(function(define, require, requireNative, requireAsync, exports, conso ترجمة - (function(define, require, requireNative, requireAsync, exports, conso السلوفاكية كيف أقول

(function(define, require, requireN

(function(define, require, requireNative, requireAsync, exports, console, privates,$Array, $Function, $JSON, $Object, $RegExp, $String, $Error) {'use strict';// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

var exceptionHandler = require('uncaught_exception_handler');
var eventNatives = requireNative('event_natives');
var logging = requireNative('logging');
var schemaRegistry = requireNative('schema_registry');
var sendRequest = require('sendRequest').sendRequest;
var utils = require('utils');
var validate = require('schemaUtils').validate;

// Schemas for the rule-style functions on the events API that
// only need to be generated occasionally, so populate them lazily.
var ruleFunctionSchemas = {
// These values are set lazily:
// addRules: {},
// getRules: {},
// removeRules: {}

// This function ensures that |ruleFunctionSchemas| is populated.
function ensureRuleSchemasLoaded() {
if (ruleFunctionSchemas.addRules)
var eventsSchema = schemaRegistry.GetSchema("events");
var eventType = utils.lookup(eventsSchema.types, 'id', 'events.Event');

ruleFunctionSchemas.addRules =
utils.lookup(eventType.functions, 'name', 'addRules');
ruleFunctionSchemas.getRules =
utils.lookup(eventType.functions, 'name', 'getRules');
ruleFunctionSchemas.removeRules =
utils.lookup(eventType.functions, 'name', 'removeRules');

// A map of event names to the event object that is registered to that name.
var attachedNamedEvents = {};

// A map of functions that massage event arguments before they are dispatched.
// Key is event name, value is function.
var eventArgumentMassagers = {};

// An attachment strategy for events that aren't attached to the browser.
// This applies to events with the "unmanaged" option and events without
// names.
var NullAttachmentStrategy = function(event) {
this.event_ = event;
NullAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onAddedListener =
function(listener) {
NullAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onRemovedListener =
function(listener) {
NullAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detach = function(manual) {
NullAttachmentStrategy.prototype.getListenersByIDs = function(ids) {
// |ids| is for filtered events only.
return this.event_.listeners;

// Handles adding/removing/dispatching listeners for unfiltered events.
var UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy = function(event) {
this.event_ = event;

UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onAddedListener =
function(listener) {
// Only attach / detach on the first / last listener removed.
if (this.event_.listeners.length == 0)

UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onRemovedListener =
function(listener) {
if (this.event_.listeners.length == 0)

UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detach = function(manual) {
eventNatives.DetachEvent(this.event_.eventName, manual);

UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.getListenersByIDs = function(ids) {
// |ids| is for filtered events only.
return this.event_.listeners;

var FilteredAttachmentStrategy = function(event) {
this.event_ = event;
this.listenerMap_ = {};

FilteredAttachmentStrategy.idToEventMap = {};

FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onAddedListener = function(listener) {
var id = eventNatives.AttachFilteredEvent(this.event_.eventName,
listener.filters || {});
if (id == -1)
throw new Error("Can't add listener");
listener.id = id;
this.listenerMap_[id] = listener;
FilteredAttachmentStrategy.idToEventMap[id] = this.event_;

FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onRemovedListener = function(listener) {
this.detachListener(listener, true);

FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detachListener =
function(listener, manual) {
if (listener.id == undefined)
throw new Error("listener.id undefined - '" + listener + "'");
var id = listener.id;
delete this.listenerMap_[id];
delete FilteredAttachmentStrategy.idToEventMap[id];
eventNatives.DetachFilteredEvent(id, manual);

FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detach = function(manual) {
for (var i in this.listenerMap_)
this.detachListener(this.listenerMap_[i], manual);

FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.getListenersByIDs = function(ids) {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++)
$Array.push(result, this.listenerMap_[ids[i]]);
return result;

function parseEventOptions(opt_eventOptions) {
function merge(dest, src) {
for (var k in src) {
if (!$Object.hasOwnProperty(dest, k)) {
dest[k] = src[k];

var options = opt_eventOptions || {};
merge(options, {
// Event supports adding listeners with filters ("filtered events"), for
// example as used in the webNavigation API.
// event.addListener(listener, [filter1, filter2]);
supportsFilters: false,

// Events supports vanilla events. Most APIs use these.
// event.addListener(listener);
supportsListeners: true,

// Event supports adding rules ("declarative events") rather than
// listeners, for example as used in the declarativeWebRequest API.
// event.addRules([rule1, rule2]);
supportsRules: false,

// Event is unmanaged in that the browser has no knowledge of its
// existence; it's never invoked, doesn't keep the renderer alive, and
// the bindings system has no knowledge of it.
// Both events created by user code (new chrome.Event()) and messaging
// events are unmanaged, though in the latter case the browser *does*
// interact indirectly with them via IPCs written by hand.
unmanaged: false,
return options;

// Event object. If opt_eventName is provided, this object represents
// the unique instance of that named event, and dispatching an event
// with that name will route through this object's listeners. Note that
// opt_eventName is required for events that support rules.
// Example:
// var Event = require('event_bindings').Event;
// chrome.tabs.onChanged = new Event("tab-changed");
// chrome.tabs.onChanged.addListener(function(data) { alert(data); });
// Event.dispatch("tab-changed", "hi");
// will result in an alert dialog that says 'hi'.
// If opt_eventOptions exists, it is a dictionary that contains the boolean
// entries "supportsListeners" and "supportsRules".
// If opt_webViewInstanceId exists, it is an integer uniquely identifying a
// tag within the embedder. If it does not exist, then this is an
// extension event rather than a event.
var EventImpl = function(opt_eventName, opt_argSchemas, opt_eventOptions,
opt_webViewInstanceId) {
this.eventName = opt_eventName;
this.argSchemas = opt_argSchemas;
this.listeners = [];
this.eventOptions = parseEventOptions(opt_eventOptions);
this.webViewInstanceId = opt_webViewInstanceId || 0;

if (!this.eventName) {
if (this.eventOptions.supportsRules)
throw new Error("Events that support rules require an event name.");
// Events without names cannot be managed by the browser by definition
// (the browser has no way of identifying them).
this.eventOptions.unmanaged = true;

// Track whether the event has been destroyed to help track down the cause
// of http://crbug.com/258526.
// This variable will eventually hold the stack trace of the destroy call.
// TODO(kalman): Delete this and replace with more sound logic that catches
// when events are used without being *attached*.
this.destroyed = null;

if (this.eventOptions.unmanaged)
this.attachmentStrategy = new NullAttachmentStrategy(this);
else if (this.eventOptions.supportsFilters)
this.attachmentStrategy = new FilteredAttachmentStrategy(this);
this.attachmentStrategy = new UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy(this);

// callback is a function(args, dispatch). args are the args we receive from
// dispatchEvent(), and dispatch is a function(args) that dispatches args to
// its listeners.
function registerArgumentMassager(name, callback) {
if (eventArgumentMassagers[name])
throw new Error("Massager already registered for event: " + name);
eventArgumentMassagers[name] = callback;

// Dispatches a named event with the given argument array. The args array is
// the list of arguments that will be sent to the event callback.
function dispatchEvent(name, args, filteringInfo) {
var listenerIDs = [];

if (filteringInfo)
listenerIDs = eventNatives.MatchAgainstEventFilter(name, filteringInfo);

var event = attachedNamedEvents[name];
if (!event)

var dispatchArgs = function(args) {
var result = event.dispatch_(args, listenerIDs);
if (result)
logging.DCHECK(!result.validationErrors, result.validationErrors);
return result;

if (eventArgumentMassagers[name])
eventArgumentMassagers[name](args, dispatchArgs);

