انا اسف لا استطيع الاتصال بك قبل اسبوعين .. هذا الوقت كان لدي مشكلة حول عقد العمل مع الشركة وانا تركت دبي .. وسافرت الي بلدي .. نعم انا اعيش الان في مصر
I'm sorry I can't contact you two weeks ago. This time I had a problem about labour contract with the company and I left Dubai. And I traveled to my. Yes I live now in Egypt
I'm sorry I can not connect your two weeks ago .. This time I had a problem about the labor contract with the company and I left Dubai .. and I traveled to my country .. Yes I live now in Egypt
I'm sorry, I can not contact you two weeks ago. This time, I had a problem about the labour contract with the company, and I left Dubai. And to my country. Yes, I am living now in Egypt