السبب المباشر والرئيسي للتلوث الهوائي هو الإنسان، وخصوصا في القرون الأ ترجمة - السبب المباشر والرئيسي للتلوث الهوائي هو الإنسان، وخصوصا في القرون الأ الإنجليزية كيف أقول

السبب المباشر والرئيسي للتلوث الهوا

السبب المباشر والرئيسي للتلوث الهوائي هو الإنسان، وخصوصا في القرون الأخيرة، حيث شهدت هذه القرون ثورات صناعية هائلة خصوصاً بعد اكتشاف الفحم والنفط والوقود والتي تعتبر العدو الأكبر للبيئة والهواء نتيجة لما تصدره من غازات سامة خلال احتراقها، كغاز أول أكسيد الكربون الذي ينتج من عملية الاحتراق غير الكامل لأنواع الوقود وغاز ثاني أكسيد الكربون والذي ينتج من عملية الاحتراق الكامل للوقود، إلا أن غاز ثاني اكسيد الكربون هو غاز ضروري لعملية التنفس النباتي، ولكن التوغل الحاصل في بعض مناطق الكرة الأرضية على الغطاء النباتي والذي ساهم إلى تراجعه وتناقصه، زاد من نسبة تركيز هذا الغاز في الجو مما أدى إلى أضرار على الحيوان والإنسان، خصوصاً وأنَّ هذا الغاز ينتج أيضاً من عملية التنفس في الإنسان والحيوان.

ومن أسباب زيادة التلوث الجوي تراكم النفايات التي ساهمت في انبعاث الروائح والغازات السامة إلى الجو، إضافة لما ينتج من التلوث الإشعاعي من التفجيرات النووية وغيرها.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Direct cause and main air pollution is the human, and especially in recent centuries, with these horns enormous industrial revolutions, especially after the discovery of coal and oil and fuel, which are considered the greatest enemy of the environment and the air due to its toxic gases during combustion, as carbon monoxide gas resulting from the process of incomplete combustion of fuels and carbon dioxide resulting from the combustion process full of fuel, the carbon dioxide gas necessary for respiration, but incursions in some areas Globe on vegetation which has contributed to its decline and diminished, increased the concentration of this gas in the atmosphere, resulting in damage to animals and humans, especially since this gas is also produced from breathing in humans and animals. One of the reasons for increasing wastes accumulation air pollution contributed to the emission of odors and toxic gases into the atmosphere, adding to the resulting radioactive pollution from nuclear explosions and other.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
And direct the main cause of air pollution is human, and especially in recent centuries, where these centuries witnessed revolutions industrial enormous, especially after the coal discovery, oil and fuel, which is the biggest enemy of the environment and the air as a result of expressions of toxic gases during combustion, a gas of carbon monoxide, which is produced from the combustion process is full of the types of fuel and carbon dioxide, which produces a complete combustion of the fuel process, the carbon dioxide is a gas essential to the process of plant respiration, but the incursion winning in some ball areas of ground vegetation, which contributed to the decline and reverse the, increased the concentration ratio this gas in the atmosphere resulting in damage to animals and humans, especially since this gas is also produced from the process of respiration in humans and animals. One reason for the increased accumulation of waste, which contributed to the emission of odors and toxic gases to the atmosphere of air pollution, in addition to the results from the radioactive contamination of bombings Nuclear and others.

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
The direct reason and main air pollution is human, especially in the recent centuries, where centuries witnessed considerable industrial revolutions, especially after the discovery of coal, oil and fuel, which are the biggest enemy of the environment and the air because of itsToxic as a gas during combustion and carbon monoxide which is produced from the incomplete combustion of the fuel gas and carbon dioxide which is produced from the complete combustion of the fuel. However, carbon dioxide gas is necessary for thePlant, but its happening in some parts of the globe on vegetation, which contributed to the decline Wtnaqsh, increased the ratio of the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere than resulted in damage to animals and human beings, especially that this gas is also produced.Breathing in humans and animals.

and the causes of increased air pollution, waste accumulation contributing to emission of odors and poisonous gases into the air, as well as produced by the radioactive contamination from nuclear explosions and others.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
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