4- تقديم طلب الادراج في البورصة مرفقا به نسخة طبق الاصل من القرار الصا ترجمة - 4- تقديم طلب الادراج في البورصة مرفقا به نسخة طبق الاصل من القرار الصا الإنجليزية كيف أقول

4- تقديم طلب الادراج في البورصة مرف

4- تقديم طلب الادراج في البورصة مرفقا به نسخة طبق الاصل من القرار الصادر من الجمعية العمومية او مجلس الادارة او المؤسسين حسب الاحوال - بالموافقة على ادراج وتداول الاسهم على اللوحة الرئيسية للتداول في البورصة ، مرفقا به عقد عقد التأسيس والنظام الأساسي للشركة مع كافة وثائق التأسيس والترخيص الأخرى.

5- توقيع اتفاقية الادراج مع البورصة قبل تاريخ بدء التداول كحد اقصى طبقا للنموذج المنصوص عليه ضمن اللوائح الصادرة عن البورصة.

6- توقيع اتفاقية الايداع والتسجيل الالكتروني للاسهم الصادرة عن الشركة مع نظام التسوية والتقاص والايداع والسجل المركزي طبقا لنموذج الذي يعده النظام حسب متطلبات المادة 94 من قانون المصرف المنصوص عليها ضمن لوائح وادلة التشغيل الصادرة عن النظام قبل تاريخ موافقة البورصة على طلب الادراج كحد اقصى.

7- يجوز للبورصة طلب تعيين وكيل ادراج للعمل نيابة عن الشركة المصدرة في علاقاتها مع البورصة بموجب الشروط والمتطلبات التي تحددها البورصة.

8- الالتزام بتطبيق متطلبات معايير الشفافية والافصاح والنشر ومعايير حوكمة الشركات الصادرة عن مصرف البحرين المركزي الخاصة بالشركات المساهمة المدرجة، حسب الانظمة والآليات المنصوص عليها في اللوائح الصادرة عن البورصة.

9- يكون تداول الاسهم الصادرة عن الشركة وتسجيلها وايداعها ونقل ملكيتها وتقاصها وتسويتها وقيد الرهن والحجز عليها طبقا لشروط التقاص بموجب عقد السوق المنصوص عليه في المادة 108 من قانون المصرف.

10- أية شروط أخرى يقررها مصرف البحرين المركزي من وقت لآخر.

من: -
إلى: -
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
4. submit application for listing on the stock exchange with a replica of the decision of the General Assembly or the Board or the founders as the case-to approve the listing and trading of shares on the main Board of the stock exchange, along with holding the memorandum of Association and articles of association with all documents of incorporation and licensing.5. the signing of an agreement with the stock exchange listing before the start date of the maximum trading according to the form provided for under regulations issued by the stock exchange.6. the signing of the Convention on electronic filing and registration of shares issued by the company with the settlement and clearing, depository and central registry according to the model of the system according to the requirements of section 94 of the code of the Bank provided for within regulations and manuals issued by the system before the date of approval by the stock exchange listing application Max. 7. to request the appointment of an agent insert for work on behalf of the company in relations with the stock under the conditions and requirements specified by the Exchange.8. the obligation to apply the requirements of the standards of transparency and disclosure, publishing and corporate governance standards issued by the Central Bank of Bahrain for listed companies, according to the regulations and mechanisms provided for in the regulations.9. the trading of shares issued by the company and its registration, deposit, transfer and tkasha settlement and under foreclosure and seizure according to conditions set under a market provided for in article 108 of the code of the Bank.10. any other conditions established by the Central Bank of Bahrain from time to time.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
4. Submission of application for listing on the Stock Exchange accompanied by a replica of the decision of the General Assembly or the Board of Directors or the founders as the case - to approve the listing and trading of shares on the main board of the trading on the stock exchange, accompanied by the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of the company with all the documents of incorporation and other licensing. 5. Signature with the exchange agreement before the start of trading history of a maximum in accordance with the model provided for in the regulations issued by the stock exchange. 6. signing of the deposit agreement and electronic registration of shares issued by the Company with the settlement system, clearing and depository and central registry in accordance with the model prepared by the system as Article 94 of the Bank provided for by the law of the requirements within the regulations and guides operating from the system before the date of the stock exchange approval of the listing application max. 7 may Stock Exchange request appointment of an agent to include work on behalf of the exporting company in its relations with the stock market under the conditions and requirements set by the stock exchange. 8 - the obligation to apply transparency and disclosure and publication and governance standards issued by the Central Bank of Bahrain private companies, shareholding companies listed standards requirements, according to regulations and mechanisms provided for in the regulations issued by the stock exchange. 9. be trading shares issued by the Company, registration and deposit and transfer of ownership and Tqasa and settled under the mortgage and seizure According to the terms of clearing the market under the contract provided for in Article 108 of the Bank Act. 10. any other conditions stipulated by the Central Bank of Bahrain from time to time.

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
4. Application for listing on the stock market with a replica of the decision by the general assembly or the board of directors or co founded by approval. The inclusion of stock trading on the exchange trading board, accompanied byThe establishment and the statute of the company with all the other incorporation documents and license.

5. The signing of the listing with the stock market before the start of trading at maximum, in accordance with the model set out in the regulations issued by the stock exchange.

6. The signing of the electronic filing and registration of shares issued by the company with the settlement system Waltqas and deposit and the central record according to the system's model according to the requirements of Article 94 of the the bank provided for in the regulations, evidence
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
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