المسرح في العصور الوسطىمدخل إلى الدراما في العصور الوسطىيُعد

المسرح في العصور الوسطىمدخل إلى الد

المسرح في العصور الوسطى

مدخل إلى الدراما في العصور الوسطى
يُعد "سينيكا" آخر كاتب مسرحي له أهمية في تاريخ المسرح الروماني، فقد مات عام 65 م وبعده استمرت العروض المسرحية إلى أن نصل إلى عام 476 م، وهو العام الذي شهد سقوط "روما" وإمبراطوريتها الغربية، على أن هذه العروض المسرحية أخذت في التدهور شيئًا فشيء حتى بلغت النهاية في الرخص والبذاءة، وهذا هو السبب الذي جعل الكنيسة، فيما بعد، بعد أن تتسلم مقاليد السلطلة، أو تستولي عليها بالمعنى الصحيح، تُحَرِّم المسرح تحريمًا قاطعًا في أي صورة من صوره المتعارف عليها، واعتبار الممثلين في فئة واحدة مع اللصوص والعاهرات وغيرهم ممن ينبذهم المجتمع.
وهكذا سيطرت الكنيسة على كافة جوانب الحياة في "أوروبا" في العصور الوسطى وأصبحت هي منبع الفن والجمال، وإن لم يحالفها التوفيق في كل خطاها، ولعل السبب يعود في ذلك إلى محاربة الكنيسة لكل ما هو إغريقي أو روماني، وعليه جاءت كثير من التعاليم بعيدة عن سنة المسيح وتعاليمه، وذلك أن الكنيسة في أيامها الأولى كان لابد لها أن تعلن أن هذه الحياة مؤقتة ونحن في طريقنا من خلود الوجود السابق إلى خلود الوجود اللاحق، وعليه تسعى الكنيسة لتغطية الجسد الإنساني الذي تباهت به الحضارة الإغريقية لتخفيه الكنيسة وكأنه شيء فاضح، كذلك حاربت الكنيسة مفهوم الإغريق للفن، فهم يرون الجمال في الفن من أسمى وظائف الإنسان، بينما تراه الكنيسة نشاطًا غير مستحب لأنه يتطلب اللذة والخيلاء، كما أن الكنيسة تدعوا مريديها إلى الغيمان واكتشاف عظمة هذا الدين وليس اكتشاف أسرار الحياة والموت كما كان يفعل الإغريق.
وقد ترتبت على هذه النظرة أن تجمدت الكتابة المسرحية منذ وفاة "سينيكا" إلى أن نصل لما يسمى بالعصور الوسطى (من القرن التاسع إلى القرن الخامس عشر الميلادي) وإن ظهرت بعض الأعمال الفنية التي قدمتها فرق الممثلين الجوالين التي لم تختف على الإطلاق بل ظلت مستمرة معظم الأوقات، كذلك ظهرت محاولة من قبل راهبة من "ساكسونيا" تدعى "روزفيتا" كتبت عدة كوميديات ورعة على نمط كوميديات "ترينيس" الروماني.

وعليه نستطيع القول أن العصور الوسطى لا يمكن أن تسمى بأنها عصور مظلمة على طول الخط، فقد كانت مظلمة حقًا فيما يتعلق بالنسبة لتاريخ الكتابة المسرحية، ومع ذلك فإن عودة ظهور المسرح خلال القرن العاشر لا تعود إلى فرق الجوالين ولا إلى كتابات "روزفيتا"، بل ترجع إلى الكنيسة، مما جعل بداية المسرح مرة أخرى بداية دينية، مما يؤكد أن المسرح في كل مرحلة من مراحل انطلاقه وبداياته تكون البداية دينية كما هو الحال مع المسرح الفرعوني والمسرح اليوناني ومسرح العصور الوسطى الديني.