// Registers a callback to be called when this event is dispatched.
EventImpl.prototype.addListener = function(cb, filters) {
if (!this.eventOptions.supportsListeners)
throw new Error("This event does not support listeners.");
if (this.eventOptions.maxListeners &&
this.getListenerCount_() >= this.eventOptions.maxListeners) {
throw new Error("Too many listeners for " + this.eventName);
if (filters) {
if (!th
من: -
إلى: -
النتائج (السلوفاكية) 1: [نسخ]
(funkcia (definovať, vyžadujú, requireNative, requireAsync, vývoz, konzoly, privátov, $Array, $Function, $JSON, $Object, $RegExp, $String, $Error) {"použitie prísnych"; / / Copyright 2014 chróm autorov. Všetky práva vyhradené.Používanie tohto zdrojového kódu sa riadi štýle BSD licenciou, ktorá môže byťnájsť v súbore licencie. var exceptionHandler = require('uncaught_exception_handler'); var eventNatives = requireNative('event_natives'); zapisovanie var = requireNative('logging'); var schemaRegistry = requireNative('schema_registry'); var sendRequest = require('sendRequest').sendRequest; var utils = require('utils'); overenie var = require('schemaUtils').validate; Schémy pre pravidlo-štýl funkcie udalosti API, Stačí byť generované občas, tak naplniť ich lenivo. var ruleFunctionSchemas = {} Tieto hodnoty sú stanovené lenivo: addRules: {} getRules: {} removeRules: {} }; Táto funkcia zabezpečuje, že | ruleFunctionSchemas | je obývaná. {Funkcia ensureRuleSchemasLoaded() Ak (ruleFunctionSchemas.addRules) návrat; var eventsSchema = schemaRegistry.GetSchema("events"); var eventType = utils.lookup (eventsSchema.types, "id", "udalosti. Akcie "); ruleFunctionSchemas.addRules = utils.Lookup (eventType.functions, "meno", "addRules"); ruleFunctionSchemas.getRules = utils.Lookup (eventType.functions, "meno", "getRules"); ruleFunctionSchemas.removeRules = utils.Lookup (eventType.functions, "meno", "removeRules"); } Mapa názvy udalostí udalosti objektu, ktorý je registrovaný na to meno. var attachedNamedEvents = {}; Mapa funkcie, ktoré masáž argumenty akcie pred ich odoslania. Kľúčom je názov podujatia, je hodnota funkcie. var eventArgumentMassagers = {}; Upevnenie stratégie pre udalosti, ktoré nie sú pripojené do prehliadača. Toto sa vzťahuje na udalosti "nespravované" možnosť a udalosti bez názvy. var NullAttachmentStrategy = {function(event)} this.event_ = akcie; }; NullAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onAddedListener = {function(Listener)} }; NullAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onRemovedListener = {function(Listener)} }; NullAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detach = {function(manual)} }; NullAttachmentStrategy.prototype.getListenersByIDs = {function(ids)} | ID | je len na urèené filtrované. návrat this.event_.listeners; }; Spracováva pridať/odstrániť/dispečing poslucháčov nefiltrovaných udalostí. var UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy = {function(event)} this.event_ = akcie; }; UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onAddedListener = {function(Listener)} Len pripojiť / odpojiť prvý / posledný poslucháčov odstránené. Ak (this.event_.listeners.length == 0) eventNatives.AttachEvent(this.event_.eventName); }; UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onRemovedListener = {function(Listener)} Ak (this.event_.listeners.length == 0) this.detach(true); }; UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detach = {function(manual)} eventNatives.DetachEvent (this.event_.eventName, ručné); }; UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.getListenersByIDs = {function(ids)} | ID | je len na urèené filtrované. návrat this.event_.listeners; }; var FilteredAttachmentStrategy = {function(event)} this.event_ = akcie; this.listenerMap_ = {}; }; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.idToEventMap = {}; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onAddedListener = {function(listener)} var id = eventNatives.AttachFilteredEvent (this.event_.eventName, Listener.filters || {}); Ak (id == -1) hodiť nový chyba ("nemožno pridať poslucháč"); Listener.ID = id; this.listenerMap_[id] = poslucháčov; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.idToEventMap[id] = this.event_; }; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onRemovedListener = {function(listener)} this.detachListener (poslucháč, pravdivý); }; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detachListener = {Funkcia (poslucháč, manuál) Ak (listener.id == nedefinované) hodiť nový chyba ("listener.id, neurčený -" "+ poslucháčov +" ""); var id = listener.id; odstrániť this.listenerMap_[id]; odstrániť FilteredAttachmentStrategy.idToEventMap[id]; eventNatives.DetachFilteredEvent (id, manuálny); }; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detach = {function(manual)} pre (var v this.listenerMap_) this.detachListener (this.listenerMap_ [i], manuálny); }; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.getListenersByIDs = {function(ids)} var výsledok = []; pre (var i = 0; ja < ids.length; i ++) $Array.push (výsledok, this.listenerMap_[ids[i]]); return result; }; function parseEventOptions(opt_eventOptions) { function merge(dest, src) { for (var k in src) { if (!