الهدف الوظيفي : ـ لا يهمني العمل بشركة كبيرة , أو صغيرة بقدر ما يهمني التَّناغم بيني وبين الموظَّفين , و أن يدفعني مديري للأمام و يحمسني ؛ لأحقق التميُّز و التَّطوُّر في عملي
Career goal:I don't work for a large company, or as much as I care about the harmony between me and the staff, and that drives me forward and enthuse me managers to achieve excellence and practical evolution
Career goal: I do not care to work a large company, or as small as I care about harmony between me and the staff, and that drives me forward and managers Ihamsna; to realize excellence and evolution in my work
Job Objective: - I don't work with a large company or small, as far as I Altaanaghm myself and reside, and that drives me forward and managers Yhmsny to be specific, Altaatwaur.