وهكذا وجدنا دور الكنيسة يتبلور من خلال مسرحية صغيرة من أربعة سطور صغيرة تدخل على طقوس قداس الفصح الكنسية وترتب عليه أن ارتبط أداء الطقوس الدينية بشيء من التمثيل، وبعدها تطورت هذه المسرحيات الصغيرة وخرجت من الكنيسة ونظمت في مجموعات عرفت باسم "حلقات الأسرار"، وهي مسرحيات مستمدة من الكتاب المقدس، وظلت محتفظة بوظيفتها الدينية أساسًا.
وبرغم حرص الكنيسة على بقاء هذه المسرحيات دينية إلا أن يد المؤلف المسرحي امتد إليها من أجل إشراك بني البشر وقضاياهم الإنسانية على هذه الأعمال، فوجدنا بداية تصوير روح البشر كما في المسرحية الدينية التي تقدم قصة سيدنا "نوح" ما لبثت أن اكتسبت شيئًا من الفكاهة ومزيدًا من المتعة وهي تصور زوجة "نوح" المشاكسة وقد رفضت أن تركب السفينة حتى يسمح لها أن تصطحب معها كل المثرثرات من عجائز البلد.
ومما سبق نستطيع القول أن مرحلة العصور الوسطى هذه ستشهد المسرح المتجول الذي يعد من رواسب المسرحيات الكلاسيكية، وكذلك المسرح الكنسي للوعظ والإرشاد، وظهرت حلقات من مجموعات دينية وأخلاقية ذات قيمة تاريخية، أما من الناحية الفنية فقد مزجت الشعر الغنائي والشعر التمثيلي والقصصي، فمثلاً سمى "دانتي الليجري" (1318م) قصته بالكوميديا المقدسة رغم أنها قصة وليست مسرحية، معللاً ذلك بأن بدايتها محزنة وخاتمتها مفرحة.

أ. المسرح الديني

# المسرح داخل الكنيسـة:
إن أهم ما يتميز به الفن المسرحي في العصور الوسطى هو ظهور المسرحيات الدينية، فبعد أن كان رجال الدين يحرمون التمثيل ويطاردون الممثلين أصبحنا نرى فنًا جديدًا تحتضنه الكنيسة، ويقوم بالأدوار فيه رجال الكنيسة أنفسهم، ذلك أنهم رأوا في فن التمثيل لونًا من ألوان التبشير في عصر كثر فيه الجهل وانتشرت الشعوذة الدينية بجانب كثرة الحروب بين أمراء الإقطاعيات وما ينتج عنها من مجاعات وأمراض، وكان رجال الدين وقتئذٍ هم الفئة المثقفة في البلاد، وكان عليهم العبء الأكبر نحو المجتمع المليء بالشرور.
بدأت هذه المسرحيات الدينية بمناظر قصيرة، ثم تطورت إلى مسرحيات طويلة، لعب الحوار دورًا مهمًا في بنائها، وكان الجمهور يقابل كل لون من ألوان المسرح الديني بشعورٍ ملتهب من الحماس، ولاسيما في السنوات التي اشتدت فيها الحروب الصليبية. واستمر رجال الدين يؤلفون ويمثلون المسرحيات حتى جاء الوقت الذي اضطروا فيه إلى الاستعانة بغير رجال الدين من أعضاء النقابات المهنية الذين يجيدون تأليف المسرحيات أو أدائها، كما ساعدهم الإشراف بأموالهم ونفوذهم.

إن أقدم نص وصل إلينا من المسرحيات الدينية هو ما كتبه الراهب الإنجليزي "سانت ريتولد" (915- 975 م) عن عيد الفصح، وكذلك وصلتنا مسرحية "ميلاد المسيح" التي ترجع إلى القرن الحادي عشر الميلادي الذي شهد عددًا كبيرًا من هذه المسرحيات.
ويظهر أن القسيسين الذين كانوا يقومون بالأداء التمثيلي كانوا يجدون لذة في ذلك، فحاولوا تطوير المسرح بإدخال المناظر المثيرة، كما حاولوا أن يقربوا المسرحيات إلى واقع الحياة فأدخلوا فيها عناصر ومواضيع غير دينية، مما أدى إلى تطور الأدب المسرحي والفنون المسرحية بصفة عامة، وظهور ما أسماه المؤرخون "الأدب المسرحي النصف ديني"، وكذلك خافت الكنيسة على أن تكون دورًا للتمثيل وأن يكون المذبح هو المسرح، فاضطر القسيسون إلى استخدام ساحات الكنائس لهذا الغرض.

