fore, Tesla patents became a study area of necessity once again. Devel ترجمة - fore, Tesla patents became a study area of necessity once again. Devel الإنجليزية كيف أقول

fore, Tesla patents became a study

fore, Tesla patents became a study area of necessity once again. Developing
large metallic shields for buried command centers required knowledge of Tesla
Consideration of these catastrophic electric efl'cc1.s against military command
centers was of first level importance. Military forces, against whom such Weup
ons were used, would be the helpless victims of a complete and prolonged
coinrnuuications burnout. But if they managed no safely endure the blast sce~
nano, the resultant radinwave “blackout” would bring their best communica-
tions eiiorts lo an abrupt and disappointing end. Worse than disappointing,
the blackout period could spell total annihilation. Alter a nuclear blast of sulfi-
clent magnitude and aerial placement, lhc blackout effect could last for clays.
This ionospheric blackout phenomenon, revealed that communications chan-
nels could be destroyed across an incredible range of electrical frequencies.
This range was found to begin in the ELF hands, the operating frequencies of
electrical power generators, and indeed surpass the centimeter waves of super-
high frequency RADAR.
Alter die initial blast and fireball sequence, only the optical and radiative
channels would remain clear of the “blackout” effect; a. fact having defined
consequence in the future of military communications technology. The ex-
tended blackout, forccd upon the victims of such an event, would prolong a
critical time period dunng which no possibility of an organized military action
could be coordinated No information could be exchanged except through
rapidly deployed lineofcight systems. Therefore, much beyond considerations
of the blast shock hazard itself, both the burnout and blackout phenomena
were tliemselveii tactical weapons in their own right. Here were nuclear weap
ons eflects which had to be breached.
RADAR engineem had observed these efiects during the Second World
War, when extremely brief highpower pulsed RADAR bursts were beamed
toward connnunlcatlons and other electronics equipment. Proper shielding
was able to block the penetrating power of those pulsed RADAR bursts. But
without special shielding. electnmics packages were incinerated as if exposed
to explosive fire. These RADAR etlects were reminiscent of reports given by
Dr. Tesla, when discussing his Radiant Energy technology. The superficial
ellecls proved to have succinct causes which, on deeper evaluation, proved
the difierence in power between true impulse singularities and wave bursts.
The Teslian phenomenon was the result of succinct electroshoclu, unidirec-
tional blast: of singular. well spaced impulses. RADAR wave impact was efl5ec-
livc only in that initial wave crest. The sudden rise in electric potential from
zero was the active agent in burning and bursting materials. Each subsequent
wave alternation added no more energy to the ellect Since only the leading
wave crest was the clicctivc energetic portion, the rest was “lost” as heat. Thus
only “the lead edge” of each long burst was useful tn producing EMP effects.
Dr. Tesla taught that ellective conservation of the etiect relied on conserva-
I 7 2

