في ليلة من الليالي الحالكة ذهبت طفلة مع أبيها يستلقيان بجانب أمواج الب ترجمة - في ليلة من الليالي الحالكة ذهبت طفلة مع أبيها يستلقيان بجانب أمواج الب الإنجليزية كيف أقول

في ليلة من الليالي الحالكة ذهبت طفل

في ليلة من الليالي الحالكة ذهبت طفلة مع أبيها يستلقيان بجانب أمواج البحر الهادئه ونسيم الهواء يداعب قطرات الماء فكان الجو لطيف يميل للبرودة يتأملان السماء التي يميل لونها للسواد وتلك النجوم تتلألأ في أعلاها كأنها تخبرهما مدى جمالها ولكن القمر كان أجمل مقطع فبينما قطرات الماء تنعشهما والنسيم يحملهما الا وذلك القمر الذي ينير ضوءه السجادة الزرقاء فيترك بنوره لون سماوي في غاية الجمال، يا له من منظر ..
كانت الطفلة مولعة بالقمر بكل جوانبه ومدى روعته فكل ليلة قبل أن تنام تتأمل هذه الكرة المنيرة ولكن في ليلة من الليالي حدث موقف يفوق الخيال فإذا بضوء في غاية القوة يدخل من نافذتها رأت ذلك الضوء اقتربت منه شيئا فشيئا ألا وهو القمر بذاته لا تكاد تصدق ما تراه ولكنه اقترب منها وكأنه يطلب منها الصعود فوق سطحه المشع صعدت الطفلة وهي لا تعلم أين يقودها مضحية بحياتها ...
صعدت فوقه وهو يستعد للإقلاع اقلع عن نافذة غرفتها وقد غمرتها السعادة فرأت كل شيء كأنه نمل يتحرك ، تجوب أفكارها مئات الأسئلة تبحث في فؤادها عن تلك الأجوبة ...
كان أجمل ما رأته يوما فقد اقتربت من النجوم وهنالك تلمس آمالها الآفاق هواءً بارداً منعشاً نقياً
سماءً صافية زرقاء اللون وكأنها كانت وحيدة ليس معها احد تفكر في خيالها بعمق وتسبح فيه
أرجعها القمر إلى بيتها و دار طفولتها شكرته من أعماق قلبها وبذالك كانت أول من تلامس القمر ...
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
In the dark night I went with her daughter they lie down beside the quiet sea waves and air breeze caress the drops of water, the atmosphere was cute tends to examine the sky cold tends to color black and the stars sparkle at the top like they tell them how its beauty but the Moon was beautiful clip while the water drops and refresh them Breeze only issue and the Moon that illuminates the light blue carpet, leaves, light cyan of great beauty, what a sight..The child was fascinated by the Moon in all its aspects and how fabulous it every night before you sleep reflect this ball illuminating but at night an event unimaginable position a light so strong that enters from her window she saw that light approached him slowly, the moon itself hardly believe what you see, but approached them like a climb up the required surface irradiated stepped up the girl and did not know where led by sacrificial life...Stepped over it and is getting ready to quit quit her window was hit happiness saw everything like a numbness that moves, scouring hundreds of questions looking for ideas in her heart about those answers ... ....What she saw was the most beautiful days have approached the stars and touch the cool refreshing air horizons hopes pureBlue skies like the single with no one thinking of their imagination depth and swim in itReturned by the moon to her home and her childhood House thanked him wholeheartedly webzalk was the first to touch the moon ...
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
On the night of nights dark I went a child with her ​​father Estelkien next to the waves of the sea calm air and breeze flirts with water droplets was the atmosphere nice tends to cooler Atamlan sky that tends to color the blackness and those stars sparkle at the top like a Takbarhama extent of its beauty, but the moon was the most beautiful section while water droplets Tnachehema breeze Ihamlhma But as the moon that illuminates its light carpet blue gives up his light cyan color of great beauty, what a view ..
the girl was fascinated by the moon in all its aspects and the extent of splendor Every night before going to sleep contemplating this luminous ball, but on the night of the nights event position unimaginable If light in the very force enters from her window saw the light approached him slowly, namely the moon itself is hardly believe what you see, but approached her and if he was asking them to climb above the surface irradiated stepped child she does not know where driven by sacrificing her life ...
stepped on it as he prepares for takeoff Quit from her window was flooded happiness and saw everything like ants moving, scouring ideas hundreds of questions looking at Vaadha those answers ...
was the most beautiful thing she had seen days have approached the stars, there is a touch hopes prospects cold air refreshing pure
clear blue sky color like they were a single with no one think of her imagination and swim in it deeply
Moon returned to her home and her childhood house thanked him from the depths of her heart and Booze was the first to touch the moon ...
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
In the dark night of nights girl went with her father Ystlqyan beside the waves of the sea, quiet and the air is moved by water droplets and air breeze gentle inclined cooler Ytamlan heaven which tends and a down and the stars twinkle in the top.How beautiful but beautiful moon clip while the water drops Tnshhma breeze carried only by the moon that illuminates her light blue carpet lets his light cyan color are beautiful. And what a scene.
.The girl fond of the moon in all its aspects and how great he every night before you sleep with this luminous ball but one night stand happened beyond belief, if a light. Very powerful light enters from the window saw approached him slowly, and it isItself not hardly believe what you see, but he approached her as if asked to climb above the surface is irradiated romping girl she doesn't know where is driven by process sacrifice their lives.I
I stepped over it and prepares to take off get off the window of her room was flooded by the happiness she felt something like a ant moves, scouring hundreds of questions addressed in her thoughts her heart for the answer... "It was the most beautiful thing she had seen days, close to the stars and touch their prospects air cool refreshing. Pure
all pure blue sky like she was alone, not with her. Thinking deeply, imagination and swims in it
The moon back to her house and house of childhood I thanked him heartily Wbdhalk was the first to touch the moon.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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