مخاطر هز الطفل الرضيع   06 مارس 2013الحل اﻷول الذى يخطر ببالك عند بكاء ترجمة - مخاطر هز الطفل الرضيع   06 مارس 2013الحل اﻷول الذى يخطر ببالك عند بكاء الإنجليزية كيف أقول

مخاطر هز الطفل الرضيع   06 مارس 201

مخاطر هز الطفل الرضيع



06 مارس 2013

الحل اﻷول الذى يخطر ببالك عند بكاء طفلك الرضيع هو هزه ليتوقف عن البكاء والصراخ، ولكن هل تعلمى ما يسببه هذا التصرف من خطورة على رضيعك!! تابعى المقالة التالية لتتعرفى أكثر مع «سوبرماما» على أضرار ومخاطر هز الطفل الرضيع.

الطفل الرضيع يقضى من ساعتين إلى ثلاث ساعات من البكاء يومياً، ومن 20% إلى 30% من الرضاعة، وقد يتجاوز هذا العدد من الساعات فى البكاء.

بالتالى يأتى تصرف الوالدين أو الشخص المسئول عن الرضيع بعد إصابته بالإحباط من بكاء الطفل، وذلك بأن يقوم بهز الطفل ليهدأ ويتوقف عن البكاء.

هناك ما يسمى بـ«متلازمة هز الرضع»، وهو ما يحدث للرضيع عن محاولة إسكاته بهزه بقوة، وهو ما قد يصيبه بأضرار عديدة.

ماذا يحدث عند هز الطفل؟

يحذر الأطباء والمتخصصين من هز الرُضع، فعند هز الرضيع فإن الرأس تتحرك ذهاباً وإياباً بسرعة، مما يجعل مخ الطفل يتحرك داخل الجمجمة بشكل متناقض أو عكسى، وعندها فاﻷوعية الدموية الموجودة داخل وحول المخ تتدمر وتنزف فى المساحة الفارغة بين المخ والجمجمة، وقد يؤدى ذلك - لاقدر الله - إلى أمراض خطيرة، أو إلى الوفاة، خاصة فى الرضع واﻷطفال حتى السنة اﻷولى، ويعتبر الذكور أكثر عرضة لهذه المخاطر.

ماذا قد يحدث للأطفال الذين يتعرضون للاهتزاز بقوة؟قد يعانى اﻷطفال - لاقدر الله - من عدة أمراض مثل:فقدان البصر.الشلل.الإعاقة العقلية.مشاكل فى النمو.وأيضاً قد يتسبب فى كسور فى أعضائهم، وذلك ﻷن عظام الرُضع تكون لينة جداً.كيف تهدئى من بكاء رضيعك دون اللجوء إلى هزه؟أولاً يجب أن تعلمى أن بكاء الرُضع هو طريقتهم الوحيدة للتعبير عن احتياجاتهم الخاصة، لذا عند بكاء رضيعك حاولى أن تلبى احتياجاته مثل:الرضاعة.تغيير الحفاظات،التأكد من عدم ارتفاع حرارته أو برودة جسمه.التأكد من أن ملابسه غير مبللة. 

[اقرأي أيضا: بكاء المولود في الشهور الأولى]

بعد التأكد من هذه الملاحظات إليكِ هذه الطرق التى يمكن أن تتبعيها:خذى طفلك للتمشية فى عربته.احملى طفلك وقومى بعمل مساج خفيف له.العبى وتحركى، ومن الممكن أيضاً أن ترقصى مع طفلك.كونى صبورة!! خذى نفس عميق وعدى إلى 10.احملى طفلك وتنفسى ببطء وهدوء، فقد يشعر طفلك بهدوئك وينتقل إليه الشعور بالراحة. اتصلى بصديقة أو والدتك أو أختك - شخص قريب تثقى فيه - ليجلس مع الطفل، وخذى قسط من الراحة لبضع دقائق.اخفضى من اﻷنوار والضوضاء من حولك.اعرضى على طفلك لعبة تصدر أصوات للفت انتباهه.غنى لطفلك أو تحدثى إليه بصوت منخفض وهادئ.

بعد كل هذه التجارب ولم يهدأ طفلك، تأكدى من عدم ارتفاع حرارته أو تعبه، ومن اﻷفضل اللجوء للطبيب لكشف وتشخيص إذا ما كان يشكو من شىء.

 كنت بهزه
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Dangers of shaken baby   06 March 2013The first solution that comes to mind when your baby's crying is shake to stop crying and yelling, but do you know what causes this behavior of gravity on your baby! Keep the following article to identify more with the types and risk damage to shake a baby.The baby spends two to three hours of crying daily and 20% to 30% of breast feeding, and may exceed this number of hours crying.So come spend the parents or the person responsible for the baby after being discouraged from crying, he shook the child to calm down and stop crying.There is what is called «infant shook syndrome», is what happens to the baby trying to silence him with a Jolt, which may infect many damaged.What happens when you shake a baby?Beware of doctors and specialists of shaking babies, when baby shook the head moving back and forth quickly, making the child's brain moves inside the skull, paradoxically the opposite, or valaoaih the blood in and around the brain gets destroyed and bleeding in the empty space between the brain and the skull, this may cause-God forbid-to serious illness or death, especially in infants and children until the first year males are more prone to such risks.What happens to children who are exposed to vibration strength? may suffer the children-God forbid-of several diseases such as: vision loss.. mental disability. development problems and might also cause fractures in their organs, since the bones of infants are very soft, how calm the crying toddler without resorting to shake? first you should know that the infant's cry is the only way to express their own needs, so when the crying toddler try to meet such needs. : Lactation. change diapers, make sure not to high temperature or cooler body. ensure that non-clothes wet. [Read also: crying baby in the first months]After these notes to you these ways you can follow: take your baby for a walk in his cart and child hold. massage mild. play and move, it is also possible to dance with your child, be patient! Take a deep breath and count to 10. hold your baby and breathe slowly and calmly, your child may feel calm and comfortable feeling to go. Call a friend or your mother or your sister-someone close trust-to sit with the baby, and take a break for a few minutes, turn down the lights and noise around you. show your child game made sounds to get his attention. rich for your child or talk to him in a low voice and quiet.After all these experiences and didn't cool off your child, make sure not to high temperature or tired, and preferable for the doctor to detect and diagnose whether complaining about something. You shake
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]

