:مفهوم التلوث بشكل عام :لم تظهر مشكلة التلوث على المستوى العالمي وبصور ترجمة - :مفهوم التلوث بشكل عام :لم تظهر مشكلة التلوث على المستوى العالمي وبصور الإنجليزية كيف أقول

:مفهوم التلوث بشكل عام :لم تظهر مشك

مفهوم التلوث بشكل عام :
لم تظهر مشكلة التلوث على المستوى العالمي وبصورة ملحة الا في الستينات من هذا القرن ، و بعد اليوم في مقدمة المشاكل العالمية المعاصرة التي تهدد البشرية بالفناء بفعل تفاقمها السريع فهي تؤدي إلى إفساد خصائص النظام البئي .
اذ ان تلوث مياه الجداول والأنهار والبحيرات وشواطئ المحيطات بالقاذورات وفضلات المدن وتلوث الهواء الجوي بالغازات السامة ودقائق الدخان والغبار ، و تلوث التربة ، وهذه جميعا تؤدي إلى تلوث غذاء الانسان الامر الذي يهدد الحياة السوية على سطح الكرة الارضية.
ان ما نشاهده اليوم من اهتمام بمشكلة التلوث على المستوى العالمي لا يعني أن مشكلة التلوث ظهرت فجأة في العشرين سنة الاخيرة ، لكنها بدأت منذ بدأ الانسان ليستغل خامات البيئة الصالحة وازدادت بدخول الدول عصر الصناعات الضخمة والانتاج المكثف و تفاقمت مع تقدم التكنولوجيا و مع الإفراط في استخدام المواد الطبيعية.
ولكن مشكلة التلوث لم تظهر الا بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية ، حيث بدأت المدن الصناعية الضخمة التي تعاني منها معاناة و اضحة.
حيث قامت عدة دول، وخاصة الصناعية منها بإصدار التشريعات العامة للسيطرة على التلوث بصورة عامة شملت جميع انماط التلوث في الجو والبر والبحر بمافي ذلك التلوث الضوضائي .
مماسبق يتضح مدى خطورة هذه المشكلة وجديتها على النطاق العالمي ، بما في ذلك البلدان النامية.
ومن هنا تأتي أهمية التوعية في هذا المضمار ووضع الحلول والإمكانيات للسيطرة على مصادر التلوث وانواعها وتقليل اثارها وماهذا البحث سوى محاولة متواضعة لسد جزء من الثغرة في هذا المجال.

ماذا يعني بالتلوث :
لقد عرف التلوث بطرق مختلفة ، منها ان التلوث هو وضع المواد في غير مكانها الملائم أو أنه تلوث البيئة بفضلات الانسان .
هناك بعض التعاريف الاكثر تفصيلا ودقة مثل تعريف هولستر وبورتوز .
فالملوث هو مادة او اثر يؤدي إلى تغير في معدل نمو الأنواع في البيئة يتعارض مع سلسلة الطعام بإدخال سموم فيها أو يتعارض مع الصحة أو الراحة أو مع قيم المجتمع .

مصادر وانواع التلوث:
أولا : التلوث البيئي :
تدخل الملوثات إلى البيئة في المادة بكميات كبيرة على شكل فضلات ومهملات او نواتج جانبية للصناعات او انشطة معينة للانسان .
الثانية ، التلوث الصناعي :
في أي صناعة ثفيلة ينبغي أن يؤثر على المنطقة المجاورة من خلال إنتاج وتصنيع المواد اللازمة .
وتنتج المصانع تلوث من الغبار و النفايات الصناعية و النفايات البشرية .
اولا : الفضلات الصناعية وهي فضلات ناتجة عن اعمال الصيانة من بقايا المواد الحرارية والبطانات واسلاك اللحام واسلاك الكهرباء والزيوت والشحوم وغير ذلك .
ثانيا : الفضلات البشرية وهي الفضلات الناتجة عن الاستعمالات البشرية من مأكل ومشرب وماالى ذلك .
الثالث ، التلوث بسبب النقل أو وسائل النقل :
أثناء نقل المواد والمعدات و المداولة آلاف الأطنان من المواد الناعمة يوميا، يؤدي الى إثارة الغبار مثلا من صناعة الاسمنت .
الأدخنة التي تخرج من وسائل النقل مثل السيارات والحافلات ، و ذلك يؤدي إلى التلوث.
الرابع : تلوث المناخ :
ان التلوث الذي ينتج من المصانع ومن وسائل النقل وغيرها يؤدي إلى تلوث المناخ من غبار ودخان.
بشكل عام ، فان التلوث يلحق اضرارا بوظائف الطبقة الجوية ( بيوسفير ) والتي تحيط بالكرة الارضية.