والمسرحيات النصف دينية بدأت في "إنجلترا" ثم انتقلت إلى "فرنسا"، ومنها إلى "إيطاليا". وهكذا انتقلت المسرحية من بلدٍ إلى آخر من البلاد التي اعتنقت المذهب الكاثوليكي، ثم تطورت وتنقلت بما عرف القسيسين من طلاقة في اللغة اللاتينية، وفي نهاية القرن الثالث عشر الميلادي نجد تطورًا آخر في هذه المسرحيات، فقد لوحظ أن التمثيليات التي أخذت من الدين على اختلافها كانت تكتب باللاتينية، ثم كتب نصفها باللاتينية ونصفها الآخر بلغة من اللغات القومية الأوروبية. ولم تختف اللغة اللاتينية إلا بعد انتقال الحفلات التمثيلية من الكنيسة إلى الأماكن العامة.

# المسرح خارج الكنيسة:
من: -
إلى: -
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Medieval TheatreThe entrance to the medieval drama"Seneca" most important dramatist in the history of the Roman Theatre, died the year 65 CE and several theatrical performances continued until we reach the year 476 a.d., the year which saw the fall of "Rome" and the Western Empire, this theatrical take in decline until finally reached on licenses and obscenity, and this is why the Church, later, after assuming the reins of alsltalh, or capture them in the proper sense, deny categorically ban Theatre in any image of a picture, And as representatives in one category with thieves, prostitutes and others who discard them in society.Thus the Church dominated all aspects of life in Europe in the middle ages and became the source of art and beauty, and if unsuccessful in each suit, perhaps due to fight the Church of Greek or Roman, and it came many further years of teachings of Christ and his teachings, the Church in its early days had to declare that this temporary life we're going from a previous existence to immortality immortality subsequent presence, and it seeks to cover the human body The Greek civilization to boast socio hide Church like something hardcore, as well as the Greeks fought the concept of church art, they see the beauty in the art of human functions, while the Church deems undesirable activity because it requires pleasure and pomp, and the Church let her willing to alghiman and discover the greatness of this religion and not discover the secrets of life and death as the Greeks.Had this perception that shivered playwriting since the death of "Seneca" until we reach the so-called middle ages (from the 9th century to the 15th century AD) and that there are some artworks made by roving teams of representatives that did not disappear at all, but continued most of the times, appeared an attempt by monk "Saxony" called "rosvita" wrote several comic pious comic style "trenyce".Therefore we can say that the middle ages could not be called as the dark ages, it was really dark in respect for history writing the play, however, the resurgence of the theater during the tenth century the roving teams to writings "rosvita, but returns to the Church, making the beginning of theatre again beginning, confirming that the theater in every stage of a breakthrough and starting religious beginnings, as is the case with the pharaonic and the Greek theater Theater theater Medieval religion.Thus we find the role of the Church take shape through a small play of four small lines to the ritual Easter liturgy Church and resulted in the performance of religious rites associated with something, and then evolved into the small plays and went out of the Church and organized into groups known as "looping", a drama drawn from the Bible, and maintain religious function.Despite the eagerness of the Church on the survival of these religious plays only to hand playwright spread to involve human beings and humanity on this work, we found the start of filming of the spirit of human beings, as in the religious drama which offers a "Prophet Noah" soon gained a bit of humor and more fun it depicts Noah's wife "Crabby" and refused to ride the ship even allowed to bring with them all the talkative of elderly the country.From the above we can say that the medieval stage this theater will the roaming, which is sediment plays classical, as well as the Canon Theatre for preaching and guidance, featured episodes of religious and moral groups with historical value, either technically, have mixed lyric poetry and fiction, for example named "Dante alligri" (1318 m) his story the Holy comics although the story and not play, explaining that the beginning and end of sad joy.N. religious Theatre# Theatre within the Church:The most important of the theatrical art in the middle ages is the emergence of religious plays, after the cleric denied representation, we see representatives of chasing new art breed Church, where clergy roles themselves, that they