معجب بيكي يا مريام في كل مرة اشوف صورتك بسئل هل استطيع ان المسك لكن لا سلطة لي فانتي بعيد مني لكن قلبي لا يحتمل هل استطيع الاتصال بيكي اريد ان اسمع صوتك
Impressed with Becky Oh Miriam everytime I see your picture besael do I musk but no power me, Auntie far from me but my heart is not possible can I contact Becky wanted to hear your voice
Fans Becky O Miriam every time see your picture Bsil Can I musk but has no authority to me Vanity far from me but my heart is not likely Can I contact Becky I want to hear your voice
Like Becky, Miriam all at once but no authority, I see your picture Bsyl can I musk you far away from me, but my heart is you, I can contact Becky, I want to hear your voice.