Because CC was alone all those years, she used the term accomplice to  ترجمة - Because CC was alone all those years, she used the term accomplice to  الإنجليزية كيف أقول

Because CC was alone all those year

Because CC was alone all those years, she used the term accomplice to hide what she really meant, and that was a friend. Its not something secretive like partners in crime, well maybe it is but still, all she wanted was a friend. A friend who would introduce her to new people and loves her. I think the reason why she made a contract with Mao was because she felt sorry for him. The reason why she made a pact with Marianne, I think was truly to die, for as Marianne said, CC did previously agree to the plan. As for lelouch, she made one for grant her true wish, which wasn’t to die, but to be truly loved…Sad I know, but we must continue

Early in the first season when the Black knights were prepared to lauch and assult to catch cornelia, CC asked lelouch a question, or more so told him
“Do you know why snow is white? Its because its forgotten its color…”

This quote that CC said basically refers to herself as she has forgotten who she was. She was white. Later lelouch answers her, after he had removed the shrapnel from her

“CC, I don’t know why snow is white, but I do find such white snow beautiful, I don’t dislike it at all”

Uh huh, and if you can put the pieces together, you find that he’s really saying that she is beautiful and he doesn’t dislike her at all. Yeah, hes not going to say “I love you CC”, hes not that kind of guy, his pride gets in the way of that, so much that he almost loses her in the second season.

Also in this little time frame, Lelouch learns something that not many people know. He learns CC’s true name. This however isn’t revealed to us and is blocked by a pretty annoying water drop. There is one question however that I would have for this scene. That is why did CC say,

“You finally called me by my name”

Was she referring to lelouch at the time or was she recalling one of her memories? If every drop of water in that episode was a time they said her name it could be possible that she just happened to blurt her name out and him go “???????!”. Yeah, just wanted to point that out.

So then again, when they are in the cave, it was the first real time they ever interacted with each other and CC says something that ill bring up. After Lelouch learns her name, she wishes for him to call her once more, in a kind and gentle way, just as her lover would. Doesn’t this mean something? I think it does. If you watch the final scene of the last episode and listen closely, don’t you think that CC is calling lelouchs name in a kind and gentle way, just as his lover would? Ntm CC is as happy as she can be giving of a little giggle. Yeah, that’s how I think it was; they both didn’t have names anymore, so CC wished to call for him. It all works out =].
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Because CC was alone all those years, she used the term accomplice to hide what she really meant, and that was a friend. Its not something secretive like partners in crime, well maybe it is but still, all she wanted was a friend. A friend who would introduce her to new people and loves her. I think the reason why she made a contract with Mao was because she felt sorry for him. The reason why she made a pact with Marianne, I think was truly to die, for as Marianne said, CC did previously agree to the plan. As for lelouch, she made one for grant her true wish, which wasn't to die, but to be truly loved...Sad I know, but we must continueEarly in the first season when the Black knights were prepared to lauch and assult to catch cornelia, CC asked lelouch a question, or more so told him"Do you know why snow is white? Its because its forgotten its color..." This quote that CC said basically refers to herself as she has forgotten who she was. She was white. Later lelouch answers her, after he had removed the shrapnel from her"CC, I don't know why snow is white, but I do find such white snow beautiful, I don't dislike it at all"Uh huh, and if you can put the pieces together, you find that he's really saying that she is beautiful and he doesn't dislike her at all. Yeah, hes not going to say "I love you CC", hes not that kind of guy, his pride gets in the way of that, so much that he almost loses her in the second season. Also in this little time frame, Lelouch learns something that not many people know. He learns CC's true name. This however isn't revealed to us and is blocked by a pretty annoying water drop. There is one question however that I would have for this scene. That is why did CC say,"You finally called me by my name"Was she referring to lelouch at the time or was she recalling one of her memories? If every drop of water in that episode was a time they said her name it could be possible that she just happened to blurt her name out and him go "???????!". Yeah, just wanted to point that out. So then again, when they are in the cave, it was the first real time they ever interacted with each other and CC says something that ill bring up. After Lelouch learns her name, she wishes for him to call her once more, in a kind and gentle way, just as her lover would. Doesn't this mean something? I think it does. If you watch the final scene of the last episode and listen closely, don't you think that CC is calling lelouchs name in a kind and gentle way, just as his lover would? Ntm CC is as happy as she can be giving of a little giggle. Yeah, that's how I think it was; they both didn't have names anymore, so CC wished to call for him. It all works out =].
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