انا اسمي شهد عمري ١٧ اعرفك عن بعض من حياتي انا بنت لا اريد في هذه الحياه سوا امي وايي وارغب جداً بان يعود اخي المتوفي لكي اطمئن عليه وايضاً انا فتاة لطيفه :)
My saw I am 17 know you some of my life I do not want this girl life mom I Sawa very waye to return a deceased brother to reassure him and also I am nice girl:)
My name is I am 17 know you saw some of the girl of my life I do not want in this life Sawa aye and my mother and I want my brother back so that the deceased in order to reassure him and also I am a nice girl :)
My name is seen I am XVII. For some of my girls do not want to live sawa Ma Wai too, I would like to have that back, my brother has to check in. But I am nice girl)