--لماذا ظهر

--لماذا ظهر "الإرهاب" في سيناء وارت

--لماذا ظهر "الإرهاب" في سيناء وارتفعت قدرات حماس فقط بعد دخول الجيش!---
النظام المصري يدفع بميليشياته الإعلامية كي تروج لأفكاره وأجنداته أهمها أن "الإرهاب" في سيناء هو نتيجة "معاهدة كامب دايفد" التي تحفظت على وجود قوات حربية مقاتلة في الجزء المتاخم للحدود الإسرائيلية الحالية...
-------------------توقيع كامب دافيد عام 1977 أي منذ 37 عام!-------------------
حوالي 35 عام لم يتواجد فيها الجيش المصري بالقرب من الحدود الإسرائيلية ولم نسمع ولم نرَ أي جماعات إرهابية إلا نادراً في عمليات محدودة للجيش المصري بإمكانيات ضئيلة وكذلك الحال بالنسبة لتسليح حماس وتدريبها.
ثم تتحايل مصر وتقوم ببعض العمليات الوهمية باختطاف جنود وإقناع إسرائيل أن هؤلاء الإرهابيين سوف يستهدفون أمنها وبالفعل قاموا ببعض العمليات لتأكيد الفكرة الهزلية
كما قاموا بزرع بعض البدو والسماح لمهربي المخدرات أن يخترقوا الحدود كي يقعوا "بالصدفة" في يد إسرائيل والتي لم تكن لتفلت هذه الفرصة كي تعلم ما يحدث على أرض الواقع أو بمعنى آخر الحصول على دليل مادي تستطيع به دحض الرواية المصرية وهذا مؤكد...
بالطبع يقوم عملاء النظام المصري من البدو بإخبار إسرائيل بما تريد مصر أن تخبرها به وتؤكده...
وسواء أبلعت إسرائيل الطعم أو لم تبلعه (حيث أن هناك العديد من أذكى رجال الأجهزة االأمنية في العالم في إسرائيل وأنا أشهد بذلك), تسمح إسرائيل بدخول عدد محدود من العدد والعتاد والأفراد وسواء زاد عددهم أم قل فإن إسرائيل لن تسمح إلا بدخول العدد الذي تستطيع إبادته في ثوانٍ معدودة, ...، كما أعتقد...
تطمع مصر في "الكرم" أو بمعنى أصح "الكمين" الإسرائيلي وتخلق ما يسمى بالتنظيم الإرهابي البسيط ذو التسليح البسيط والعمليات المتواضعة وتطلب دخول المزيد من أفراد وعتاد الجيش المصري والإقتراب أكثر من حدود غزة (إسرائيل) ..........وتسمح لها إسرائيل smile emoticon
هنا يبدأ تسليح حماس وحصولها بشكل مستمر وغير عادي على صواريخ ذات مدى أطول وقدرات عسكرية تقترب من قدرات من يقومون بتدريبهم من الصاعقة المصرية (التي تم إدخالها للبحث عن المخطوفين ولم يعودوا جميعاً...بل دخلوا غزة فعلياً عبر أنفاق المخابرات الحربية الرحبة (كما وصفها في تسجيل لدي لواء المخابرات العسكرية محمود زاهر والتي يتم منها إدخال العدة والعتاد و"خلافه" إلى غزة...
