ماهو المستوى بالنسبة لي? كل المهارات المستوى الرابع ? اريد عند الظهر انا لا اريد وقت كامل .كذالك والدتي نفس الشئ هل تنصحيني ان اكون عند صف جون ? ماذا تنصحيني?
What is the level for me?Every fourth level skills?I want at noon I don't want full time. are my mother the same thing.Do you advise me to be when John row?What's your advice?
What is the level for me? All the skills the fourth level? I want at noon I do not want full - time .kmalk my mother the same thing : Do Tnsahana to be when John row? Why Tnsahana?
What is the standard for me!Each skill level fourthI I don"t want full time. At noon, my mother the same.I advice that I am at John row!What do you advice!