بالنسبة لـ AMS بموارد يمكن الاعتماد عليها ، هناك نوعان من أساليب منع الجمود التي تنطوي على استخدام شبكات Petri: تحليل الرسم البياني الخاص بالوصول والتحليل الهيكلي
For AMS resources can be relied upon, there are two methods to prevent inertia involving the use of Petri nets: Analysis of drawing your access chart and structural analysis
For AMS with reliable resources, there are two methods of preventing inertia involving the use of Petri networks: access graph analysis and structural analysis.
For AMS with unreliable resources, there are two ways to prevent deadlock, including using Petri nets: access graph analysis and structure analysis.<br>