كان من المفترض أن دخول الجيش المصري سوف يؤدي حتماً (طبقاً للفرية المصرية) إلى القضاء على "الإرهابيين الوحشين" ونسف ""كافة"" الأنفاق كما أكدت مصر أكثر من مرة بالكذب
إزداد عدد "الإرهابيين" وزادت معه العمليات العسكرية (أقصد الإرهابية حسب الرواية الهندية) وكلا الفريقين يلبس حلل الجيش المصري ويستخدم نفس سلاحه! وهذه لا تعدو أكثر من تدريبات بالذخيرة الحية ولا مانع من قتل الأبناء المصريين الغلابة، وبالطبع معهم كل المعارضين (ومن يعلو صوتهم بالرفض) لأفعال الجيش الدموية القذرة في حق شباب المجندين الذين تستغل أجسادهم وأرواحهم من أجل "الحبكة الدرامية" للفيلم الدموي القذر لجرائم حرب مع سبق الإصرار والترصد :((
فقط وبعد هدوء 35 عام لا تتواجد فيها القوات المصرية في سيناء، تبدأ الهستريا والإرهاب المدعى عليه زوراً وبهتاناً وقتل الأبرياء من البدو والمجندين وغيرهم وكأنهم دجاج يذبح على عتبة الأطماع الإمبريالية والمخطط الإرهابي الذي تقوده مصر في كافة الدول التي تريد احتلالها مثل سوريا (والعين عليها منذ زمن...) بل والشام كله وأرض الحجاز والسودان...إلخ
هذه العصابة الإجرامية التي تستحل سفك الدماء بدعوى """"نضحي بشوية"""" عشان الباقي يموت برده من أجل قتل آخرين وسرقة أموالهم ""اللي زي الرز"" وكل هذا من أجل من؟ من أجل عصابة المافيا الإجرامية المرتزقة وعبدة الشيطان فقط لا غير!
الشيطان (وأقسم بالله أن من رواء الخطط المصرية خادم الشيطان أ.ك. وأعوانهم الملاحيس عقلياً يريد الهيمنة على كافة الأماكن المقدسة التي يذكر فيها إسم ربنا بأي لغة كان!
منذ دخول الجيش المصري إلى سيناء والقتلى تتساقط و"الإرهاب الميري" في ازدياد والمعدات تتكدس والبشر يتساقطون إرضاء لفئة بلطجية مسعورة مختلة عقليًا :((
"أَلَمْ أَعْهَدْ إِلَيْكُمْ يٰبَنِيۤ ءَادَمَ أَن لاَّ تَعْبُدُواْ ٱلشَّيطَانَ إِنَّهُ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ مُّبِينٌ * وَأَنِ ٱعْبُدُونِي هَـٰذَا صِرَاطٌ مُّسْتَقِيمٌ * وَلَقَدْ أَضَلَّ مِنْكُمْ جِبِلاًّ كَثِيراً أَفَلَمْ تَكُونُواْ تَعْقِلُونَ * هَـٰذِهِ جَهَنَّمُ ٱلَّتِي كُنتُمْ تُوعَدُونَ"

هذه هي معركتكم الحقيقية فلا تضحوا بدنياكم وآخرتكم من أجل أوهام سيتنصل منها الملعونون المختلون عقليًا يوم الدين.
"وَكُلُّهُمْ آتِيهِ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ فَرْدًا" فاسأل نفسك قبل أن تمتد يدك بقتل بشر، أي بشر، ماذا سيكون مصيرك أنت وقد عاونت الشيطان وسفكت الدماء! فإن "الجنة" لا تُشترى بصكوك الغفران.
