك دخلت للدورة و تعلمت الكثير من الافكار و بعد ذلك اصبحت تبيع الكيك في نفس محل اخذ الدورة لصناعة الكيك لكن للاسف لم يأتي أحد ليشتري الكيك الذي صنعته كانت يائسة جدا ، و عندما رآها والدها بهذا السوء قام بمساعدتها و نشر صور للكيك الذي صنعته و بعد ذلك اتى الكثير من الاشخاص و قاموا بشراء الكيك و قد كانت قمر سعيدة جدا ، و في النهاية استلمت قمر شهادة لنجاحها في الدورة للعمل الذي قامت به
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Guest House visited the Moon and had provided them with cake and have it taste likes someone told her is it? He replied not this made-up, marveled at it someone suggested and take training courses for the cake industry development. The next day was the Moon looking for work in the Internet but did not accept the request, the Moon is very sad because they didn't find her. On the third day I went to buy moon cake amounts while walking in the road I saw a list written ideas for the cake industry cycle for 2 weeks, then entered for the session and I learned a lot of ideas then become a cake shop sells at the same taking cake industry session but unfortunately no one comes to buy the cake she created was very desperate, and when her father saw that bad has to assist them and posting pictures of the cake and then came a lot of People who buy cakes and Moon were very happy, and eventually received a certificate for their success in satellite session of work done
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Guests moon visited the house and may have to provide them with cake and taste have liked one of them said to her, whether it is from the market? Responded by saying this is not made-up of amazed and suggested by one of them to take training courses to develop the cake industry. The next day the moon was looking for a job in the Internet but did not accept the request, the moon was very sad because it did not find a job to them. On the third day I went Moon to buy quantities of cake while she was walking in the road I saw the list which is written with new ideas for the manufacture of cakes and cycle for a period of two weeks, then entered the session and I learned a lot of ideas and then became sells cakes in the same place taking session for the manufacture of cakes but unfortunately did not one comes to buy a cake which I made were very desperate, and when he saw her father so bad the helping and publishing pictures of the cake, which I made and after that came a lot of people and they bought cakes and may have been the moon very happy, and in the end received a moon certificate for its success in session of the work done by
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Guests visited the house of moon cake and has made them and they like it. He said to her? She replied from the market does this to me. Ftjbwa and someone that can take the cake industry development courses.The next day the moon was looking for a job in the Internet, but did not accept the request, the moon was sad because she had no work to do.On the third day mon went to buy the ingredients kicked while she was walking in the road I saw Bill written by new ideas cake industry cycle for two weeks, then entered the of course, I learned a lot of ideas, and then became a selling cakes at the sameTaking the cake industry, but unfortunately no one come to buy the cake I made was so desperate, and when her father saw her so bad. He helped them and publish pictures kicked. Then came a lot of people, they bought a cake and have itVery happy, and finally get the moon a success in the work of the
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
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