$Object.hasOwnProperty(dest, k)) { dest[k] = src[k]; } } } var options = opt_eventOptions || {}; merge(options, { // Event supports adding listeners with filters ("filtered events"), for // example as used in the webNavigation API. // // event.addListener(listener, [filter1, filter2]); supportsFilters: false, // Events supports vanilla events. Most APIs use these. // // event.addListener(listener); supportsListeners: true, // Event supports adding rules ("declarative events") rather than // listeners, for example as used in the declarativeWebRequest API. // // event.addRules([rule1, rule2]); supportsRules: false, // Event is unmanaged in that the browser has no knowledge of its // existence; it's never invoked, doesn't keep the renderer alive, and // the bindings system has no knowledge of it. // // Both events created by user code (new chrome.Event()) and messaging // events are unmanaged, though in the latter case the browser *does* // interact indirectly with them via IPCs written by hand. unmanaged: false, }); return options; }; // Event object. If opt_eventName is provided, this object represents // the unique instance of that named event, and dispatching an event // with that name will route through this object's listeners. Note that // opt_eventName is required for events that support rules. // // Example: // var Event = require('event_bindings').Event; // chrome.tabs.onChanged = new Event("tab-changed"); // chrome.tabs.onChanged.addListener(function(data) { alert(data); }); // Event.dispatch("tab-changed", "hi"); // will result in an alert dialog that says 'hi'. // // If opt_eventOptions exists, it is a dictionary that contains the boolean // entries "supportsListeners" and "supportsRules". // If opt_webViewInstanceId exists, it is an integer uniquely identifying a // tag within the embedder. If it does not exist, then this is an // extension event rather than a event. var EventImpl = function(opt_eventName, opt_argSchemas, opt_eventOptions, opt_webViewInstanceId) { this.eventName = opt_eventName; this.argSchemas = opt_argSchemas; this.listeners = []; this.eventOptions = parseEventOptions(opt_eventOptions); this.webViewInstanceId = opt_webViewInstanceId || 0; if (!this.eventName) { if (this.eventOptions.supportsRules) throw new Error("Events that support rules require an event name."); // Events without names cannot be managed by the browser by definition // (the browser has no way of identifying them). this.eventOptions.unmanaged = true; } // Track whether the event has been destroyed to help track down the cause // of http://crbug.com/258526. // This variable will eventually hold the stack trace of the destroy call. // TODO(kalman): Delete this and replace with more sound logic that catches // when events are used without being *attached*. this.destroyed = null; if (this.eventOptions.unmanaged) this.attachmentStrategy = new NullAttachmentStrategy(this); else if (this.eventOptions.supportsFilters) this.attachmentStrategy = new FilteredAttachmentStrategy(this); else this.attachmentStrategy = new UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy(this); }; // callback is a function(args, dispatch). args are the args we receive from // dispatchEvent(), and dispatch is a function(args) that dispatches args to // its listeners. function registerArgumentMassager(name, callback) { if (eventArgumentMassagers[name]) throw new Error("Massager already registered for event: " + name); eventArgumentMassagers[name] = callback; } // Dispatches a named event with the given argument array. The args array is // the list of arguments that will be sent to the event callback. function dispatchEvent(name, args, filteringInfo) { var listenerIDs = []; if (filteringInfo) listenerIDs = eventNatives.MatchAgainstEventFilter(name, filteringInfo); var event = attachedNamedEvents[name]; if (!event) return; var dispatchArgs = function(args) { var result = event.dispatch_(args, listenerIDs); if (result) logging.DCHECK(!result.validationErrors, result.validationErrors); return result; }; if (eventArgumentMassagers[name]) eventArgumentMassagers[name](args, dispatchArgs); else dispatchArgs(args); } // Registers a callback to be called when this event is dispatched. EventImpl.prototype.addListener = function(cb, filters) { if (!this.eventOptions.supportsListeners) throw new Error("This event does not support listeners."); if (this.eventOptions.maxListeners && this.getListenerCount_() >= this.eventOptions.maxListeners) { throw new Error("Too many listeners for " + this.eventName); } if (filters) { if (!th
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (السلوفاكية) 2:[نسخ]
(Function (definovať, vyžadujú, requireNative , requireAsync, vývoz, konzola, vojini, $ Array, $ funkcie, $ JSON, $ Object, $ regexp, $ String, $ Chyba) { "use strict"; // Copyright 2014 Chromium že .. Autori Výstavy Všetky práva vyhradené
// Použitie tohto zdrojového kódu sa riadi vBulletin BSD štýl licencie adresárov To možno
// nájdené v licenčnom súbore.