الأضرار الناجمة عن التلوث :
١- اضرار تلحق بصحة الانسان من خلال تلوث الهواء والتربة والغذاء بمواد كيميائية واخرى مشعة .
٢- اضرار تلحق بالمحاصيل الزراعية والنباتات والمياه والتربة والحيوانات .
٣- اضرار تلحق بالنواحي الجمالية للبيئة مثل الدخان والغبار والضوضاء والقمامة .
٤- الاضرار التي لا تظهر اثارها الا في المدى البعيد ولكنها ذات اثر كمي مثل المسرطنات والمواد المشعة والضوضاء .
وسندرس احد الامثلة عن التلوث الصناعي في مصنع الاسمنت .

دراسة المواد الملوثة في مصنع للاسمنت :
١- الغبار والاتربة الناتجة عن الكسارات ومطاحن المواد الاولية .
٢- الغازات الناتجة عن عملية الاحتراق في افران المصنع .
اما مصادر التلوث الاخرى فهي :
١ - المياه العادمة
٢- الزيوت المستعملة
٣- الاهتزازات الناجمة عن التفجير في المحاجر
اما التاثير على خارج المصنع فهو:
١- الضجيج
٢- الغبار المتساقط على المزروعات مما يؤدي الى ضرر كبير بالمنتجات الزراعية .

معالجة التلوث في مصنع الأسمنت :
تحتاج إلى معالجة للحد من التلوث الناجم عن الأضرار الناجمة عن استخدام ما يلي :
١- استخدام اجهزة تجميع الغبار كالحاويات السيكلونية والمصافي الكيسية والمصافي الكهربائية والمصافي الكهروساكنة (الترسيب الكهروساكن للغبار ) وحجرات الترقيد للغبار والمصافي بالحصى حيث يدخل الغبار الناتج من المصنع عبر اجهزة تجميع الغبار التي وظيفتها حجز الغبار ومنع خروجه الى خارج المصنع .
٢- معالجة المياه العادمة بمحطات تنقية خاصة ويفضل اعادة ضخ المياه المعالجة الي نظام المياة الصناعية (مياه التبريد ).
٣- معالجة الزيوت المستعملة في المصانع يجب تجميعها في صهاريج خاص بها لتحترق في الافران وايضا تجميع ما يتسرب منها الى انظمة تصريف المياه عن طريق مصايد خاصة .
4 - معالجة الاهتزازات الناجمة عن التفجير في المحاجر فان طريقة التفجير يحبب تغييرها إلى تقنية الحفر و الشق بالآليات.
5 - لمعالجة الضجيج و الضوضاء من المصانع ، العناية بقواعد الآلات والحفاظ على مسافة بين القاعدة الخرسانية وارضية المصنع وتعبئتها بمادة عازلة للصوت كاللباد و نشارة الخشب و استخدام جدران مزودة بمادة عازلة أو ماصة للصوت من أجل تخفيف شدة الضجيج.
6 - معالجة الغبار المتساقط على المزروعات مما يؤدي الى ضرر كبير بالمنتجات الزراعية يجب تشغيل اجهزة تجميع الغبار بشكل جيد وابعاد المصنع عن المناطق الزراعية قدر الامكان .