نهى حشاد

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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
-Why "terrorism" appeared in the Sinai Peninsula and the Hamas capacity rose only after entering the army!--.The Egyptian regime argues his militia media to promote their ideas and their most important "terrorism" in the Sinai is the result of a "Camp David" military forces entered combat in part adjacent to the Israeli border ... .-------------------Sign Camp David in 1977 from 37 year!-------------------.About 35 a year where the Egyptian army near the Israeli border and haven't heard, haven't seen any terrorist groups but rarely in limited operations to the Egyptian army with little possibilities as well as arming and training Hamas. .Then dodges Egypt and some bogus kidnapping soldiers and persuade Israel that terrorists will target its security and already have some processes to confirm the idea of comics .They also planted some Bedouins and allowing drug traffickers to breach the border to fall "by chance" in the hands of Israel which did not escape this opportunity to learn what is happening on the ground or in other words get physical evidence could disprove his Egyptian novels, that is for sure. .Of course the Egyptian Bedouins system clients telling Israel what you want Egypt to tell her and confirmed by ... .Whether Israel was informed of the bait or not swallow him (as there are many of the smartest men in the world aalamnet devices in Israel, I bear witness), Israel allowed the entry of a limited number of gear and either increased or reduced, that Israel will not allow the entry number that extinction in just a few seconds, ... , I think ... .Covet in Egypt "vineyard" or "ambush" healthier and creates a so-called terrorist organization is simple with simple valves and modest operations and request more personnel and equipment to the Egyptian military and approaching over the Gaza border (Israel) ... ... .... It allows Israel smile emoticon .Here begins the arming of Hamas and continuously and unusual missiles with longer ranges and military capabilities approaching the capabilities of those who trained the Thunderbolt (entered to search for kidnapped and ceased all ... But actually entered Gaza through tunnels vast military intelligence (as described in the registration to the military intelligence Brigade Mahmud Zaher which are introduction preparing gear and "succession" to Gaza. .He was supposed to enter the Egyptian army will inevitably (according to Egyptian village) to eliminate "terrorists" and "revelation" all "" Egypt also confirmed spending most of the time lying.-------------------------------------------ولكن----------------------------------------.The number of "terrorists" with increased military operations (by terrorist I mean Indian novel) and both teams wear the Egyptian army and analyzed using the same gun! This is nothing more than a training exercise with live ammunition and don't mind killing children overriding and, of course, Egyptians with all opponents (and louder voice rejection) of bloody army dirty against young recruits who are exploiting their bodies and souls for "plot, dramatic" bloody film dirty war crimes of premeditated:(( .Only after calm 35 year where Egyptian forces in the Sinai, starts the hysteria and terrorism defendant falsely and wrongly killed innocent Bedouin recruits and others like chickens slaughtered on the threshold of imperialist ambitions and terrorist led by Egypt in all States that want the occupation such as Syria (and eye it long ago ...) but the whole Sham Mahara and Sudan. Etc.This criminal gang find sweet bloodshed "" "" "" Grill "sacrifice" because the rest die Barda for killing others and steal their money "" Elly zee "rice and all this for? For the criminal mafia gang of mercenaries and Satanists only! .The Devil (I swear to God that the wealthy Egyptian Devil server plans, a. k. and their mentally almlahais wants to dominate all the sacred places that mention the name of our Lord in any language! .Since entering the Egyptian army to Sinai and deaths are falling, "miry" rising and falling equipment and accumulate human beings pleasing to mad thugs class mentally unbalanced:(( . "I commend to you Adam يٰبنيۤ that do not worship ٱلشيطان that you indicated enemy and ٱعبدوني this straight path * and I have a much better of you has you understand * this hell ٱلتي they promise you"This is the real battle is not up to worldly interests and she delaied you to illusions will disavow them mentally maudits on religion. . "All coming day of judgment people" ask yourself before you stretch your hand to kill human beings, i.e. human beings, what will be your fate you have helped the devil and shed blood! The "paradise" does not buy indulgences.Noha hashad
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
--lmama The back of "terrorism" in the Sinai and the increased capabilities of Hamas only after the entry of the army! ---
Egyptian regime pays his militia media to promote his ideas and Ojindath most important is that "terrorism" in the Sinai is the result of "the Camp David treaty," which expressed reservations on the presence of military personnel, fighter in part adjacent to the current Israeli border ...
------------------- signing of the Camp David in 1977 which since 37 years! ---------- ---------
about 35 years in the Egyptian army did not exist near the Israeli border did not hear and did not see any terrorist groups only rarely limited operations in the Egyptian army, as well as the potential of a small case for Hamas to arm and train.
then dodges Egypt and the some phantom operations abducted soldiers and to convince Israel that these terrorists will target the security and already have some operations to confirm the idea comics
They also planted some Bedouins and allow drug traffickers to penetrate the border to fall "by chance" in the hands of Israel, which were not to slip this opportunity to learn what is happening on the ground or in other words get the physical evidence can refute its Egyptian novel and this is certain ...
