توصلت دراسة أمريكية حديثة إلى نتائج جديدة حول تأثير النظام الغذائي وعا ترجمة - توصلت دراسة أمريكية حديثة إلى نتائج جديدة حول تأثير النظام الغذائي وعا الإنجليزية كيف أقول

توصلت دراسة أمريكية حديثة إلى نتائج

توصلت دراسة أمريكية حديثة إلى نتائج جديدة حول تأثير النظام الغذائي وعادات الإنسان على الحمية، وذلك عبر تطبيق الكتروني جديد ساعد على كشف حقائق جديدة حول الحمية وتأثير النظام الغذائي على برنامج الحمية ومن يريد إنقاص وزنه.

نشرت مؤسسة سالك للبحوث البيولوجية في كاليفورنيا دراسة جديدة تربط بين استهلاك السعرات الحرارية والعادات الغذائية. وقامت الدراسة التي أشرف عليها شوبروز غيل وساتشيداناندا باندا باجراء اختبارات على 300 شخص سليمين لمعرفة أسباب تغير وزن الجسم يوميا. والدراسة الجديدة تختلف عن الدراسات السابقة كونها لا تعتمد فقط على الاستبيانات التي تقدم للأشخاص الذين تجرى عليهم الاختبارات، وإنما قامت الدراسة أيضا وعبر تطبيق خاص بتصوير جميع أنواع الأطباق التي يتناولونها يوميا وتسجيل أوقات تناول الطعام بالكامل، حسب ما ذكر موقع "شبيغل أونلاين" الألماني.

وتوصلت الدراسة إلى بعض النتائج الجديدة، منها أن أكثر الأشخاص الذين شاركوا في التجربة ذكروا بأنهم يتناولون ثلاث وجبات طعام رئيسية في اليوم، وهي الفطور صباحا والغداء ظهرا والعشاء مساء. لكن نتائج الصور المأخوذة من التطبيق بينت أن الأشخاص لم يقوموا بتناول طعامهم كما ذكروا في البيانات، وكانت وجباتهم في أوقات متفاوتة، بالإضافة إلى أنهم تناولوا الكثير من الوجبات السريعة بين الوجبات الرئيسية.


والكثير منهم قام بتناول قطع من الشوكولاته أو بعض الحلويات في الصباح. بالإضافة إلى ذلك قام أغلب الأشخاص بتناول مواد غذائية في الصباح لا تكفي سوى لربع السعرات الحرارية التي يحتاجها الشخص يوميا، فيما قام أغلبهم بتناول الأغذية اللازمة لتغطية حاجة الجسم من السعرات الحرارية في أوقات المساء.

وطلب المشرفون على البحث من 8 أشخاص من البدناء من المشاركين في الدراسة بتناول الطعام في أوقات تصل إلى 14 ساعة بين وجبة وأخرى، لمعرفة تأثير ذلك على الحمية. وبعد 16 أسبوعا من البحث توصل الخبراء إلى أن فترات الاستراحة الطويلة بين وجبات الطعام تفيد فعلا في إنقاص الوزن، إذ فقد كل شخص مشارك نحو 3 كيلوغرامات بعد الاختبار، حسب ما ذكر "شبيغل أونلاين" الألماني.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Modern American to study new results about the diet and habits of the human diet through a new electronic application helped to uncover new facts about diet and the impact of diet on a diet program and who wants to lose weight.Salk Foundation published for biological research in California new study linking consumption of calories and nutritional habits. The study sponsored by shobros Gill wesachidananda Banda tests on 300 sound causes the change of body weight daily. And the new study differed from previous studies that they do not rely solely on questionnaires given to persons who undertake them tests, but also through the study and application of particular photographed all kinds of dishes they eat every day and record the entire dining times, according to the website of "Spiegel Online".The study found some new findings that most people involved in the trial said they eat three main meals a day, a breakfast in the morning and lunch at noon and dinner in the evening. But images from application results showed that people do not eat their food as stated in the data, and if their meals at varying times, plus they ate a lot of junk food between meals. Many who eat chocolate bars or some sweets in the morning. In addition, most people eat food in the morning are not sufficient for only a quarter of the calories a person needs each day, with the most food for the body need calories in the evening times.Supervisors requested a search of 8 people obese study participants eat in times of up to 14 hours between a meal and to see the impact on the diet. After 16 weeks of search experts that the long breaks between meals according to actually lose weight, since everyone involved lost about 3 kilograms after the test, according to the "Spiegel Online".
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
It reached a recent US study to new results about the effect of diet and habits of man on the diet, through a new e-application helped to uncover new facts about the diet and the impact of diet on the diet program and wants to lose weight. published a new study linking the Salk Foundation for Biological Research in California calorie consumption and dietary habits. The study led by Gail Choproz and Sachidananda Panda to conduct tests on 300 people a sound knowledge of the reasons for the change of body weight per day. The new study differs from previous studies because they do not only to the questionnaires provided to the people who conducted their tests are based, but also the study through a special application filming all kinds of dishes they eat daily, and recording mealtimes in full, according to the Web site, "Spiegel Online" German. The study found some new findings, including that the more people involved in the experiment said they ate three meals a main meal per day, a breakfast in the morning, lunch at noon and dinner in the evening. But the results of the images taken from the application showed that the people they did not eat their food as stated in the data, and the meals at different times, in addition to that they ate a lot of junk food between meals. Many of them had to eat pieces of chocolate or some sweets in the morning. In addition to that, the majority of people eating food in the morning is not enough only for a quarter of the calories a person needs per day, while the most of them to take the necessary food to cover the body's need for calories in the evening times. He asked supervisors to search from 8 people obese participants The study eating at times up to 14 hours between meal and the other, to see the impact on the diet. After 16 weeks of research experts to reach that long periods of rest between meals actually useful in weight loss, as everyone involved has about 3 kg after the test, as stated, "Spiegel Online" German.


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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
A new US study found new results about the effect of diet on human habits and diet, through the application of electronic new helped to uncover new facts about diet. The influence of diet on the diet and wants to lose

Salk Foundation published biological research. Further study on the link between calorie intake and dietary habits.The study, led by Shwbrwz Gail Wsatshydananda panda conducting tests on 300 healthy person to find out the reasons for change in body weight per day.The new study is different from previous studies, they do not rely solely on the questionnaires provided to persons who conducted the tests, but also to the study and application of special film all kinds of dishes they consume every day.Times eat full, according to the website "Spiegel online," the German.

the study found some new results, that more people involved in the experiment indicated they eat three meals a day, breakfast in the morning, lunch at noon and dinner in the evening.But the results of the images taken from the application showed that people did not eat their food and said data, and they ate their meals at different times, in addition to a lot of snacks between main meals.


.Many of them did eat lots of chocolate and sweets in the morning.In addition, the majority of people eating food in the morning - enough for a quarter of the calories needed by a person per day, with most of them with foods. Need to cover the body of the calories in the evening times.

He asked supervisors to find 8 people obese participants in the times of up to 14 hours between eating a meal, and to investigate the effect of it. On a diet.After 16 weeks of searching long breaks between the experts do serve meals to lose weight, because each person involved approximately 3 kg after the test, the "German" Spiegel online.
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