saw in the art representation of color from the colors in an era when many preaching ignorance and spread religious charlatanism by frequent wars between Princes fiefdoms and resulting famines and diseases, and were then clergy are educated in the country, and they had the greatest burden to society Filled with evils.These religious plays short views, then evolved into a long drama, the dialogue plays an important role in the construction, public corresponds to each color in theatre religious feeling red-hot enthusiasm, especially in years intensified its Crusades. Clergy continued to compose and represent plays came up time which forced it to use non-clergy members of professional unions who are proficient scriptwriter plays or performance, and helped oversee their money and influence.The oldest text arrived to us from religious plays is what the English monk St. ritold "(915-975 CE) for Easter, and also received the play" Christmas "which dates back to the eleventh century, which saw a large number of these plays.It appears that pastors who were analog performance they find pleasure in it, tried to enter the theatre development exciting landscapes, as they approach plays to try to be real life, introduced elements and non-religious subjects, leading to the evolution of theatrical literature and the performing arts in General, and the emergence of what historians "theatrical religious half literature", as well as Dim Church to be played for the representation and that the altar is the theatre, forcing with OVCs to use churches for this purpose arenas.Plays a religious half started in "England" then moved on to "France", "Italy". Thus the play moved from one country to another country that embraced Catholicism, then developed and worked with pastors of fluent in Latin, at the end of the thirteenth century we find further development in these plays, it was observed that the skits from various debt were written in Latin, and then wrote half Latin and half of European national languages. Latin language have not disappeared only after transmission of the analog of the Church concerts to public places.# Theatre outside the Church:T.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Theater in the medieval entrance to the drama of the Middle Ages is the "Seneca" Last playwright his importance in the history of the Roman theater, has died in 65 AD and after the theatrical performances continued until we reach the year 476 AD, the year that saw the fall of "Rome" and its empire Bank, that these theatrical performances taken into decline can gradually until it reached the end in licenses and indecency, and this is why the church, later, having received the reins of Alsultlh, or seize them in the correct sense, deny theater forbidden categorically in any form of an image accepted, and considered representatives in one category with thieves, prostitutes and others who discarding the community. Thus the Church took control of all aspects of life in "Europe" in the Middle Ages and became the source of art and beauty, albeit with limited success in all its pace, and perhaps the reason is due in to the the fight against the Church of all that is Greek or Roman, and the many far from the year of Christ and his teachings teachings came, so that the church in its early days it was necessary to declare that this life is temporary and we're going of the immortality of the previous existence to immortality subsequent existence, and it seeks the Church to cover the human body which boasted by the Greek civilization to hide the church like something scandalous, the church also fought the concept of Greek art, they see beauty in the art of the highest human functions, while you see active unpleasantly church because it requires the pleasure and show off, and the church let Mrdia to Algyeman and discovery the greatness of this religion and not discover the secrets of life and death as he did the Greeks. This resulted from this view that froze playwriting since the death of "Seneca" until we reach the so-called Middle Ages (from the ninth century to the fifteenth century AD), although some works of art that have emerged presented by representatives roving teams that did not disappear at all, but has been going most of the time, also it appeared an attempt by the nun of "Saxony" called "Roswita" wrote several comedies pious style comedies "Trinis" Roman. Therefore, we can say that the Middle Ages could not be known as the dark ages along the line, it was really with regard to the history of playwriting dark, however, the re-emergence of