Shook the baby 's risk of March 6, 2013 the first solution that comes to mind when your baby is crying jolt to stop crying and screaming, but you learn what caused this behavior of the risk to the baby !! Trace the following article to do you recognize more with «SuperMama» on the damage and dangers of shaking a baby. Baby spends two to three hours of crying a day, and 20% to 30% of breast - feeding, and the number of hours exceed cry. Consequently comes behaved parents or the person responsible for the baby after being frustrated by a child 's crying, so that the shaking of the child to calm down and stop crying. there are so - called «syndrome shook the infant», which is what happens to the baby from trying to silence him shake vigorously, which may fall ill , many were damaged. Why happens when you shake the baby? doctors and specialists warn shook the infant, when shaking the baby, the head moves back and forth quickly, which makes the brain child moves inside the skull paradoxically or reverse, and then the blood Valouaah located in and around the brain are destroyed and bleeding in the empty space between the brain and the skull, and can cause - God forbid - to serious illness or death, especially in infants and children up to the first year, males and is more susceptible to these risks. What will happen to children who are exposed to vibration strongly? may suffer children - God forbid - of several diseases such as : loss Albesr.alhll.alaaaqh Alaklah.mchakl in Alnmo.ooadha may cause fractures in their organs, because the bones of infants be soft Jadda.kev calm down the crying baby without resorting to shake? first you must know that there is a crying infant only their own way to express for their own needs, so when the crying baby try to meet their needs , such as: Alarzaah.tgier diapers, making sure not to high temperature or cooler Jsmh.altokd that his clothing is wet.  [Always read also: the crying baby in the first months] after confirming these observations Here are the ways you can Taatbaaha: take your baby for a walk in your child and Arepetth.ahmly Do a light massage H.alaby and locomotive, it is also possible to dance with Teflk.kony patient !! Take your deep breath and except to 10.ahmly child and respiratory slowly and quietly, your child may feel Bhdoik turns him feel comfortable. , Call by a friend or your mother or your sister - someone close to educate it - to sit with the baby, and take a break for a few Dakkaiq.akhvdy from the lights and noise of Holk.aardy on your child 's toy exports voices to draw Antbaha.gny for your baby or talk to him a low, quiet voice. After all these experiments did not rest your child, make sure not to high temperature or his labor, it is best to resort to the doctor to detect and diagnose whether something to complain about.  I was tremor



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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Risk of shaking babyTe teTe06 march,2013The first solution which comes to your mind when your baby"s crying, he"s just stop crying and screaming, but do you know what is caused by the disposal of hazardous to your baby. ! go on. The following article Lttrfy supermama, "more with the dangers of shake the baby.The baby spent two to three hours of crying every day, and 20% to 30% breastfeeding may exceed this number of hours crying..Then came act of parents or the person in charge of the baby after being discouraged from crying child by shaking the child calm down. Stop crying.There is the so-called "shaken infant syndrome", which is the case for a baby trying to silence him strongly to rock him, and has caused many damages.What happens when you shake the baby?Doctors warn infant and shake, shake the baby when the head moves back and forth rapidly, which makes the child"s brain is contradictory or moves within the skull. And then Fawyt found within and around brain blood vessels destroyed. And in the empty space between the skull and the brain - leads to serious illness, God forbid. And in death, especially in infants, children and even the first year, the males are more prone to risk.What had happened to those children who are strongly shake? - God forbid - male children of several diseases such as mental disability: blindness. The paralysis. Problems in the development. And also may result in fractures in their bones, because babies are so soft. How to calm your baby. Cry without recourse to the earthquake? First, you must realize that only the infant crying is their way of expressing their special needs, so when you cry your baby. Try to meet their needs, such as change of maintenance: breastfeeding. At high temperature or cold, be sure not to his body. To make sure that his clothes were wet.Also read: cry baby in first months.After confirming these observations. These methods can do: take your baby for a walk in the stroller. See your child Wqwmy a light massage to play. And walk. And it is also possible that you dance with your child. Be patient! ! 10. Take a deep breath. To see your child Wtnfsy slowly and quietly, feeling your baby feel comfortable. Bhdwyk turns to call a friend or your mother. Or your sister. Someone close to trust by sitting with the child, and take a break for a few minutes. Anwar down and noise around you. Offer to your child"s toy export, to draw his attention. Sing to your baby, talk to him in a low voice and quiet.After all these tests did not rest your baby, make sure no rise of temperature or tried to explain, and it would be better to use the doctor to detect and diagnose whether complains..I rock him
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