Of course the Egyptian regime's agents from Israel's Bedouins tell Egypt what you want him to tell her and confirmed ...
Whether Israel Obelat taste or not Thblah (where there are many of the smartest men devices Aalomnah in the world in Israel and I bear witness to do so), Israel will allow the entry of a limited number of number gear, individuals and both increased their number or say Israel will not allow only enter the number that you can extermination in just a few seconds, ..., as I think ...
covet Egypt in the "generosity" or rather "ambush" the Israeli and creates so-called terrorist organization with a simple reinforcement simple and modest operations and requests entry of more members of the Egyptian army and materiel and more approaching the Gaza border (Israel) ..... ..... and allow it to Israel smile emoticon
Here begins the arming of Hamas and access on an ongoing basis and unusual on longer-term military capabilities closer to the capabilities of those who trained Egyptian Thunderbolt missiles (that have been made ​​to search for the abducted and did not return, but all ... They entered Gaza effectively through tunnels Military Intelligence spacious (as described in the record I have a brigade of military intelligence Mahmoud Zaher and that is including the introduction of the kit and gear and "otherwise" to Gaza ...
It was supposed that the Egyptian army entry will inevitably lead (according to the Egyptian libel) to eliminate the "beasts terrorists" and blow up "" all "" tunnels Egypt also confirmed more than once The number of "terrorists" and has increased his military operations (I mean terrorist by the Indian novel) and both teams wore analyzed the Egyptian army and uses the same weapon! This is nothing more than exercises with live ammunition and do not mind killing children Egyptians overriding, and of course with all opponents (and above the voices of rejection ) acts bloody army dirty in the right of young recruits who exploit their bodies and souls for the "dramatic plot" bloody film dirty war crimes with premeditation: (( . Only after a lull of 35 in the Egyptian forces do not exist in the Sinai, hysteria and terror begins defendant falsely and the killing of innocent Bedouin recruits and others as if they were chickens slaughtered on the ambitions of imperialism threshold terrorist planner who led Egypt in all countries that want to occupy such as Syria (and the eye upon a long time ago ...) and even the Levant whole and the land of Hijaz and Sudan ... etc . This gang criminal, which regards taking bloodshed, claiming "" "" sacrifice Bhoah "" "" Ashan rest die push in order to kill others and steal their money, "" Elly uniforms rice "" All this is of the order of? for gang criminal mafia mercenaries and Satanists just do not is ! . Satan (and I swear to God that of Roa Egyptian plans aka Satan server And their associates Almlahis mentally wants to dominate the all holy places where our Lord name mentioned in any language was! . Since entering the Egyptian army into the Sinai and the dead are falling and "Miri terrorism" is on the rise and equipment piling up and people are falling satisfy class thugs frenzied mentally disturbed: (( . 'pain I entrust to you Adam builds that do not serve the ٱheitan he is to you an avowed enemy * and ٱabdona this straight path * I have misled you a mountain much Have they not you understand? * this hell ٱlta you were promised, " This is the real your battle not Tdhawwa Bdnyakm and Akhrtkm for illusions Seatonsal them damned Almokhtlon mentally Day of Judgment. . "and all of them will come to the Day of Judgment people" ask yourself before you stretch your hand to kill humans, any humans, what would be your destiny you have helped the Devil and shed blood! "the Paradise" is not bought instruments forgiveness. forbade Hached

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
- why is he "terrorism" in the Sinai and the capacity of Hamas just after entering the army!
The Egyptian Bmylyshyath paid media to promote his ideas Wajndath, mainly to "terrorism" in the Sinai is a "Treaty of Camp David," which had made reservations to the troops war fighting in the part adjacent to the Israeli border.

