هل استطيع ان ارى صورتكهنا يتزوجن اللتيات في عمر ال 17 او 18 انت لستي صغيرة على الزواج اريدك زوجة لي هل تقبلين بي زوجا لكي وانجب منكي اطفال يجمعون بيننا مدى الحياة
Can I see sortkhna alltiat married at 17 or 18. You're not small on marriage I want you to be my wife will you marry me so begotten you kids are collecting us for life.
Can I see Sourtkhna Alltaat marry at the age of 17 or 18 you are a small city to get married I want my wife Do you accept my husband and to beget children collecting Monkey us for life
You can see Swrtkhna Alltyat got married at the age of 17 or 18.You"re too young to get married.I want a wife to me will you for my husband and our kids with you for life.