the theater during the tenth century does not return to the roving teams and to the writings of "Roswita", but due to the church, making the beginning of theater visits Other religious beginning, which confirms that the theater in every stage of its launch and its beginnings are religious beginning as is the case with the Pharaonic theater Greek theater and theater medieval religious. So we found the role of the church to take shape through a small drama of four small lines of intervention on the ritual Mass Easter church The result that has been associated with the performance of religious rituals with some representation, and then developed this small plays and came out of the church and organized in groups known as "Secrets rings", which plays derived from the Bible, and remained retain religious function basis. Despite the keenness of the church on the survival of religious these plays However, the hands of playwright extended to it in order to involve human beings and human cases at this business, we found the start of filming the spirit of human beings, as in the religious drama that offers the story of the prophet "Noah" it soon gained a bit of humor and more fun It depicts wife "Noah" quarrelsome have refused to ride the ship even allowed to be accompanied with all Almtrthurat of elderly country. From the above, we can say that the medieval stage this will itinerant theater, which is one of the deposits of classic plays, as well as the Canon Theatre of preaching and guidance, featured episodes of religious and moral with groups historical value, but technically it has mixed lyrical poetry and fiction representative, for example, named "Dante Allaijeri" (1318), the story of the Holy comedy, although it is a story, not a play, citing that the beginning of a sad and joyous conclusion. a. Religious theater # theater inside the church: The most important characteristic of the theatrical art of the Middle Ages is the emergence of religious plays. After that it was the clergy denied representation and chasing representatives we see a new art embraced by the church, and the roles of the clergy themselves, that they saw in the art representation of color from the color of evangelization in an era where a significant ignorance and spread religious sorcery next to the large number of wars between the feudal lords and the resulting famine and diseases, and the clergy at the time they are educated group in the country, and they had the biggest towards full of evils community burden. These religious plays began views short, then evolved into a long plays, play an important role in the dialogue built, and the audience was matched to each color of red-hot colors religious theater with a sense of enthusiasm, especially in the years when the Crusades intensified. And continued clerics make up and represent the plays until the time that they had it to use non-clerics, members of trade unions who know how to write a play or performance came, and helped supervise their wealth and influence. The oldest text arrived to us from religious plays is what was written by the English monk "St. Ratold "(915-975 m) for the festival of Easter, as well as we received the play" Birth of Christ "which dates back to the atheist th century, which has seen a large number of these plays. It appears that priests who were performance analog They would find pleasure in it, they tried to develop theater the introduction of exciting landscapes, as they tried to Iqrbwa plays to the reality of life Vodechloa the elements and themes of non-religious, which led to the development of theatrical literature and the performing arts in general, and the emergence of what he called historians "Dramatic Literature half my religion", as well as the faint church to be a role for the representation and the altar is the theater, he was forced to use Alksison yards churches for this purpose. The religious plays half began in "England" and then moved to "France", and from there to "Italy". So I moved the play from one country to another of the country who converted to Catholicism, then evolved and moved including custom priests of fluency in the Latin language, and at the end of the thirteenth century, we find further development in these plays, it has been observed that the skits taken from the religion of the various was written in Latin, then wrote a half in Latin and half in terms of European national languages. Latin language did not disappear until after the transmission of concerts representative of the church to public places. # Theater outside the church: T.

