للتخلص من وجود القاعده في وطننا هو مساعدة المؤسسات العسكريه وستئصال جذور هذا النوع من السرطان نحن اليمنين قمنا بنشر الوعي بيت الناس من خلال الشرح والخطر من وجود القاعده
To get rid of Al-Qaeda presence in our country is the assistance of military westaesal the roots of this kind of cancer we have published its awareness of the House people through explanation and threat from the presence of Al-Qaeda
To get rid of the existence of the rule in our country is to help the military institutions and eradication roots of this type of cancer we've Yemeni people by spreading awareness of the house during the commentary and the danger of the presence of the base
To get rid of a rule in our country's military institutions, this type of cancer, we Wstysal roots we raise awareness of Yemeni people house by explaining the risk of an algorithm