استيقظ على الساعة السابعة صباحا و اذهب الى المدرسة ثم اعود على الساعة الرابعة و احل واجباتي ثم اشاهد التلفاز ثم العب قليلا ثم ادخل الى البيت فاتناول وجبة العشاء و انام ....
I wake up at 7 in the morning and go to school and then go back to 4: solve my homework and then watch tv and play a little bit and then get home, eat dinner and sleep.
I wake up at seven o'clock in the morning and go to school and then come back at four o'clock and disband my duties then I watch a little TV and then play then enter into the house Vatnol dinner and sleep ....
I get up at 7:00 in the morning and go to school and come back at fourth and do my homework. Then I watch TV, and play a bit, and then go home Fatnawl the evening meal and sleep.