.----- 1977 signed the Camp David 37 years ago! -----
For about 35 years where there was an Egyptian army near the Israeli border, we did not see any terrorist groups, but rarely in the limited to the Egyptian army with little as to arm and train the enthusiasm.
Then you Egypt some pseudo operations are kidnapped soldiers and to convince Israel that terrorists will target its security and operations had been undertaken to confirm the idea.
They planted some Bedouin allowing drug traffickers to break through the limits to fall "by chance" by Israel, which was not Ltflt this opportunity to learn what the reality on the ground or otherwise obtained physical evidence could disprove the novelThat's for sure...
of course being agents of the Egyptian Bedouins tell Israel wanted Egypt to tell her and asserts...
; Israel informed the bait or not you swallow. (since there are many clever men in Israel and I bear witness that Aalamnyt devices in the world.Israel allows access to a limited number of numbers and equipment and whether increased or decreased, it will only allow an entry number which can in just a few seconds. To..., I think...
You don't think of Egypt's "generosity" or rather "ambush," Israel and the so-called terrorist organisation with a simple reinforcement, simple and modest, asks enter more personnel and equipment of the Egyptian army Walaqtrab over the borders of Gaza (Israel).The Israel smile emoticon
Here begins the arming of Hamas and the continuous and regular firing capabilities and extended range of military capabilities approaching those of trains was the Egyptian commandos. To search for kidnapped and they are no longer together.But actually entered Gaza through the tunnels of the military intelligence the spacious (as described in the record I have military intelligence brigade Mahmoud Zaher and incorporating gear ". Otherwise," to the Gaza Strip.
I was supposed to enter the Egyptian army (according to the Egyptian Llfryt) will inevitably lead to eliminate "terrorists," "ugly" and "all" the tunnels, as well as the Egypt most of the time.
but navy NCLs Naval Criminal
There has been an increase in the number of "terrorists" and military operations (mean terrorist novel by Indian) and both teams wore analyzed the Egyptian army used his weapon!This is nothing more than live fire training exercise in mind to kill Egyptian overriding and sons, of course, with all the opponents and louder voice (rejection) of the army. Dirty blood against the young recruits who use their bodies and lives."The plot of drama" bloody film dirty war crimes with premeditation.((
Only 35 years after the calm do not exist in the Egyptian forces in the Sinai, hysteria, terrorism, the defendant falsely and killing innocent people of Bedouin soldiers, and others look like the chicken slaughtered on the threshold of the imperial ambitions, and the terroristLed by Egypt in all states that want to invade Syria (such as eyes for long time.). But all Syria and Hejaz, Sudan etc.
The criminal gang, which Tsthl bloodshed on the pretext of "" "" make "" "" because the rest Bshwyt die push for more killing and stealing their money. "Li Zi" rice "and all this for? For the Mafia gang and Satanists mercenary criminal only!
The devil behind and I swear to God that Egypt plans a servant of Satan. Their password FAQ members mentally wants to dominate all the holy places the name of the Lord in any language!
Since the entry of the Egyptian army in the Sinai and the dead are falling and terrorism "Miri" growing and piling up and dropping to satisfy a thugs rampage a Qlyana: ((
"Alam Aahad Aelaykum Ybaney Aadama to Laaa Tabuduwa Alshaaytaana him lakum enemies Maubeynun * Waaane Abuduwney haadha Seraatun Maustaqeymun * walaqad Aadalaa Menkum Jebelaaan largelyTakuwnuwa taqiluna * Hadhehe Jahanaamu Alaatey Kuntum Tuwaduwna "

This is the real don't sacrifice your battle Bdnyakm Wakhrtkm for Sytnsl illusions, it Almkhtlwn Qlyana religion
"Wakulauhum Ateyhe yawma Alqeyaamate Fardana. Ask yourself" before extending your hand to kill humans, human beings, what would be your fate. You have helped and shed blood devil! The "heaven" was bought to forgiveness.
he hashad

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