الافتراضات والبدائل المستخدمة للحد من التلوث الصناعي :
1 - زراعة الأشجار بمداخل المصانع و ساحات المباني بالورود والأشكال المناسبة لإعطاء المصنع رونقا جميلا.
2 - صيانة وتشغيل أجهزة تجميع الغبار وعمل لها الصيانة الدورية والصيانة المبرمجة لضمان عمل الاجهزة بشكل مستمر وفعال.
3 - النظافة العامة لجميع مناطق المنشأة الاسمنتية من جميع النفايات الصناعية داخل و خارج خطوط الإنتاج و النفايات البشرية من خلال تعليمات وارشادات صارمة وخاصة بالنظافة العامة في حرم المصانع.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Concept of pollution in general:
Did not show the problem of pollution on a global level and urgently, but in the sixties of this century, and after a day at the forefront of contemporary global problems that threaten human extinction due to the rapid aggravation they lead to the corruption of the System Properties Albi.
As the contamination of water streams, rivers, lakes and the ocean beaches of dirt and waste cities, air pollution and toxic gases minutes smoke, dust, and soil pollution, and this all lead to the contamination of human food, which threatensNormal on the surface of the earth.That what we see today of attention to the problem of pollution on a global level does not mean that the problem of pollution suddenly appeared in the last twenty years, but started since the beginning of man to exploit ores good environment and increased entry of countries era smokestack industriesIntensive and worsened with the advancement of technology and with the excessive use of natural materials.
But the pollution problem did not appear until after World War II, where it began the huge industrial cities suffered by the suffering and clear.
Where the number of countries, especially the industrialized ones issuance of general legislation to control pollution in general included all types of pollution in the air, land and sea Pmafa that noise pollution.
Mmasbak unclear how serious this problem is serious and on a global scale, including developing countries.
Hence the importance of awareness in this area and the development of solutions and possibilities to control the sources of pollution, and reduce the kinds of effects and Find What is this only a modest attempt to fill part of the gap in this area.

What does it mean to pollution:
He knew pollution in different ways, including that the pollution is to put the material in place is adequate or that pollute the environment with human excrement.
There are some definitions of the most detailed and precise definition of such Holstr and Portoz.
Polluter is a substance or effect leads to a change in the rate of growth of the species in the environment inconsistent with the toxins enter the food chain where or inconsistent with the health or comfort or with the values ​​of the community.

Sources and types of pollution:
First: environmental pollution:
Intervention of pollutants into the environment in large quantities in the article in the form of waste and trash or Byproducts of certain industries or activities of man.
Second, industrial pollution:
Tvalh in any industry should affect the vicinity through the production and manufacture of the necessary materials.
And factories produce pollution from dust and industrial waste and human waste.
First:Industrial waste, a waste resulting from the maintenance of the remnants of refractory materials and bushings and welding wire and wire electricity, oil, grease, and so on.
Second:Human waste, a waste resulting from human uses of food, drink and Maaly it.
Third, pollution due to transportation or transportation:
During the transfer of materials and equipment and deliberation thousands of tons of soft material per day, leading to stir the dust from the cement industry, for example.
Fumes that come out of transportation such as cars, buses, and it leads to pollution.
IV:Pollution, climate:
that pollution from the factories which produce and transport and other leads to pollution climate of dust and smoke.
Overall, the pollution damaged the functions of the air layer (Biosphere), which takes the ball ground.

Pollution Damage:
1 - damage caused to human health through pollution of air, soil and food with chemicals and other radioactive.
2 - damage to agricultural crops and plants, water, soil and animals.
3 - damage to the aesthetic aspects of the environment such as smoke, dust, noise and litter.
4 - the damage does not show its effects, but in the long run, but with the impact of quantitative such as carcinogens, radioactive materials and noise.
We will examine one example from industrial pollution in the cement plant.

Study of contaminated materials in a cement plant:
1 - dust and dust resulting from the crushers and mills raw materials.
2 - gases resulting from the combustion process in a furnace factory.
As for other sources of pollution are: 1
2 wastewater - used oil
3 - vibrations caused by blasting in quarries
influence either on the outside of the plant is: 1
hype2 - dust falling on the crops, leading to damage to agricultural products.

