في يوم من الايام ذهبت الى السوق وتفاجات بصديقتي بسوق وسررت برويتها فجلست معها وتكلمنا وتذكرنا ايام الماضي وتذكرنا ذلك اليوم الذي رايتها اول مرة في ايام المدرسة
One day I went to the market surprised by my girlfriend's nice and market told you I sat with her and we talked and reminiscent of days past and remind us of the day when I first saw her at school.
One day I went to the market and was surprised and pleased Bsidikta market Breuetha sat and talked with them and remind us of the past days remind us of the day when I first saw it in the days of school
One day, I went to the market Wtfajat girlfriend, I was delighted Brwytha market I sat with them over the last days remind us that day, I saw her first time at school.