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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
fore, Tesla patents became a study area of necessity once again. Developinglarge metallic shields for buried command centers required knowledge of Teslaructliods.Consideration of these catastrophic electric efl'cc1.s against military commandcenters was of first level importance. Military forces, against whom such Weupons were used, would be the helpless victims of a complete and prolongedcoinrnuuications burnout. But if they managed no safely endure the blast sce~nano, the resultant radinwave "blackout" would bring their best communica-tions eiiorts lo an abrupt and disappointing end. Worse than disappointing,the blackout period could spell total annihilation. Alter a nuclear blast of sulfi-clent magnitude and aerial placement, lhc blackout effect could last for clays.This ionospheric blackout phenomenon, revealed that communications chan-nels could be destroyed across an incredible range of electrical frequencies.This range was found to begin in the ELF hands, the operating frequencies ofelectrical power generators, and indeed surpass the centimeter waves of super-high frequency RADAR.Alter die initial blast and fireball sequence, only the optical and radiativechannels would remain clear of the "blackout" effect; a. fact having definedconsequence in the future of military communications technology. The ex-tended blackout, forccd upon the victims of such an event, would prolong acritical time period dunng which no possibility of an organized military actioncould be coordinated No information could be exchanged except throughrapidly deployed lineofcight systems. Therefore, much beyond considerationsof the blast shock hazard itself, both the burnout and blackout phenomenawere tliemselveii tactical weapons in their own right. Here were nuclear weapons eflects which had to be breached.RADAR engineem had observed these efiects during the Second WorldWar, when extremely brief highpower pulsed RADAR bursts were beamedtoward connnunlcatlons and other electronics equipment. Proper shieldingwas able to block the penetrating power of those pulsed RADAR bursts. Butwithout special shielding. electnmics packages were incinerated as if exposedto explosive fire. These RADAR etlects were reminiscent of reports given byDr. Tesla, when discussing his Radiant Energy technology. The superficialellecls proved to have succinct causes which, on deeper evaluation, provedthe difierence in power between true impulse singularities and wave bursts.The Teslian phenomenon was the result of succinct electroshoclu, unidirec-tional blast: of singular. well spaced impulses. RADAR wave impact was efl5ec-livc only in that initial wave crest. The sudden rise in electric potential fromzero was the active agent in burning and bursting materials. Each subsequentwave alternation added no more energy to the ellect Since only the leadingwave crest was the clicctivc energetic portion, the rest was "lost" as heat. Thusonly "the lead edge" of each long burst was useful tn producing EMP effects.Dr. Tesla taught that ellective conservation of the etiect relied on conserva-I 7 2
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
fore, Tesla patents became a study area of necessity once again. Developing
large metallic shields for buried command centers required knowledge of Tesla
Consideration of these catastrophic electric e fl 'Cc1.s Against military command
centers was of fi rst level Importance. Military forces, Against Whom color: such Weup
ons provenance was used, would be the Helpless Victims of a complete and prolonged
Coinrnuuications burnout. But if they managed no safely endure the blast sce ~
nano, the resultant Radinwave "blackout" would bring Hwy best Communica-
Tions Eiiorts lo an abrupt and disappointing end. Worse than disappointing,
the blackout period Could spell total Annihilation. Alter a blast of Nuclear sul Fi-
clent magnitude and aerial placement, Lhc blackout effect Could Clays are for.
This blackout ionospheric phenomenon, revealed That communications Chan-
nels could be destroyed Across an incredible range of electrical frequencies.
This range was found to begin in the ELF hands, the operating frequencies of
electrical power generators, and indeed surpass the super- centimeter waves of
high frequency RADAR.
Alter die initial blast and fi reball sequence, only the optical and Radiative
channels would Remain clear of the "blackout" effect; a. Having fact de fi ned
consequence in the future of military communications technology. The ex-
tended blackout, Forccd upon the Victims of color: such an event, would prolong a
Critical time period Dunng Which no Possibility of an Organized military action
could be coordinated No information could be Exchanged except thru
Rapidly Deployed Lineofcight systems. Therefore, much beyond considerations
of the blast shock hazard Itself, both the blackout and burnout phenomena
provenance was Tliemselveii tactical Weapons in Hwy own right. Here provenance was Nuclear Weap
ons e fl ects Which Had to be breached.
RADAR Engineem Observed Had these e fi ects During the Second World
War, When extremely brief highpower pulsed RADAR Bursts provenance was beamed
toward Connnunlcatlons and other electronics equipment. Proper shielding
was Able to block the penetrating power of pulsed RADAR Those Bursts. But
without special shielding. Electnmics packages Incinerated provenance was as if exposed
to explosive fi re. RADAR these Etlects provenance was Reminiscent of reports given by
Dr. Tesla, when discussing his Radiant Energy technology. The super fi cial
Ellecls proved to have succinct causes Which, on deeper evaluation, proved
the di fi Erence in power Between Singularities and true impulse wave Bursts.
Teslian The phenomenon was the result of succinct Electroshoclu, Unidirec-
tional blast: of singular. well spaced impulses. RADAR wave impact was e Fl5 Ec-
only in Livc That initial wave crest. The sudden rise in electric Potential from
zero was the active agent in burning and bursting materials. Subsequent each
wave Alternation added no more energy to the Ellect Since only the Leading
wave crest was the Clicctivc energetic portion, the rest was "lost" as heat. Thus
only "the lead edge" of each long burst was useful tn producing EMP effects.
Dr. Tesla taught That Ellective conservation of the Etiect relied on Conserva-
I 7 2

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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