النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 3:
To me Aldaeyna at Allah, Alaeslaamu wa Akhtalafa Alaadheyna Auwtuwa Alketaaba Aelaaa from Bade never Jaaahumu Alelmu Baghyana Baynahum Waman Yakfur Beayaate Allah Faaenaa Allaaha SareyuHe says
Waman Yabtaghe ghayra Alaeslaame Deynana Falan Yuqbala minhu wa huwa at Alakherate of Alkhaasereyna
One religion and one God Allah - Islam - Fdyn is Islam. All the prophets from Adam to Muhammad the last prophet peace be upon him (he says) and we sent a messenger to you only, suggesting that there is no God but me, so worship me.
Fdyn is Islam (Abraham and Jacob and his sons with him his hand he converted to Islam, Lord of the worlds, Wwsy by Abraham and his sons, Jacob, son. God has chosen your religion, but there is no Tmwtn
you are MuslimsReligion is Islam (Noah (the pay what you asked, the only God, and ordered the Muslims to be)
And Moses was Islam (O people, if ye have believed in Allah, then trust that you are Muslims. "Is Islam the religion of Jesus who the security dialogues (believed in God and us Muslims)
And Moses did the Security Wizard is Islam (Lord I have patience Wtwfna Islam (Muslims) and Solomon when sent to the queen of Sheba is not superior. Watwny Muslims) and the messenger of Allah, Muhammad is said to be the counterpart to them (and I was sent to transact morals)It was Islam, which calls for diabetes since Adam. Only a messenger, messengers and Muhammad (
).Inviting all the prophets one there is no God but Allah has sent a messenger to you only, suggesting that there is no God but me Messenger, so worship me I'm the first people of God - Jesus the son of Mary, in this world and the next, and prophets are paternal brothers and their mother allOne and another story we're socialized prophets are paternal brothers one of our said Al Hafiz Ibn Hajar Allah's mercy:
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..