var = ExceptionHandler require ( 'Uncaught_exception_handler');
var = EventNatives RequireNative ( "Event_natives" ),
ťažba var = RequireNative ( "logging");
var SchemaRegistry = RequireNative ( "Schema_registry ');
var poslatdotaz = require (' poslatdotaz ') poslatdotaz ;.
var utils = require (' utils ');
var validate = require (' . SchemaUtils ") overiť;

// schémy pre funkcie pravidlo štýle sa rozkladá na rozhraní API udalostí, ktoré
len musia byť generované Občas //, tak lenivo naplniť ich.
var RuleFunctionSchemas = {
// Tieto hodnoty sú na nastavené lenivo:
// AddRules: } {,
// GetRules: {}
// RemoveRules: {}

// Táto funkcia zaisťuje, že | RuleFunctionSchemas | je naplnená.
fungovať EnsureRuleSchemasLoaded () {
if (RuleFunctionSchemas.addRules)
var EventsSchema SchemaRegistry.GetSchema = ( "udalosti");
var = eventType Utils.lookup (EventsSchema.types, "id", "Events.Event ');

RuleFunctionSchemas.addRules =
Utils.lookup (EventType.functions,' name ',' AddRules");
RuleFunctionSchemas. = GetRules
Utils.lookup (EventType.functions, 'name', 'GetRules');
RuleFunctionSchemas.removeRules =
Utils.lookup (EventType.functions, 'name', 'RemoveRules');

// mapy názvov na akciu to je objekt udalosti, aby registrovaný, že názov.
var AttachedNamedEvents = {};

// mapa masážnou funkciou, ktoré argumenty udalostí sú On predtým, ako seš . odoslané
// Key je názov akcie, je z funkcie hodnoty.
var EventArgumentMassagers = {};

// stratégia pre uchytenie udalostí, ktoré nie sú pripojené opatrenia sú On . do prehliadača
// To platí na udalosti s možnosťou "neudržiavaných" a akcií bez
// mien.
var NullAttachmentStrategy = function (event) {
This.event_ = udalosti;
NullAttachmentStrategy. = Prototype.onAddedListener
funkcie (poslucháča) {
NullAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onRemovedListener =
function (poslucháča) {
NullAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detach = function (manuálny) {
NullAttachmentStrategy.prototype.getListenersByIDs = function (IDS) {
// | ID | Pre filtrovaných udalosťou je len.
Návrate This.event_.listeners;