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
رأوا في فن التمثيل لونًا يعتبر ألوان التبشير في عصر كثر فيه الجهل وانتشرت الشعوذة الدينية بجانب كثرة!، أمراء الإقطاعيات احتجاز ينتج عنها يعتبر مجاعات وأمراض، وكان رجال الدين وقتئذٍ من الفئة المثقفة في البلاد، وكانالعبء الأكبر نحو المجتمع المليء بالشرور.
In the Middle Ages

introduction to medieval drama
"Seneca" is another important playwright in the history of the Roman theater, he died in 65 AD and after the theatre continued to arrive in in 476, a year that saw the fall of Rome "," West Wambratwrytha, these performances are inThe representatives in one category with thieves and whores and others Ynbdhhm society.
The first thing is to finish in the Walbdhat licensing, that is why the church, after having come to Alsltlt, or take over properly speaking, Tuharaem Thrymana theater Qatana accepted in any form;Teaching away from Christ and his teachings, the church in the first days she had to declare that this life is temporary and we are on our way from eternity presence prior to subsequent presence of immortality, the church seeks to cover the human bodyShe boasted by the Greek civilization to the church as something shameful, it fought against the church, the concept of art, they see the beauty in art of the highest human functions, while see active church is not desirable because it requires the pomp andLet Mrydyha Alghyman to discover the greatness of this religion, and discover the secrets of life and death, as did the Greeks.
He had that look that I write the play since the death of "Seneca" to get what is called the Middle Ages (ninth century to fifteenth century AD), but there were some works of art made by teams representing the roving whichThus, the Church took control over all aspects of life in the Middle Ages in Europe, and is the source of art and beauty, though it has been successful in the reason for that to combat church what is the Greek, Roman, and came

Therefore, we can say that the middle ages could not be called as dark ages along the line, it was really dark in respect for the history of the script of the play, however, the re emergence of the theater during the tenth century, not due to the roving teamsTo Rwzfyta writings, but due to the church, making the beginning stage again early religious, which confirms that the stage at every stage of setting off Wbdayath stages starting, as is the case with Pharaonic Greek theater, theater, theatreThe central religious.

Thus, we found the church's role evolves through a little play in the ritual of four lines, the small church Easter Mass and has to perform religious rites associated with a representation, and then developed into small plays came out of the church.In groups, known as the "episodes of secrets", which plays derived from Scripture, and retain the religious function basically.
Despite the church's desire to keep these religious but by the author of theatrical plays, extended to include human beings and humanitarian issues at the beginning of this work, we found imaging the human spirit and religious drama that made the story of ProphetDisappeared at all but has been going on all the time, there have also been attempts by a nun "Saxonia" called "Rwzfyta wrote several pious comedyat" Roman style "comedyat trines.Soon gained a sense of humour Wmzydana. It depicted the wife "Noah". He refused to ride the ship even allowed her to escort her. All Almthrthrat from the old country.It has, we can say that the phase of the middle ages. This will see street theater, which is the residue of classic plays, as well as the preaching and guidance, the canon theatre workshops. Moral and religious groups with historical value, in theThe mixed Walqssy representative lyric poetry, for example, "Dante Allyjry" (1318 m). Sacred. While not play, while sharing the story by the beginning Wkhatmtha sad happy.

a. The religious scene

theater inside the church.The most important advantage of the theatrical art in medieval times is the emergence of religious plays, clergy from being deprived of representation and chasing representatives, we can see a new art embraced by the church, and the roles themselves, which the men of the church.Representation Lwnana colors seen in the art of preaching in the age of many superstitious ignorance and religious side of many wars between the warlords vassals and the resulting famine and disease and the men of religion and then are the educated class in the country, theThe burden of the community is full of evil.

The clergy continued to compose and play until the time that they had to hire non clergy members of trade unions, who are proficient in written plays and its performance; he also helped people with money and power supervision.

I got a text from the religious plays of English "was written by the monk Saint Rietveld (915 - 975), as well as for Easter we received a" birth of Christ "which dates back to the eleventh century, which witnessed a large number of plays."The priests who were performing representative who find pleasure in it, Fhawlwa development stage introduction of dramatic landscapes, as they tried to close to the plays into reality life and non religious elements and shove it, causing theThe development of drama and the Performing Arts in general, and the emergence of what historians have called the "Religious Drama" half ", as well as the church was to be a role for representation and the altar is the stage, Alqsyswn was forced to use the church yards.

and the seminary started in England, then moved to France, then to Italy.The theatre has thus moved from one country to another country, which converted to the Catholic faith, and has developed a custom priests fluent in Latin language at the end of the century. Thirteenth century AD, we find another development in these plays, theThe drama, which is different from religion was writing in Latin, written half in Latin and the other half in one of the national languages of Europe.Only after the transition from Latin to party representative of the church to the public.

theatre outside of the church:
VThe religious views of short plays, and then evolved to play long time, dialogue played an important role in the construction of the public, corresponding to each color of the stage. The religious Bshwren flaming enthusiasm, especially in the years of intense warfare
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