Pollution treatment in the cement plant:
need to be addressed to reduce the pollution caused by the damage caused by the use of the following:
1 - Use of dust collection devices Kalhoyat Alsichaelonah, refineries and refineries cystic electrical and refineries Alkahrusakna (Alkahrusakn deposition of dust) and settling chambers to dust and gravel refineries where it enters the dust produced from the factory throughDust collector whose job reservation to prevent dust and exit out of the factory.
2 - wastewater treatment plants purify especially preferably pumping treated water to industrial water system (cooling water).
3 - processing oils used in factories must be assembled in its own tankers to burn in furnaces and also accumulate leaking into drainage systems by private fisheries.
4 - Treatment of vibrations caused by blasting in quarries, the way to change granulated blast drilling technique and slit mechanisms.
5 - to address noise and noise from factories, machines and the rules of care to maintain the distance between the base and the concrete factory floor and packaged material soundproofed Kallbad and sawdust and the use of the walls with an insulating material or absorbent voice ofMitigate the severity of the noise.
6 - addressing the fallout on crops, leading to damage to agricultural products must run devices dust collector well and keep the plant from agricultural areas as much as possible.

Assumptions used and the alternatives to reduce industrial pollution:
1 - planting trees entrances factory buildings and squares with flowers and shapes appropriate to give the plant a beautiful luster.
2 - Maintenance and operation of dust collection equipment and the work of its regular maintenance and programmed maintenance to ensure that the devices continuously and effectively.
3 - General cleaning of all areas of the facility concrete from all industrial waste inside and outside the production lines and human waste through the instructions and guidance of strict hygiene, especially on the campus of factories.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
The concept of pollution in General:
No global pollution problem and urgently, but in the 1960s, and after a day at the forefront of contemporary global problems that threaten mankind with extinction by rapid escalation is to corrupt the system properties albaei.
The pollution of streams and rivers, lakes and Ocean Shores with dirt and residue and contamination of the atmosphere with toxic gases and smoke and dust, the minutes and the contamination of soil, and these all lead to contamination of human food which threatens Normal to the Earth's surface.
What we are seeing today in global pollution problem does not mean that the contamination problem appeared suddenly in the last 20 years, but has since started to exploit the environment and raw materials to enter the States massive industry era Intensive and worsened with the advancement of technology and with the excessive use of natural materials.
But the problem did not appear until after World War II, where large industrial cities of suffering and crystal clear.
In several States, especially industrialized ones in general legislation to control pollution generally included all types of pollution in the air, land and sea, including noise pollution.
Of which race illustrated the seriousness of the problem and its worldwide, including in developing countries.
Hence the importance of awareness in this field and develop solutions and possibilities to control the sources of pollution, and reduce their effects and what this search only a modest attempt to fill part of the gap in this area.

What does pollution:
I knew pollution in different ways, including the fact that pollution is a misplaced materials or that contamination of the environment with human waste.
There are some of the most detailed and precise definitions, such as the definition of holstr webortos.
The contaminant is a substance or effect leads to changes in the rate of growth of the species in the environment, contrary to the food chain by introducing toxins or interferes with the health or comfort or with the values of society.

the sources and types of pollution:
first: environmental pollution:
Entering pollutants into the environment in large amounts in the form of waste and waste or by-products of industries or certain activities of man.
Second, industrial pollution:
In any industry thvilh should affect the surrounding area through the production and processing of materials.
produces dust pollution factories and industrial waste and human waste.
first: Industrial waste and waste resulting from the maintenance of thermal material and bushings, welding wire, power cords, oils, grease, etc.
II: Human waste is waste resulting from human food uses disco other.
III, pollution due to transport or transport:
During the transfer of materials and equipment, hearing thousands of tonnes of soft material a day, raise dust, for example from the cement industry.
fumes that come out from the means of transport such as cars, buses, and this leads to pollution.
IV: Climate pollution:
that pollution resulting from industrial and transportation and other polluting atmosphere of dust and smoke.
overall, the pollution damage functions of air layer (Biosphere) and surrounding the planet.

Pollution damage:
1-damage to human health through pollution of air, soil and food with chemicals and other radioactive.
2-damage to crops, vegetation, water, soil and animals.
3. aesthetic damage to the environment, such as smoke, dust, noise and trash.
4-damage does not show its effects only in the long term but a quantitative impact such as carcinogens and radioactive substances, noise.
We will examine an example of industrial pollution in cement plant.

to study contaminants in a cement factory:
1. dust and dirt from the crushers and mills.
2. gases resulting from the combustion process in the plant.
Other sources of pollution are:
2-wastewater-used oils
3-vibration resulting from blasting in quarries
either influence outside the factory is:
1. hype
2. dust falling on the plants, resulting in significant damage to agricultural products.