// Kľučky pridanie / odobratie / dispečing poslucháča nefiltrovaných udalosti.
Var UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy = function (event) {
This.event_ = udalosti;

UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onAddedListener =
funkcia (poslucháča) {
// pripojiť pomocou Až / odpojiť na prvom / poslednom poslucháča odstrániť.
if (== This.event_.listeners.length = Funkcia (poslucháč) { if (This.event_.listeners.length == 0) This.detach (true); }; UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detach = function (manuálny) { EventNatives.DetachEvent (This.event_.eventName, manuálny ); }; UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.getListenersByIDs = function (IDS) { //. | ID | filtrovaný iba udalosti vrátiť This.event_.listeners; }; var FilteredAttachmentStrategy = function (event) { This.event_ = udalosť; toto = {} .listenerMap_; }; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.idToEventMap = {}; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onAddedListener = function (poslucháča) { var id = EventNatives.AttachFilteredEvent (This.event_.eventName, Listener.filters || {}); if ( == -1 id) throw new na Error ( "nedá : pridať poslucháča"); Listener.id = id; This.listenerMap_ [id] = poslucháč; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.idToEventMap [id] = This.event_; }; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype = function .onRemovedListener (poslucháča) { This.detachListener (poslucháč, true); }; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detachListener = function (poslucháča, manuálny) { if (== Listener.id nedefinovaný) throw new na Error ( "Listener.id nedefinovaný - ' "+ poslucháč +"' "); var id = Listener.id; odstránenie This.listenerMap_ [id]; odstránenie FilteredAttachmentStrategy.idToEventMap [id]; EventNatives.DetachFilteredEvent (id, manuálny); }; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detach funkcie = (manuálny) { for (var i v This.listenerMap_) This.detachListener (This.listenerMap_ [i], manuálne); }; FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.getListenersByIDs = funkcia (IDS) { var result = []; o ( var i = 0; i <ids.length; ++ I) $ Array.push (výsledok, This.listenerMap_ [ID: [i]]); return výsledok; }; funkcie ParseEventOptions (Opt_eventOptions) { funkcie merge (dest, src) { for (var kv src) { if (! Object.hasOwnProperty $ (dest, k)) { dest [k] = src [k]; } } } možnosti var = Opt_eventOptions || } {; Merge (možnosti { // akcie podporuje pridanie poslucháča s filtrami ( "filtrovanej akcia"), pre // napríklad z použité farby : . Rovnako ako v WebNavigation API // // Event.addListener (poslucháč [filtr1, filtr2]) ; SupportsFilters: falošné, // Events podporuje vanilkový udalosti. Väčšina z nich používa tieto API. // // Event.addListener (poslucháč); SupportsListeners: true, // podporuje Event pridaním pravidlá ( "deklaratívny udalosti") skôr než // poslucháča, farba : ako príklad zo použité pre v DeclarativeWebRequest API. // // Event.addRules ([pravidlo1, Rule2]); SupportsRules: falošné, // prípade, že je neriadený v prehliadači nepozná svoje // existencie; nikdy to je vyvolaná, nie je KEEP nemá renderer nažive a // systém viazania nemá žiadne vedomosti o tom. // // Obe akcie by vBulletin bol vytvorený pomocou užívateľského kódu (nový Chrome.Event ()) a posielanie správ // udalosti sú na neriadený, aj keď v tejto druhej * prípad prehliadač * // nepriamo komunikovať s nimi preč cez IPC napísal vBulletin rúk. neriadený: false, }); možnosti návratu; }; // objekt udalosti. Za predpokladu, Opt_eventName je -Li tento objekt reprezentuje // jedinečná inštancia pomenované tejto udalosti, a