Permeation: Grout is injected into the soil at low pressure and fills  ترجمة - Permeation: Grout is injected into the soil at low pressure and fills  الإنجليزية كيف أقول

Permeation: Grout is injected into

Permeation: Grout is injected into the soil at low pressure and fills the voids without significantly changing the soil’s structure or volume. Wide varieties of binders are used with this grouting technique. The choice of the binder is dictated mainly by the permeability of the soil. [Generally, water and cement mixtures are used where the coefficient of permeability is greater than 1 x 10-2 cm/sec. More expensive resin-based grouts are used for permeabilities as low as 1 x 10-6 cm/sec. Soils with permeabilities less than 1 x 10-6 cm/sec are normally not groutable by permeation.]
Compaction Grouting: A highly viscous grout with high internal friction is injected into a compactable soil. The grout acts as a radial, hydraulic jack and physically displaces the soil particles; thus achieving controlled densification.
Claquage: Grout is injected into the soil at a high pressure through a special valved tube, thereby hydrofacturing the soil. The resulting fissures are filled with the grout and the surrounding soil is modified to create a densified mass.
Jet Grouting: This system differs substantially from the other ground improvement or ground modification techniques - it breaks up the soil structure completely and performs deep soil mixing to create a homogeneous soil, which in turn solidifies. The jet grouting technique can be used regardless of soil, permeability, or grain size distribution. In theory, it is possible to improve most soils, from soft clays and silts to sands and gravels by jet grouting. Although it is possible to inject any binder, in practice, water-cement mixtures are normally used. Where impermeabilization of the soil is required, water-cement-bentonite mixtures are typically used.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Permeation: Grout is injected into the soil at low pressure and fills the voids without significantly changing the soil's structure or volume. Wide varieties of binders are used with this grouting technique. The choice of the binder is dictated mainly by the permeability of the soil. [Generally, water and cement mixtures are used where the coefficient of permeability is greater than 1 x 10-2 cm/sec. More expensive resin-based grouts are used for permeabilities as low as 1 x 10-6 cm/sec. Soils with permeabilities less than 1 x 10-6 cm/sec are normally not groutable by permeation.] Compaction Grouting: A highly viscous grout with high internal friction is injected into a compactable soil. The grout acts as a radial, hydraulic jack and physically displaces the soil particles; thus achieving controlled densification. Claquage: Grout is injected into the soil at a high pressure through a special valved tube, thereby hydrofacturing the soil. The resulting fissures are filled with the grout and the surrounding soil is modified to create a densified mass. Jet Grouting: This system differs substantially from the other ground improvement or ground modification techniques - it breaks up the soil structure completely and performs deep soil mixing to create a homogeneous soil, which in turn solidifies. The jet grouting technique can be used regardless of soil, permeability, or grain size distribution. In theory, it is possible to improve most soils, from soft clays and silts to sands and gravels by jet grouting. Although it is possible to inject any binder, in practice, water-cement mixtures are normally used. Where impermeabilization of the soil is required, water-cement-bentonite mixtures are typically used.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Permeation: Grout is injected into the soil at low pressure and fills the voids without significantly changing the soil's structure or volume. Wide varieties of binders are used with this grouting technique. The choice of the binder is dictated mainly by the permeability of the soil. [Generally, water and cement mixtures are used where the coefficient of permeability is greater than 1 x 10-2 cm / sec. More expensive resin-based grouts are used for permeabilities as low as 1 x 10-6 cm / sec. Permeabilities with less Soils than 1 x 10-6 cm / sec are On normally not Groutable by vBulletin® permeation.]
Compaction Grouting: A highly viscous grout with high internal friction is injected into a compactable soil. The grout acts as a radial, hydraulic jack and physically displaces the soil particles; Achieving controlled Densification Thus.
Claquage: Grout is injected into the soil at a high pressure thru a special Valved tube, Thereby Hydrofacturing the soil. The Resulting Fissures are On filled with the grout and the surrounding soil is modified to create a densified by mass. The
Jet Grouting: This system Differs Substantially from the : other ground improvement or ground modification techniques - it breaks up the soil structure completely and performs by deep soil mixing to create a homogeneous soil, which in turn solidifies. The jet grouting technique can be used regardless of soil, permeability, or grain size distribution. In theory, it is possible to improve most soils, from soft clays and silts to sands and gravels by jet grouting. Although it is possible to inject any binder , in practice, water-cement mixtures are normally used. Where impermeabilization of the soil is required, water-cement-bentonite mixtures are typically used.
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