النخيل من النباتات ذوات الفلقة الواحدة. ويرجع تاريخ التمر الى اكثر من 7000 سنة اذ انه من اقدم الثمار التي عرفها الانسان وهي الشجرة الوحيدة التي ورد ذكرها في كل الكتب السماوية
Palm plants with falaka. Date date back to more than 7000 years ago as it is one of the oldest fruits known to man and is the only tree mentioned in all the heavenly books
Palm plants monocots one. The due date dates back more than 7,000 years as it one of the oldest fruits known to man is the only tree mentioned in all holy books
Palm plants with one cotyledon. The history dates back more than 7000 years, it is one of the oldest fruits known to man and the only tree mentioned in holy books