dispečing udalosť // s týmto názvom bude smerovať cez poslucháči tohto objektu. Že poznámka pre akcie, ktoré podporujú pravidlá je potrebné // Opt_eventName. // // Príklad: // var udalosti = . Require ( '') Event_bindings udalosti; // Chrome.tabs.onChanged = new Event ( "tab-zmenil") ; // Chrome.tabs.onChanged.addListener (function (dáta) {alert (dáta);}); // Event.dispatch ( "tab-zmenený", "hi"); // bude mať za následok dialógu upozornili, že hovorí "ahoj". // // Ak sa Opt_eventOptions existuje, je to slovník, ktorý obsahuje boolean // položky to "SupportsListeners" a "SupportsRules". // Ak existuje Opt_webViewInstanceId, to je celé číslo jednoznačne identifikujúce // z tagu v rámci prostriedky pre začlenenie. Nezáleží , ak existujú, potom sa jedná o udalosť predlžovací // skôr ako udalosti. Var EventImpl = function (Opt_eventName, Opt_argSchemas, Opt_eventOptions, Opt_webViewInstanceId) { This.eventName = Opt_eventName; This.argSchemas = Opt_argSchemas; This.listeners = [ ]; This.eventOptions = ParseEventOptions (Opt_eventOptions); This.webViewInstanceId = Opt_webViewInstanceId || 0; -Li {(This.eventName!) If (This.eventOptions.supportsRules) throw new na Error ( "Udalosti, ktoré podporujú vládne vyžadujú názov udalosti."); // Akcia bez mien nemôžu byť riadené vBulletin prehliadač podľa definície phpBB // (prehliadač nemá žiadnu možnosť ich identifikácie). This.eventOptions.unmanaged = true; } // sledovať, či udalosť bola zničená na pomoc návštevy vystopovať príčinu . // of Http://crbug.com/258526 // nakoniec premenná bude držať zásobníka stopu na zničiť hovoru. // TODO (Kalman): odstrániť a nahradiť to s viacerými zvukovou logikou, že úlovky do // prípade, že udalosti sú na of používa, bez toho by bol pripojené dojednania . * This.destroyed = null; if ( This.eventOptions.unmanaged) This.attachmentStrategy = new NullAttachmentStrategy (this); else if (This.eventOptions.supportsFilters) This.attachmentStrategy = new FilteredAttachmentStrategy (this); inde This.attachmentStrategy = new UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy (this); }; // callback je funkcia (args, expedície ). sú na args args sme 'som Príjem z // dispatchEvent (), a expedíciu je funkcia (args), ktorá odošle na args k // svojim poslucháčom. fungovať RegisterArgumentMassager (meno, spätné volanie) { if (EventArgumentMassagers [názov]) throw new na Error ( " už registrovaný pre masážny strojček na akciu: "+ názov); EventArgumentMassagers [name] = o spätné volanie; } // odošle pomenované udalosti s daným argumentu poľa. Args poľa je // zoznam argumentov, ktoré budú zaslané na akciu je spätné volanie. Funkcia dispatchEvent (názov, args, FilteringInfo) { var ListenerIDs = []; if (FilteringInfo) ListenerIDs = EventNatives.MatchAgainstEventFilter (meno, FilteringInfo); AttachedNamedEvents event = var [name], (! event), ak return; var DispatchArgs = function (args) { var result = Event.dispatch_ (args, ListenerIDs), if (výsledok) ! Logging.DCHECK (Result.validationErrors, výsledok. ValidationErrors); return výsledok; }; je -Li (EventArgumentMassagers [názov]) EventArgumentMassagers [name] (args, DispatchArgs); inde DispatchArgs (args); } // Registruje na spätné volanie byť Called kedy je odoslaná táto udalosť. EventImpl.prototype. = function addListener (cb, filtre) { (! This.eventOptions.supportsListeners), ak hodiť nový na chyby ( "táto udalosť nepodporuje poslucháča."), na if (This.eventOptions.maxListeners && This.getListenerCount_ ()> = toto. EventOptions.maxListeners) { throw new na Error ( "Príliš : veľa poslucháčov na" + This.eventName); } na if (filtre) { o if (TH!

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