treatment of pollution in cement plant:
need to be addressed to reduce the pollution damage arising from the use of the following:
1. use dust collector as a container alsiklonih and Seine refineries and refineries and refineries alkhrosakenh (alkhrosaken deposition of dust) and oversized the layerage dust and gravel as refineries enter the dust produced from the factory via Dust collector that her book dust and prevent emerging out of the factory.
2-wastewater purification plants and prefer pumping the treated water to the industrial water system (water cooling)
3. treatment of waste oils in plants should be grouped into special tanks for burning in furnaces and also collect the leak to drainage systems by private fisheries.
4. treatment of vibration caused by blasting in quarries, the method of blasting excavation technique changed granulates and notch mechanisms.
5. to address noise and noise from factories, machines and rules to maintain distance between the concrete base and factory floor and filled with soundproof material as and sawdust and use walls with insulation material or sound absorbing Alleviate noise.
6-dust falling on the plants, resulting in significant damage to agricultural products must be dust-collection device and dimensions of factory farming areas as possible.

Assumptions and alternatives for reducing industrial pollution:
1. planting trees, building yards, factories and ports with flowers and shapes to give the plant a nice sparkle.
2. the maintenance and operation of the dust collector and devices work with regular maintenance and programmed maintenance to ensure the continuous and effective.
3. General cleaning of all parts of the cement plant of all industrial waste inside and outside production lines and human waste through the strict instructions and guidelines and especially hygiene in factories.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
concept of pollution in general :
did not show the problem of pollution at the global level and most urgently, but in the 1960s of this century, and after today in the contemporary world problems that threaten human extinction by exacerbated by rapid it lead to spoil the System Properties البئى .
The pollution of water streams, rivers, lakes and beaches and oceans by dirt residues from urban air pollution toxic gases and smoke, dust, and pollution of the soil, and all of them will lead to the pollution of human food which threatensNormality on the surface of the globe.
What we are seeing today, the attention of the problem of the pollution at the global level does not mean that the problem of pollution appeared suddenly in the last 20 years, but has since started raw Emirati human environment and increased access to the era of huge industriesIntensive and aggravated with the progress of technology and with the excessive use of natural materials.
but pollution problem did not arise only after the Second World War, where large industrial cities started to suffer from the suffering and اضحة.
Where several States, particularly industrial production of general legislation to control pollution in general, including all types of pollution in the air, land and sea pollution, including noise pollution .
مماسبق reflected the seriousness of this problem and seriousness on a global scale, including in developing countries.
and here comes the importance of education in this regard and to develop solutions and possibilities to control the sources and types of pollution and reduce this is Search only modest attempt to fill part of the gap in this area.

what I mean pollution :
I have known of pollution different ways, including that of pollution is the development of materials in non-appropriate place or that pollution of the environment human faeces all over .
there are some definitions the most detailed and accurate definition of such هولستر وبورتوز .
The polluter is the substance or the impact of lead to a change in the rate of growth of species in the environment is incompatible with a series of food enter the poisons or incompatible with health or comfort or with the values of society .

sources and types of pollution:
first: environmental pollution :
The intervention of pollutants to the environment in article large quantities in the form of waste ومهملات side or outputs of industries or activities of certain human .
second, industrial pollution :
In any industry ثفيلة should affect the neighboring region of the production and processing of materials for .
produces pollution factories of dust and industrial waste and human waste .
first:Industrial waste and waste resulting from the maintenance of remnants of the material thermal bushings welding wires, wires, electricity, oil and lubricants, etc. .
Secondly:human waste and waste of human uses of McKell metro from powdered, .
III, pollution due to transportation or means of transport :
During the transfer of materials and equipment and deliberation thousands of tons of soft materials daily, lead to dust raised, for example, the cement industry,
fumes that are out of the means of transport such as cars and buses, and that lead to pollution.
IV:Climate pollution :
that pollution resulting from factories and means of transport and other lead to climate pollution from dust and smoke.
in general, pollution damage air layer functions the Biodome, La Biosphere ( ) which surrounds the globe.

