ح- لا يجوز صرف سلفة مؤقتة في الشهر الأخير من السنة المالية الا في الأحوال التي يكون من المؤكد انجاز العمل الصادر من اجلة السلفة قبل نهاية السنة المالية .
H may not advance in the last month of the financial year, except in cases in which certain accomplishment of action for which the advance payment before the end of the fiscal year.
(H) may not be a temporary advance exchange in the last month of the fiscal year except in the cases certainly get the job done for him of the advance before the end of the fiscal year.
H - may only be temporary pay an advance in the last month of the fiscal year, but may be sure of completing work for the advance payment before the end of the financial year.