Damage caused by pollution :
1. damage to human health through air pollution, soil and food with chemical and radioactive .
2. damage to agricultural crops and plants, water, soil, fauna .
3. Damage to aesthetic aspects of environment such as smoke, dust, and noise and litter,
4 - damage that effects do not appear only in the long term, but the quantitative impact of such المسرطنات radioactive materials and noise .
We will look at one of the examples of industrial pollution in cement factory .

study contaminated material in a cement factory :
1 - the dust and dirt from the quarries Mills Raw Materials,
2 - gases resulting from the combustion process in the factory ovens .
As for the other sources of pollution are :
1. Waste-water
2 - waste oil
3 - vibration resulting from the explosion in quarries
The influence of outside the factory is:
1 - Noise
2. The fallout on crops, which leads to a lot of damage to agricultural products .

addressing pollution in cement factory :
needs to address to reduce pollution from the damage caused by the use of the following :
1. The use of dust كالحاويات السيكلونية purse seiners strainers strainers strainers electric الكهروساكنة (sedimentation الكهروساكن dust ) cabins الترقيد strainers gravel Dust Enters the dust from the factory throughCompilation of dust, Dust Prevention function booked out to outside the factory.
2. waste- water treatment purification plants, preferably to pump water treatment system to industrial water (cooling water ( .
3. treatment of waste oils in factories must be collected in tanks in particular by لتحترق furnaces, as well as compilation of the leaking of the drainage systems through fisheries for .
4. address the vibrations resulting from the explosion in quarries, the way the explosion a change to drilling technology and the notch mechanisms.
5. To address the noise and noise from factories, CARE machinery rules to maintain a distance between al-Qaeda and packaging factory floor concrete substance soundproofed rooms كاللباد and sawdust and use walls with insulating material or absorbent rooms ofreducing the intensity of the noise.
6 - addressing the fallout on crops, leading to considerable damage agricultural products must be off the dust well and dimensions of the factory of agricultural areas as much as possible .

The assumptions and alternatives used to reduce industrial pollution :
1 - planting trees entries factory buildings and squares with flowers and forms appropriate to give the factory candle beautiful.
2. maintenance and functioning of the organs of the compilation of dust and worked for periodic maintenance programd maintenance work to ensure constant and effective devices.
3. general hygiene cement for all areas of the property of all industrial waste within and outside production lines and human waste through strict instructions and guidance, particularly hygiene in the campus of the factories.
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دعم الترجمة أداة: الآيسلندية, الأذرية, الأردية, الأفريقانية, الألبانية, الألمانية, الأمهرية, الأوديا (الأوريا), الأوزبكية, الأوكرانية, الأويغورية, الأيرلندية, الإسبانية, الإستونية, الإنجليزية, الإندونيسية, الإيطالية, الإيغبو, الارمنية, الاسبرانتو, الاسكتلندية الغالية, الباسكية, الباشتوية, البرتغالية, البلغارية, البنجابية, البنغالية, البورمية, البوسنية, البولندية, البيلاروسية, التاميلية, التايلاندية, التتارية, التركمانية, التركية, التشيكية, التعرّف التلقائي على اللغة, التيلوجو, الجاليكية, الجاوية, الجورجية, الخؤوصا, الخميرية, الدانماركية, الروسية, الرومانية, الزولوية, الساموانية, الساندينيزية, السلوفاكية, السلوفينية, السندية, السنهالية, السواحيلية, السويدية, السيبيوانية, السيسوتو, الشونا, الصربية, الصومالية, الصينية, الطاجيكي, العبرية, العربية, الغوجراتية, الفارسية, الفرنسية, الفريزية, الفلبينية, الفنلندية, الفيتنامية, القطلونية, القيرغيزية, الكازاكي, الكانادا, الكردية, الكرواتية, الكشف التلقائي, الكورسيكي, الكورية, الكينيارواندية, اللاتفية, اللاتينية, اللاوو, اللغة الكريولية الهايتية, اللوكسمبورغية, الليتوانية, المالايالامية, المالطيّة, الماورية, المدغشقرية, المقدونية, الملايو, المنغولية, المهراتية, النرويجية, النيبالية, الهمونجية, الهندية, الهنغارية, الهوسا, الهولندية, الويلزية, اليورباية, اليونانية, الييدية, تشيتشوا, كلينجون, لغة هاواي, ياباني, لغة الترجمة.

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